Dissolution of St.Charlian recognised
An Act of Parliament was passed last night which finally recognised the Federal Republic of St.Charlie to be defunct. After Prime Minister Alexander Eastwood controversially took supreme power as Chancellor in August 2015, the St.Charlian government effectively ceased to function. After a year and a half of complete inactivity, Eastwood informed Emperor Jonathan I on Saturday 21st earlier this month that he considered the nation “defunct”. Yesterday’s Foreign Affairs Act 2017, amongst other provisions, cites “the inability of the St.Charlian government to continue to function to the extent necessary to exercise sovereignty” as the reason for the Empire revoking recognition of the Federal Republic. Although the inactivity of St.Charlie’s government has long been known, Chancellor Eastwood’s admission that he himself considers the nation defunct has been seen as the official death-blow to the country. Alexander Reinhardt, arguably St.Charlie’s most famous politician, refused suggestions that he should declare himself monarch in an attempt to restore the nation’s sovereignty. St.Charlie was founded as a Kingdom on Christmas Day 2000 by King Patrizio I, who ruled until overthrown in November 2008 by Reinhardt, who established the Federal Republic. For years afterwards, St.Charlie was known as one of the most politically and culturally advanced small nations in the MicroWiki community, with a population peaking at 150 and land claims around the world. Austenasia entered into mutual relations with St.Charlie in August 2009, signing an official treaty of mutual friendship with the nation in December later that year, and the now Emperor Jonathan I met with St.Charlian leaders in 2011 and 2012. A decrease in governmental activity had been noted in St.Charlie by early 2014, which the then President put down to many St.Charlian leaders having to spend more time on other commitments as they grew older. The Presidency was abolished by Prime Minister Eastwood the following year, who declared himself head of both state and government as Chancellor. There has been reaction to St.Charlie’s ‘official’ demise from members of the MicroWiki community. King Adam I of Uberstadt and Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy both reflected on how they had warned Eastwood that his reforms would damage St.Charlie, whereas Mercian diarch Richard Cunningham called it the “End of an era”.
Mayoral elections called for the Empire’s cities
HIM Emperor Jonathan I has called for local elections to take place in the Empire’s two cities on 9 February. Wrythe and New Richmond became Austenasia’s first two towns to be granted city status earlier this month, on 8 January and 9 January respectively. The local elections will see the electorates of both cities elect a Mayor, who will hold responsibilities in local government. The position of Representative will also be up for election, but it is expected that the incumbents – Jonathan I in Wrythe and Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy in New Richmond – will be re-elected. As the positions of Representative and of Mayor are incompatible, it remains to be seen who will run for election as Mayor in the two cities. Alongside calling the elections, the Emperor also granted a mural crown to the arms of both cities in recognition of their new status.
Consuls appointed for 2017
His Imperial Highness Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy as Prime Minister of Austenasia has declared 2017 to be the year of the consulship of Adam Rex and Victoria Hathawia Comitessa Sidneae. The two Consuls of Austenasia are the Empire’s highest judicial authorities, with the duty of passing sentence on convicted criminals. However, with Austenasia’s incredibly low crime rate, the office serves mostly as a ceremonial honour, with the two Consuls giving their names to the year in legislation and other various formal situations. Lord Admiral Kennedy has appointed as 2017’s consuls King Adam I of Überstadt, Governing Commissioner of Oregonia and long-standing friend of the Empire, and Victoria Hathaway, Countess of Sidney and the Lord Admiral’s romantic partner. Happy New Year from the Austenasian Times!
Independence Day celebrated!
The Empire of Austenasia today celebrates eight years since its foundation in 2008. Although the actual anniversary of the Declaration of Independence is on the 20th, Independence Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of September. As is customary, an honours list has been published by the Emperor, the recipients of which are listed here. Furthermore, Emperor Jonathan I has released a statement for the occasion, which can be read below: To all Austenasians, in the Empire or abroad, our greetings! As we sit writing this in the Imperial Residence, we remember how the Saturday eight years ago when the Declaration of Independence was sent was bright and sunny; in contrast, today is dark and overcast. It reminds us that the world has become a darker place in the years since 2008, with enemies of peace and proponents of barbarism growing in strength each day. If the world becomes darker, we must not let that darkness overshadow us, but rather shine all the more brighter. When our predecessor Constantius Chlorus freed Britain from the rule of an usurping tyrant, he was hailed as “restorer of the eternal light of Rome.” Just as Rome was considered then, let Austenasia be considered now a shining beacon in the world to inspire others, whether that be through the Order of Saint Constantine raising money for the poor and unwell, the Imperial Geographical Society exploring and researching the national world, or simply through ordinary Austenasians striving to be the best that they can be. To all Austenasians with a title of nobility or a knighthood, act not with hubris or pride, but with the honour and virtue that your title demands of you. On this Independence Day, let us come together and reflect on the meaning that can be given to it. Declaring independence is more than claiming sovereignty over territory; it is about saying “No; we can do things differently, and we can do things better.” As we look at the world around us, let that be the guiding philosophy of our nation. We wish you all a happy Independence Day. God bless you, and long live the Empire! ICJA, Wrythe, 17 September 2016 The Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, will also release a statement later today.
