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The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Bradley of Dullahan appointed Deputy Prime Minister

Bradley of Dullahan, Representative of Helinium, was yesterday appointed Deputy Prime Minister following the resignation of Lord Hunter Prater from the position. Lord Prater, who was appointed Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) in September last year upon Lord William Wilson’s victory in the general election, has announced his retirement from national government, although he remains Representative of New Flat Rock. One notable legacy of Lord Prater’s time in office as DPM is his advocacy of weekly meetings of Cabinet, which previously tended to be held as required. Bradley, Duke of Dullahan, also known by his title in the Holy Roman Empire as King of the Romans, was appointed yesterday to fill the vacancy. The position of Deputy Prime Minister is held by a Representative who is selected by the Prime Minister with the consent of the Monarch. Duke Bradley – who also serves as the long-standing Prime Minister of Austenasian ally Wyvern – became an Austenasian national in March 2019. Earlier this year he was elected the parliamentary Representative of the new town of Helinium, which is inhabited by his sister and her partner.

Holy Roman Empire adopts new Charter

Wednesday 4th May saw the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire vote to supersede the confederation’s 2017 charter with a new version. This comes as the latest in a series of initiatives meant to revitalize the Empire. The Holy Roman Empire (HRE), a continuation of the same-named polity which existed between the 9th and 19th centuries in central Europe, was recognised by Austenasia in 2016. In July 2021, Brooklyn Hewitt, who had formerly been Prime Minister in Austenasia, relinquished her claim as heir to the Holy Roman throne and withdrew the membership of the Commonwealth of Havnesgade-Amager and the Confederation of the Emmanuelian States. Following this, Archduke Bradley van Dullahan of Saxony, who serves as Princeps Senatus in Austenasia, called a vote to elect a new King of the Romans – the title used for the Imperial Heir – and Imperial Chancellor, which is a position analogous to a Prime Minister. On 4 March 2022, after a stagnant period of deliberation, Archduke Bradley and Lord William Wilson – who serves as the current Prime Minister in Austenasia – were elected to the respective positions. As part of his Chancellorship, Wilson drafted and proposed a new Charter on 25 April. This charter reformed the government bodies of the Empire, most notably separating the College of Electors and Imperial Diet, as well as the formal codification of the Imperial Court as a judicial body. Holy Roman Emperor Quentin I – whose authority is currently wielded by the van Dullahan Regency – has not yet called a new Diet, but discussion is being held on a date to make the announcement. The new Charter can be read here, and the entry code to the official HRE Discord server is “xaaV9j7”.

Another territory claimed as Hoagland ceded

Saturday 10th July saw Hoagland ceded back to the United States of America at the same time as a new territory was annexed from the same country. Hoagland was claimed in July 2017 as an Austenasian Territory after previous periods under the sovereignty of Adammia and the Holy Roman Empire, and was governed by its founder, Grant Hawkins, who lived nearby. Consisting of a grassy area bordered by Ohio, Hoagland was administered by Hawkins until earlier this year, when he and his family moved aware from the area. Hawkins was unable to find a replacement for the office of governor, and so the decision was made to dissolve the claim. In a symbolic nod to their previous claims over the land, Adammia and the Holy Roman Empire have both been given a nominal chance to reclaim Hoagland before it is ceded back to the USA. Simultaneously, however, a new Territory has been established with the annexation of Travarn. Travarn is comprised of a wooded area and contains a hunting post. It is the personal property of Lord Hunter Prater, who has claimed it for Austenasia and been appointed its governor, and it is an enclave of north Alabama. Travarn measures 40 acres, whereas Hoagland was just over a third of an acre; this exchange of claims has therefore been a large net territorial gain for Austenasia.

Princess Hannah and Bradley of Dullahan named Consuls of 2021

Lord John Gordon has named the first Consuls of his premiership, announcing that Princess Hannah and Bradley, Duke of Dullahan will hold the office for 2021. The Consuls are the highest judicial authorities in the Empire, passing sentence when guilty verdicts are reached. However, due to Austenasia’s practically non-existent crime rate, their function is mostly ceremonial, primarily being used to name the year. 2021 will therefore be known as the year of the consulship of Hannah Augusta and Bradley Archidux Saxoniae. Princess Hannah also served as Consul last year, becoming one of only three people to have held the Austenasian Consulate consecutively since its creation at the start of 2011. A Consul may serve two consecutive terms, but the same two Consuls cannot serve consecutive terms at the same time. Princess Hannah, in addition to being sovereign monarch of the Principality of Wildflower Meadows, is the fiancée and official consort of Emperor Jonathan I. Bradley, who was recently appointed Archduke of Saxony in the Holy Roman Empire, in addition to his role as Prime Minister of Wyvern also serves in Austenasia as Princeps Senatus (leader of the Senate) and has held office as both Home Secretary and Minister of Defence. Happy New Year from the Austenasian Times!

