The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Imperial Family celebrates Christmas

The Christmas season has been celebrated by the Austenasian Imperial Family over the past few days. On Christmas Eve (Monday 24th), the immediate Imperial Family – consisting of Sir Terry the former Emperor, his wife Lady Margaret, and their children Crown Prince Jonathan and Princess Caroline – went out for a meal at local Carshalton pub The Racehorse to start the Christmas season, traditionally celebrated in Austenasia over the days of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Christmas Day (Tuesday 25th) commenced with the opening of presents in Parliament Hall, followed by the Imperial Family joining the population of Zephyria at the Christmas morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church. Crown Prince Jonathan accompanied the Imperial Family despite having converted to Orthodox Christianity in early 2011. Princess Caroline sung an up-beat version of Silent Night as part of the Christmas service, accompanied by two friends and with Sir Joseph the former Prince of Copan on the ukulele. The Imperial Family returned home to have a traditional Christmas dinner of roast turkey, joined for the afternoon by Dame Joyce Boxall, mother of Lady Margaret. The Imperial Residence then played host in the evening to the Allens, family friends of the Imperial Family who visited for drinks and a game of charades. Boxing Day (Wednesday 26th) saw the Boxall family (Lord Michael, brother of Lady Margaret, and his wife and children) visit the Imperial Residence for a roast dinner and a buffet supper, joined again by Dame Joyce. The popular board game Articulate was played and small presents were handed out to the guests. The Austenasian Times hopes all its readers have had a Merry Christmas, and wishes you all a happy 2013.

Lady Margaret Austen celebrates birthday

Lady Margaret Austen, Baroness of Glencrannog today celebrated her 57th birthday. Lady Margaret, 12th in Line to the Throne, was born in 1955 and married the future Emperor Terry I in 1989. She was Empress consort of Austenasia during the reign of Terry I (2008 – 2010) and is mother to Crown Prince Jonathan and Princess Caroline. Her mother Dame Joyce, brother Lord Michael (13th in Line to the Throne) and his wife Dame Rosalind visited Lady Margaret and her two children at the Imperial Residence this morning for coffee and cake, and this evening the Imperial Family ate out at an Italian restuarant in celebration of her birthday.