New South Scotland returned to Austenasian administration
The Counsellors of State have signed a treaty with the Commonwealth of Zealandia restoring Austenasian government to New South Scotland (NSS). Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy and King Adam I – who were appointed Counsellors of State by the Emperor on 31 August with authority to jointly exercise the powers of the Throne – signed a treaty with Zealandian politician Claire Nymoria, who had been authorised to sign on behalf of the Zealandian government. Since June 2014, New South Scotland – a Crown Dependency of Austenasia – has, while remaining de jure under Austenasian sovereignty, been governed by Zealandia. This arrangement was agreed upon after instability in the nearby nation resulted in aggressive colonial designs on NSS by Zealandia. New South Scotland is an enclave of the University of New South Wales, which was attended by Zealandian leader Charlotte Lindstrom and much of the Zealandian government and military. With most of the Zealandians having left the university at the start of summer, Lindstrom informed the imperial government that she would be unable to continue to administer NSS. Under the terms of the treaty, Zealandia has surrendered any and all claims to NSS and recognised the absolute right of the Austenasian Throne to its governance. The agreement reached in June 2014 made the Zealandian head of state ex officio Governing Commissioner of the Crown Dependency. Yesterday’s treaty, however, annulled this provision, and Emperor Jonathan I replaced Lindstrom as Governing Commissioner with Sir Hugh McFarlane, the Empire’s Consul-General at Sydney and a friend of the Emperor who lives near to NSS and who visited it as a tourist last year.
Counsellors of State appointed as Emperor leaves on holiday
Emperor Jonathan I has appointed two Counsellors of State to exercise the powers of the Throne in his absence as he leaves for a week’s holiday in Seville, Spain, with his unmarried partner the Princess Consort. His Imperial Majesty will leave for Spain with Princess Consort Hannah tomorrow from Gatwick airport, arriving back on Thursday 8th September. The Emperor has appointed the Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, and King Adam I of Überstadt (who also serves as Governing Commissioner of the Austenasian Crown Dependency of Oregonia) as Counsellors of State. In his absence, the two Counsellors will be able to jointly exercise any power of the Throne. Unlike a regency, the appointing of Counsellors of State does not prevent the Monarch from exercising the powers of the Throne himself. This is the third time that Counsellors have been appointed during the current Emperor’s reign; the previous two occasions were also due to holidays.
New town founded as another leaves the Empire
The new town of Ionathanopolis was founded earlier today, while Harenfall returned to Norway. The Ionathanopolis and Harenfall Act 2016, given Imperial Consent this afternoon, annexed Ionathanopolis to the Empire while ceding Harenfall to Norway. The entirety of Harenfall’s population voted to abstain in last month’s local election; it had previously been agreed by Harenfall and the imperial government that such would be considered a vote for secession by the former, Harenfall’s Representative having raised the issue some months previously. Harenfall has therefore been ceded by the Empire back to Norway, the country which previously held sovereignty over the town, due to a wish by its population to become solely Norwegian once more. The Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, stated in Parliament that it was “sad to see a town go, but the people of Harenfall have exercised their right to self-determination and Parliament has concurred.” The Act of Parliament reserves the right for Austenasia to reassume sovereignty over Harenfall “should such be in accordance with the wishes of its population, and/or if the Norwegian government proves incapable of governing it.” Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, the new town of Ionathanopolis – consisting of a residential property with a population of five – has been annexed to the Empire after its residents requested to join. An enclave of the U.S. state of South Carolina, Ionathanopolis replaces Harenfall as Austenasia’s tenth town. Lord Peter Palaiologos, who has been granted the noble title Count of Mentavlos, has been appointed Ionathanopolis’ Acting Representative.
