The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Queen Elizabeth II dies aged 96

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has died after a reign of 70 years. Emperor Jonathan I has announced an Empire-wide state of mourning to last until the Queen’s funeral. For the first four and a half years of the Empire of Austenasia, its entire population also owed allegiance to Queen Elizabeth as sovereign of the United Kingdom, with which all Austenasians up to that point were dual citizens. Even today, due to the various dual nationalities of all Austenasians, Elizabeth II was the joint sovereign of over a quarter of the Austenasian population (27.6%; 29 out of 105). Elizabeth II is now succeeded as monarch by her son Charles, formerly Prince of Wales, who met Crown Princess Caroline in March earlier this year. Shortly after learning of her death, Emperor Father Terry led a formal toast to the Queen’s memory in Parliament Hall. Furthermore, Lord John Gordon, Speaker of the House of Representatives, has suspended all parliamentary business. Full and official tributes to Queen Elizabeth II will be released by the Austenasian Throne and government in due course. Born on 21 April 1926, Elizabeth II became Queen upon the death of her father King George VI on 6 February 1952. As well as reigning over the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II held the thrones of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, and ten other Commonwealth Realms.

Crown Princess Caroline meets the Prince of Wales

A meeting of two heirs to the throne took place on Wednesday 9th March as HIH Crown Princess Caroline met HRH The Prince of Wales in London. Prince Charles visited St Luke’s Church in London, part of Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB), to hear about the Refugee Response programme. Refugee Response, run by HTB is working to support refugees from Ukraine and Afghanistan. Her Imperial Highness, who works at HTB and has helped with the programme, met Prince Charles during his visit to the church.