Augustan rank of Imvrassian monarchs recognised

By a joint decision of the Austenasian, Holy Roman, and Adammic thrones, yesterday evening saw the claim of Imvrassia to imperium fully recognised. On 1 January earlier this year, the Kingdom of Imvrassia declared itself an Empire, and its monarchs Aikaterini I and Stamatios I assumed the titles of Empress and Emperor respectively. The already existing emperors refused to recognise a unilateral claim to imperium, but on 1 May an agreement was reached with Imvrassia whereby its monarchs would be recognised as holding the subordinate rank of Caesar rather than that of Augustus. Yesterday saw Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia, Emperor Adam I of Adammia, and Imperial Regent Joseph III of the Holy Roman Empire sign a treaty with the Imvrassian government whereby its monarchs are now recognised as holding full Augustan rank, equal to the other emperors. Empress Aikaterini I has held the Imvrassian throne since August 2016, albeit with a three-month temporary abdication in late 2018. She rules alongside her grandfather Stamatios I, who reigns in a more ceremonial capacity and has held the throne since November last year. Imvrassia is a Romano-Hellenic nation with 23 citizens, with land claims located primarily in the eastern Mediterranean. Austenasia has held close and friendly relations with Imvrassia since a treaty was signed between the two states in April 2017.

Joseph Kennedy becomes regent and heir in HRE

HIH Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, Duke of New Royton, was appointed Imperial Regent of the Holy Roman Empire on September 21st, having been elected King of the Romans on July 30th. The Holy Roman Empire (HRE) is an imperial confederation of sovereign states which recognise the imperium of the Holy Roman Emperor, and claims to be the revival of the entity dissolved in 1806. The incumbent Holy Roman Emperor, Quentin I – who also serves as King of Wyvern – began to create the revived HRE in 2014, and it was recognised by Austenasia and Reyla in September 2016. The Holy Roman Emperor is not an hereditary but an elected position. On July 30th, Joseph Kennedy – who served as Austenasian Prime Minister between 2015 and 2020 – was elected heir to Quentin I by representatives of the HRE’s member states. As was the case in the original HRE, the designated heir assumes the title “King of the Romans”. Kennedy will therefore be known as King Joseph III. On September 21st, Joseph III was also appointed Imperial Regent, due to Quentin I having been unable to spend the necessary time on his imperial duties. As Imperial Regent, Joseph III has assumed the administrative duties of Quentin I, although the latter remains Holy Roman Emperor and is not thought to be considering abdication. The HRE currently has ten member states, and a cumulative population of over two hundred people.

Relations strengthened with Roman-inspired nations

In the past week, the Empire of Austenasia has signed formal treaties of friendship and recognition with two other nations which claim continuity with the Roman Empire, namely Ovrestlia and Rhomania, and come to agreements regarding their imperial status. Ovrestlia, which has a population of 42 and declared independence from Greece in 2019, signed a treaty with Austenasia on Thursday 10th. Rhomania, which before becoming independent in May this year was the Austenasian Crown Dependency of Mouzilo, signed a treaty with Austenasia yesterday, on Wednesday 16th. Rhomania especially has a culture based on that of the Eastern Roman Empire, with most of its land located within the former borders of such and its official name being the Basileia of the Romans. Emmanuel I & II of Rhomania – also known as Manolis Afentoulis – holds the title of Basileus; although this is translatable as “Emperor”, the treaty signed has agreed that he will be recognised as holding the rank of Caesar, with Austenasia pledging to support his efforts to attain full Augustan rank. The monarch of Ovrestlia – Thomas Marios I – likewise officially claims imperial rank, but under the terms of the treaty signed with Austenasia has agreed to use the title of Hegemon in dealings with the Empire. In return for diplomatic recognition, Ovrestlia has also pledged to cede an area of land to Austenasia, the details of which are currently being arranged. Although Rhomania overtly claims succession from the Roman Empire, Ovrestlia likewise claims a cultural continuity from the same. In both treaties, Austenasia and the other signatory have recognised each other as holding “equal political succession from the Roman Empire and function[ing] as polities of the indivisible and perpetual Roman Empire”, the arrangement which Austenasia also holds with the Holy Roman Empire, Imvrassia, and the Carshalton Nations. These two treaties have therefore expanded and consolidated the sphere of nations mutually recognising each other as claiming and holding the inheritance of Rome.

