Emperor assumes emergency powers to heal deepening divisions in Parliament
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I this evening made an unprecedented announcement, assuming emergency powers in accordance with the Constitution’s provisions for an “existential threat to the state” with the support of the Senate, the Prime Minister, and the Leader of the Opposition. It is understood that in the space of the past 48 hours, disagreements primarily related to recently proposed constitutional amendments have spiraled out of control, splitting the House of Representatives deeply along party lines. A vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister was tabled by opposition Representatives but failed, there are rumors that a coup was considered, and some Representatives suggested secession as a response to the ongoing arguments. The announcement by the Emperor is reproduced in its entirety as follows: In accordance with Article II, Section E of the Austenasian Constitution of 2011, with the support of the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, and a majority of the Senate, we hereby temporarily enact the following provisions and accordingly override the Constitution where necessary in order to enable their enactment and exercise: 1) The House of Representatives shall not meet or convene without a prior summons from the Monarch. 2) All titles, offices and positions shall be held at and by the sole will and permission of the Monarch. 3) The position of Proconsul is hereby created, to be held by two individuals each of whom will hold the powers and authority of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister shall not be divested of his powers and authority, but the three shall work together under the direction of the Monarch to aid in the re-establishing of civil order and constitutional government. Lord Edward Gunderson, Count of New Grémmia and HG Bradley, Duke of Dullahan shall serve as the first two Proconsuls. These three provisions will remain in place until 13 June 2020, when they will be reviewed to ascertain the necessity of expanding, extending or revoking them. Threats of coups and secession, civil strife, and the inability of incumbent Representatives to productively work together has resulted in what can accurately be called “a time of great crisis and existential threat to the state”, as required by the Constitution for these emergency measures. Furthermore, we hereby decree that the referendum scheduled for 30 June 2020 to vote on the proposed Third Constitutional Amendment is brought forward to 12 June 2020. Decreed at Wrythe this twenty fifth day of May during the eighth year of our reign, in the year of the consulship of Hannah Augusta and Brenda Bargerii Nova Richmondiae Domina, anno mundi 7528. * It brings us no pleasure to make this announcement. Many of you may not even have been aware of the deep divisions within Austenasian government. However, such divisions exist and have been getting worse. With the support of our Prime Minister and newly appointed Proconsuls, we shall work together at healing these divisions moving the country forward into a new age. All around the world, societies are falling prey to division, hatred and strife due to political differences. Austenasia shall prove to the world that in this respect, as in many others, there is a different and better way. This way is what we shall find and follow, towards the goal of a brighter future for our beloved country. God bless you all, and God save the Empire!
Two new claims join the Empire
Peach Ponds, an area of parkland in North America, and Dinkeaw, a garden bordered by Thailand, were annexed to Austenasia yesterday evening by an Imperial Decree. Both areas of land are uninhabited, and were offered by different individuals who approached the government with the request that said territories be claimed by Austenasia. Peach Ponds was claimed by Casper von Navārdia – who also serves as President and Foreign Minister of Phokland (a state of the Holy Roman Empire) – and consists of Huddleston Pond Park of Peachtree City in the U.S. state of Georgia. Peach Ponds was annexed as a Territory, and Casper von Navārdia was appointed its Governor and given the noble title Count of Cowyetton. Lord von Navārdia already administered the park on behalf of the local city council, and as such was in a perfect position to both claim and subsequently govern the new Territory. Dinkeaw consists of the garden of the Thai residence of Yai Khadpo and his family. Mr Khadpo’s mother requested that their garden be claimed by Austenasia; it has been annexed as a Crown Dependency, with Mr Khadpo appointed its Governing Commissioner. Lord Edward Gunderson, Speaker of the House of Representatives, recently announced that Parliament would only consider urgent bills due to the pressures faced by its members relating to the ongoing coronavirus crisis. The annexations were therefore made law by Imperial Decree, something which has not been done since an expansion of New Richmond in April 2015.
Midget titles abolished
In an Imperial Decree passed on Thursday 16th, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor has decreed the abolition of all Austenasian titles derived from the Midget Nation-in-Exile. The Midget Nation-in-Exile was an entity which existed between 2009 and 2011. It was the government-in-exile of the Midget Empire, a playground-based micronation that functioned between 2002 and 2007, and was comprised of several former members of said micronation. The Midget Empire and Nation-in-Exile were both run by a “Midget Master,” a title which has been held by the Austenasian Monarch since 2010. The Nation-in-Exile was annexed by Austenasia in April 2011, with its remaining members becoming a unit in the Austenasian Army. The word “Midget” was chosen by the founders of the Midget Empire for no real reason; it is important to note that said founders were between eight and nine years old at the time. The micronation had no relation to dwarfism or little people, for whom the word “midget” is a pejorative term now regarded as politically incorrect. It is in an attempt to avoid offence and confusion that Emperor Jonathan I has therefore decreed that the instances of “Midget” in Austenasian titulature which remain from the annexation of the Nation-in-Exile in 2011 are to be abolished or revised. Most notably, the office of Midget Master is to be dissolved and subsumed into the throne of Rushymia, an entity which represents the heritage of an earlier micronation which was based at the same school as the Midgets. Furthermore, Centuria II Midgetae – the military unit comprised of former members of the Midgets – will be renamed to Centuria II Ruscimiae. The changes to titulature mandated by the Emperor will come into force on 1 January 2020.
Anti-bribery law passed
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I this morning gave Imperial Consent to the Bribery Act 2017, which “makes new provision for the definition and prohibition of bribery”. The Act of Parliament, which can be read here, gained the required five out of nine votes yesterday afternoon, and was passed by the Speaker on to the Monarch earlier this morning. Prior to the passing of this Act, the crime of bribery was illegal only under a short subsection of a six year old Imperial Decree of the Emperor’s predecessor, Declan I. The Bribery Act 2017 sets out a far more detailed definition of the crime, and also makes it a criminal offence to accept or request a bribe; it had previously been illegal only to offer or give one. The Act was authored by the Emperor himself, who has an A-level qualification in Law. Its passage sees a return to the writing of detailed, comprehensive criminal law by Jonathan I, with the Emperor having authored several lengthy Acts of this type since his ascension to the Throne in 2013. Fortunately, this new Act may never be needed; in Austenasia’s eight and a half year history, nobody has ever been charged with committing bribery.
Recognition of Monovia revoked
The Empire revoked recognition of the Principality of Monovia today after over five years of close diplomatic relations. Monovia yesterday renounced its claim to independent statehood, leading to an Imperial Decree being published earlier this evening which revoked recognition of the principality. Monovia – formerly known as Adjikistan and as Libertas – had been a protected state of Austenasia since October 2011, with the Empire responsible for its defence. Situated near the British city of Sheffield, Monovia’s leader, Harry Fitzpatrick, held the rank of Caesar between August 2012 and June 2016. This leaves Austenasia with three protectorates: Orly, Wilcsland, and Wildflower Meadows.