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Calsahara conquered by Westarctica!

  Last Sunday, October 29th, forces of the Grand Duchy of Westarctica invaded and conquered the Realm of Calsahara. A Westarctican force of seven was led by Grand Duke Travis himself, and met with no opposition as they invaded and secured Calsahara, an area of land bordered by California. Calsahara was proclaimed a colony of Westarctica, to be administered by a Viceroy and Captain-General, the first land claim of Westarctica outside of the Antarctic continent. Calsahara was founded in November 2009 by the now Grand Duke Travis, prior to his return to the Westarctican throne. Travis reigned as King Montague until his abdication in favour of his son Nicholas in November 2014. The former King continued to control Calsahara as head of government until January 2017, when he resigned and relinquished all power to his son. However, several months of ineffective governance followed, leading Grand Duke Travis to decide that it would be in the best interests of Calsahara for it to be incorporated into Westarctica. The former King Nicholas – also a Prince of Westarctica – now serves as Viceroy of Calsahara.

MicroWorld Newsbites – May 2017

ASHUKOVO On 19 May, President Edward Jacobs announced an election to be held on 18 June, with the victor to take office the following week. One week later, a poll showed 56% of those polled supporting the Conservative Party candidate Manolis Afentoulis, who is running against Orthodox Party candidate Jacob Huff. On 22 May, Akebar – an enclave of Yorkshire with a population of 16 – was annexed by the Ashukov Federation. Akebar had previously been a part of Ashukovo before the collapse of the first incarnation of the Federation in 2015. FLANDRENSIS On 22 May, Flandrensis updated its Constitution for the ninth time since the Grand Duchy’s foundation in 2008. Two major changes concern the country’s monarchy: from now on the Grand Duke will be elected rather than inherit the throne, and the new position of Chief Magistrate replaces the monarch as head of the judiciary. The Flandrensian constitution was last replaced in July last year. GRAND UNIFIED MICRONATIONAL From 6-7 May, the GUM held its second 24 Hour Quorum, a charity event during which a conversation between at least five people was sustained for twenty four hours over Skype. Thirty three people took part, and roughly £158 ($203 USD) was raised for various charities via participants being sponsored. The first 24 Hour Quorum, on which this event was based, took place in August 2012. MERCIA On 23 May, an Act was signed granting autonomy to the Mercian territory of Uberquiesenberg, which is politically left-wing in comparison to the other areas of the country. MOLOSSIA On 26 May, Molossia celebrated its 40th anniversary; the following day, a celebration attended by over 50 people – including Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica – was held in the Republic’s Red Square with a tour, barbecue, and speech by President Baugh. A commemmorative coin and stamp have been released. SANDUS On 22 May, Sôgmô Gaius Soergel decreed that the academic robes worn at his recent university graduation will be henceforth used as his official regalia, which had previously been plain blue robes. USKOR On 23 May, Uskor implemented a policy whereby all plastic bags must be collected and recycled as part of an effort to make the country more environmentally friendly. WESTARCTICA On 24 May, Duke Wolf Tulier of Waesche stepped down as Prime Minister, a position he has held since 2010, to become Minister of Defence. Grand Duke Travis credited Tulier with “quite literally saving Westarctica from destruction”, referring to his role in combatting the instability that plagued the nation at the turn of the decade. WILDFLOWER MEADOWS On 12 May, Wildflower Meadows celebrated a year since its foundation. Princess Hannah and her fiancé Emperor Jonathan I celebrated with a meal out in Deva Victrix the previous evening, and visited Chester Meadows – the site of the principality’s foundation – on the anniversary itself.

MicroWorld Newsbites – January 2017

CALSAHARA On 24 January, Dictator for Life Travis McHenry – who formerly served as King Montague I from 2009 to 2014 – resigned as Calsahara’s head of government. The Calsarahan government is now entirely in the hands of McHenry’s son, King Nicholas. McHenry remains a Calsaharan military officer and webmaster of the nation’s website. DELVERA On 19 January, it was announced that a new Delveran colony founded in the American southwest had experienced success with crop growing. GRAND UNIFIED MICRONATIONAL 2 January saw the first Quorum of the new Chairman, King Adam I of Überstadt. Shiro Mephistopheles of Zenrax was appointed Vice Chair, Bradley of Dullahan as Chief Justice, and Emperor Jonathan I as Archivist. JUCLANDIA After three years of relative diplomatic inactivity, Juclandia has announced that it will “take her head out of the sand” and engage with the international community of small nations, partially in an attempt to help combat a perceived drift towards far-right and far-left politics; “our culture, our values and our principles can help others moderate their own discourse”. MERCIA/SANDUS In the third week of January, Lord Spiritual Richard of Mercia and Sôgmô Will Soergel of Sandus met in Reykjavík, Iceland. The two leaders discussed matters of national importance and toured the local area. MOLOSSIA A new information sign has been erected at the Molossian border with the US. Previously, information brochures were available for passers-by to take, but these would often run out. On 26 January, President Baugh of Molossia announced the construction of a Friendship Gateway in a symbolic gesture of opposition to plans for a US-Mexico border wall. The gateway is “to symbolise inclusiveness and openness”, and donors who buy a brick for the gate will have their names inscribed on a plaque. ONGAL On 25 January, the Principality of Ongal issued its first gold currency, golden Dukats made of 14 carat gold. The coins were issued in celebation of the marriage of a princess in the ruling family.

Treaty signed with Westarctica

 A treaty of mutual recognition and national co-operation was signed yesterday by Emperor Jonathan I with Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica. The Grand Duchy of Westarctica was founded in 2001, and claims a large part of western Antarctica, which was previously unclaimed by any state or nation. Austenasia previously recognised Westarctica between 2009 and 2010, but withdrew recognition after the temporary collapse of the Westarctican government. Since then, however, Westarctica has been restored to activity by its founder, and in February 2015 gained non-consultative status with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The Empire resumed recognition of Westarctica earlier this week, upon which negotiations for the treaty immediately begun. A signed copy of the treaty has been deposited in the Imperial Library.