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The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Relations cut with Delvera following plot discovery

Emperor Jonathan I and Prime Minister Lord Admiral Kennedy yesterday announced the cutting of all diplomatic relations with Delvera after it was discovered that a member of Delveran government had attempted to provoke a coup in Austenasia. Relations between the Empire and Delvera have been strained for the past month following the reaction of the Delveran government to Jonathan I withdrawing from an online discussion group several weeks ago. It was yesterday announced that Jordan Brizendine, Delveran Minister of the Interior, had approached Iron Lord Daniel Dankovsky, Director-General of the State Intelligence Agency, and suggested he seek to have Emperor Jonathan I replaced with another member of the Line of Succession. This suggestion was of course refused and reported to the Emperor, who confronted Dylan Callahan, leader of Delvera, with the information. Callahan responded that the incident was an example of “trolling,” attempting to downplay the seriousness of the situation. As stated in the joint statement issued by the Emperor and Prime Minister yesterday evening, “whether the proposal was genuine or not, it shows Delvera to be at best unable to control the interactions of its members of government with foreign officials and at worst actively seeking to overthrow the legitimate Austenasian Monarch.” This decisions brings to an end the recent tensions between the Empire and Delvera, as all communications directly from the latter will now simply be ignored.

MicroWorld Newsbites – July 2017

DELVERA On 6 July, the Chamber of Deputies and the Concil of Governors confirmed Dylan Callahan as Consul and Casey Pemberton as President after both were elected as such the previous day. FLANDRENSIS On 30 July, the Grand Duchy announced they would no longer recognise forty two small states and micronations after they failed to reply to an “activity census”. However, this number accidentally included fully functioning states such as Juclandia and the Reylan Imperial Triumvirate, the governments of which failed to reply due to Flandrensis using outdated contact details. JUCLANDIA On 5 July, the Juclandian government announced that June 2018 will see the introduction of mandatory national service, “to ensure that all citizens enjoying full electoral rights go through basic defence training and other basic skills needed in case of catastrophe.” Citizens will serve nine months of national service, which will be spread out over three years so as to minimise its effect on the citizen’s personal life. KUMANO JIRITSU On 3 July, Hatsu Ryuho announced the dissolution of the Kumano Jiritsu Nation, admitting that out of the nation’s small population, he found it difficult to encourage people to be active within its government. MOLOSSIA On 23 July, the Molossian Navy conducted a voyage of exploration on nearby Lake Tahoe, investigating its natural and manmade features. On 29 July, President Baugh announced the initiation of a new tourist policy due to overwhelming interest. From henceforth, visitors to the Molossian capital will only be permitted on certain prescheduled Saturdays, once each month during the tourist season. WILDFLOWER MEADOWS On 29 July, Princess Hannah recieved an official seal with which all government documents shall from now on be sealed with. The seal depicts the bouquet of flowers which is featured on the principality’s flag.