Emperor leads heads of state in condemning Hagia Sophia conversion

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I has led a group of seven heads of state in condemning the recent decision by Turkish President Erdoğan to convert the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia into a mosque. The statement, published yesterday, was also signed by Quentin I of the Holy Roman Empire and Wyvern, Aikaterini I of Imvrassia, Emmanuel I & II of Rhomania (formerly Mouzilo), Edward I of Ashukovo, Denis I of Vlasynia, and former Austenasian PM Lord Admiral Kennedy in his capacity as provisional head of state of New Virginia. Hagia Sophia was built as a cathedral by the Emperor Justinian and completed in 537. It stood as the greatest cathedral in the world and the centre of the Orthodox Church for almost a thousand years, until the Fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in May 1453. During the fall of the city, thousands of civilians and refugees took shelter in Hagia Sophia while a Liturgy was served. When the city fell, the Turks broke down the doors to the church and slaughtered, raped and enslaved those inside. The Ottomans destroyed or plastered over the Christian elements of the church, and installed minarets and other features to convert the cathedral into a mosque. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the abolition of the caliphate, Kemal Ataturk – the founder of modern Turkey – ordered Hagia Sophia to become a museum in a drive towards modernity and secularism. Archaeological and restorative work uncovered many of the Christian mosaics, and the building was open for all to appreciate its unique history. Hagia Sophia was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985. The decision of President Erdoğan to convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque has been seen as a regressive move aimed at bolstering his support among Turkey’s Islamists, as well as intentionally insulting Turkey’s Orthodox neighbours in Europe. Reports state that the building’s Christian mosaics will now be covered with screens and lighting effects, and that visitors will have to remove their shoes upon entry. The action has immense significance for Orthodox Christians, for whom Hagia Sophia remains a building of intense spiritual importance. Many legends and prophecies concern the cathedral. For example, one legend says that when the city fell to the Turks, the clergy paused the service they were conducting and vanished through a door on the south side of the church, where they await to complete the Liturgy. To this day the door has not been opened, and some say chanting can be heard from the other side. Of more concern are prophecies by Orthodox saints of the past century which warn that the building becoming a mosque again will herald a war. Regardless of any eschatological significance of this action, it remains one calculated to intentionally offend and belittle Turkey’s already victimised Christian minorities. The statement published yesterday by Emperor Jonathan I and others is as follows: It was with the utmost disgust and devastation that we learnt of the decision of the Turkish government to convert the Hagia Sophia into a mosque. At a time when so many nations around the world are looking back at their history, critical of the colonialism and oppression of the past, the Republic of Turkey – a state built on the genocide and ethnic cleansing of its Greek, Armenian, Assyrian and Kurdish minorities – has chosen to continue to insult and attack the culture and history of the people whose land it took. This action, which is illegal under international law, has been denounced by UNESCO, by the EU, by the USA, and of course by Greece and by the Orthodox Church. Under the government of Erdogan, Turkey is becoming an Islamist rogue state and international pariah, and we condemn this action unreservedly. It is an intentional insult not only towards the Christian religion, but also towards all who descend from or value the Orthodox civilisation of the medieval Roman Empire. The whole civilised world has united in condemnation of this atrociously insulting act, but we may take consolation in the knowledge that despite Erdogan’s claims, Hagia Sophia does not belong to Turkey. Rather, it belongs to God, and may His will be done. 15 July 2020 (7528) Emperor Jonathan I of the EMPIRE OF AUSTENASIAEmperor Quentin I of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE and KINGDOM OF WYVERNEmpress Aikaterini I of the EMPIRE OF IMVRASSIABasileus Emmanuel I & II of the BASILEIA OF THE ROMANSPrince Edward I of the REPUBLIC OF ASHUKOVOSir Joseph Kennedy of the COMMONWEALTH OF NEW VIRGINIADespot Denis I of the DESPOTATE OF VLASYNIA UPDATE 16 JULY 21:20 – Princess Hannah of Wildflower Meadows and King Ciprian of Juclandia have also expressed their explicit support for the statement.

Two new claims join the Empire

Peach Ponds, an area of parkland in North America, and Dinkeaw, a garden bordered by Thailand, were annexed to Austenasia yesterday evening by an Imperial Decree. Both areas of land are uninhabited, and were offered by different individuals who approached the government with the request that said territories be claimed by Austenasia. Peach Ponds was claimed by Casper von Navārdia – who also serves as President and Foreign Minister of Phokland (a state of the Holy Roman Empire) – and consists of Huddleston Pond Park of Peachtree City in the U.S. state of Georgia. Peach Ponds was annexed as a Territory, and Casper von Navārdia was appointed its Governor and given the noble title Count of Cowyetton. Lord von Navārdia already administered the park on behalf of the local city council, and as such was in a perfect position to both claim and subsequently govern the new Territory. Dinkeaw consists of the garden of the Thai residence of Yai Khadpo and his family. Mr Khadpo’s mother requested that their garden be claimed by Austenasia; it has been annexed as a Crown Dependency, with Mr Khadpo appointed its Governing Commissioner. Lord Edward Gunderson, Speaker of the House of Representatives, recently announced that Parliament would only consider urgent bills due to the pressures faced by its members relating to the ongoing coronavirus crisis. The annexations were therefore made law by Imperial Decree, something which has not been done since an expansion of New Richmond in April 2015.

Imperial claim of Adammia to be recognised

New Year’s Day will see a treaty come into force under which the claim of Adammia to imperial rank will be recognised by Austenasia and the Holy Roman Empire. Adammia’s monarch, Adam I, has claimed the rank of emperor since he founded the nation in 2013. Adammia entered into diplomatic relations with Austenasia in May 2018, but without the claim to imperial rank being recognised. Most opposition to recognition of Adammia’s claim came from a desire to prevent “devaluation” by having the imperial rank shared by too many emperors. However, with the Reylan throne having been downgraded from full imperial rank in October, it was felt that consideration of Adammia’s claim was possible. Emperor Jonathan I has therefore agreed with Emperor Quentin I of the Holy Roman Empire to recognise the claim of Adam I of Adammia to the rank of emperor, on the condition that the latter does not unilaterally likewise recognise any other claimants.