Austenasian state visit to Adammia
Wednesday 4th October saw Emperor Jonathan I and Empress Hannah represent Austenasia in a state visit to the Empire of Adammia, where they were hosted in the Adammic capital. The imperial couple were met by Emperor Adam I of Adammia in the British city of Wakefield, from where they were driven to the Adammic capital of Imperial City. Adam I was accompanied by his mother Emperor Mother Jayne and grandfather Lord Reginald Hall. Jonathan I and Empress Hannah were given a guided tour of Imperial City’s sites of historical and cultural interest before sharing a meal with the Adammians. Emperor Adam I gifted the Austenasian delegation with a signed copy of a history of Adammia, which will be placed in the Imperial Library of Austenasia. In return, Adam I was gifted handmade soaps patterned with the Adammic flag. The two Emperors used the meeting as an opportunity to sign the Charter of the Association of British Micronations (ABM), an organisation which will plan and promote diplomatic summits for small nations of British origin. The ABM will be governed by a board of trustee nations, which will have Austenasia and Adammia as permanent members alongside Lundenwic, as per agreement reached at a trilateral meeting in 2021. Wednesday’s state visit also saw Empress Hannah sign a treaty of mutual recognition with Adammia on behalf of her independent Principality of Wildflower Meadows. This makes Adammia the third nation – alongside Austenasia and the Grove – to have official diplomatic ties with the Principality.
Treaty signed with Westarctica
A treaty of mutual recognition and national co-operation was signed yesterday by Emperor Jonathan I with Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica. The Grand Duchy of Westarctica was founded in 2001, and claims a large part of western Antarctica, which was previously unclaimed by any state or nation. Austenasia previously recognised Westarctica between 2009 and 2010, but withdrew recognition after the temporary collapse of the Westarctican government. Since then, however, Westarctica has been restored to activity by its founder, and in February 2015 gained non-consultative status with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The Empire resumed recognition of Westarctica earlier this week, upon which negotiations for the treaty immediately begun. A signed copy of the treaty has been deposited in the Imperial Library.
Imperial Library founded
In celebration of Imperium Day, Emperor Jonathan I has announced the foundation of the Imperial Library. The Emperor founded the library by an edict this afternoon. Based in the Imperial Residence, the Library contains numerous books and documents, including many relevant to the history of the Empire. The Imperial Library is in three parts – Section A, the largest, is situated in the Imperial Quarters; Section B, the smallest, in Parliament Hall; and the books in Section C are in storage in the Imperial Attic. From now on, a copy of every piece of Austenasian legislation will be deposited in the Imperial Library. An online catalogues of the items in the library can be seen here. Imperium Day is observed every 4 June, in celebration of when, in that day in 2011, the then German Emperor recognised the imperial rank of the Austenasian Throne. In other news, the Emperor used the edict establishing the Imperial Library to also announce yesterday – 3 June – to have been the first day of Summer 2015 in the Austenasian calendar.