The Lord Admiral’s Corner: On the revived Grand Unified Micronational
This article is one of a series of editorials from Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy known as The Lord Admiral’s Corner, where the Prime Minister will give his thoughts and opinions on issues affecting the micronation.org community. The opinions expressed in this series are the personal views of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Austenasian Times or the Austenasian Government. I’ll admit, I was skeptical when His Imperial Majesty the Emperor told me of plans to revive the Grand Unified Micronational. As a younger man, I was a very influential delegate from the now-defunct Ashukov Federation. I campaigned for the Chairmanship three times, though only the second one was successful. I was instrumental in the creation of the now-defunct GUM Library and established a committee dedicated to enacting a new Charter (which failed to accomplish its goal following the end of my term). I was as instrumental in attempting to revive the GUM as I was in its disestablishment as an organization; I was one of the first to advocate for its disestablishment and I served as the last Vice-Chairman of the old GUM under Adam of Adammia, my former rival and electoral opponent. Eventually, I came to agree with efforts to revive the GUM for a few reasons: the lack of discourse between nations in this community and the rise of the very capable (with some exceptions) “new guard.” When the GUM was disestablished, there ceased to be a hub for intermicronational diplomacy, with the only other major organization remaining being the then-relevant and active Saint Josephsburg Economic Pact, which is currently planned to be dissolved by the remaining member-states. This community has needed something like this to revive discourse between numerous micronations and to ensure stability. One of the reasons the old GUM failed was because, for a time, the number of lower quality new nations was exceptionally higher than the number of higher quality new nations (and because, against my advice, Quorum would vote to let anybody in, but that’s another story for another time). As older nations began to die off, a void was opened that newer nations weren’t able to fill. Now, with the rise of nations such as Mcarthia, Roseland, Zenrax, and the return of Koss, the GUM has enough higher quality nations to not totally stagnate. As a former Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Supreme Judge, I have some advice to give the members of the new GUM. First of all, as dreadful as this might sound, I strongly recommend the newer delegates wait an election or two before seeking the office of Chairman. Now, I understand why you might dislike this advice because I once attempted to run for the Chairmanship against King Ciprian of Juclandia after only serving as a delegate for around six months. In retrospect, I was nowhere near experienced enough to lead an organization such as the GUM. Now, as a former Chairman I can tell you that the job is no walk in the park (as a matter of fact, I wouldn’t accept the position if Quorum unanimously begged me to). It’s extremely time consuming, doubly so now due to the increase of the Chairman’s mandate from three to six months. It’s also extremely stressful – one mistake and Quorum will ridicule you (especially if you’ve made political enemies and rivals, which I did and I’m sure most delegates will do). Numerous past Chairmen (myself included) have stories of the job being so stressful they quite literally broke down for a time. Finally; please, for the love of God, don’t admit just anyone into the GUM as a full member. My personal recommendation is to refuse admission to any nation which hasn’t existed for at least six months (before anyone points out that Ashukovo was a GUM member from day one of its existence, Ashukovo was a successor state of a prior GUM member-state and all Ashukov politicians were seasoned micronationalists with at least six months of experience), doesn’t maintain active relations with at least five full member-states and can’t compose a decent MicroWiki article. That doesn’t mean you should shun most of these nations entirely (excluding lost causes such as joke nations and obvious fakes), just advise them to seek observership so more seasoned members can help them improve and then seek full membership. I believe the new GUM can be a positive force in the modern MicroWiki community so long as the new delegates avoid the errors of the past. I will serve as an Austenasian delegate and will occasionally voice my opinion and vote in Quorum, but at present I don’t plan on seeking office in the GUM. I wish the new and old delegates the best of luck and offer them my wholehearted support. HIH Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, Duke of Bohemia
Countess Eritoshi resigns from politics
Countess Eritoshi of Memphis, Prime Minister from November 2013 to March 2015, has announced her resignation from Austenasian government. The Countess today resigned from her offices as Deputy Prime Minister and as Chief Advisor of the Privy Council, and relinquished her title of Augusta. She remains a member of the Privy Council and a military officer as Legate of Legio I Britannica. Countess Eritoshi earlier this year resigned as Chief Ambassador in March, and later refrained from running for re-election as Representative for her home town of Thanasia. Although she no longer has an interest in politics, the Countess has reaffirmed her commitment to her military position, and remains leader of the autonomous County of Memphis in Orly. Her successor as Prime Minister, the incumbent Lord Admiral Joseph, has replaced Eritoshi as Chief Advisor of the Privy Council. In other news, the Emperor has announced that 8 June will be the first day of the summer of 2016 in the Austenasian calendar.
Local election results in
The results of yesterday’s local elections are now in. Elections for the office of Representative took place in the towns of Thanasia, Palasia, New Richmond and Harenfall. In Palasia and New Richmond, the incumbents – Lord John Gordon and Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, respectively – were re-elected. In Thanasia, Countess Eritoshi – who had served as the town’s Representative since its foundation in May 2013 – was replaced by her sister, Lady Imogen, who has chosen to assume the pseudonym of Lady Strawberry. In Harenfall, every voter voted to abstain. The incumbent, Lord Sivert MacLean, has remained as Acting Representative, and he will soon take part in discussions with the Emperor and Prime Minister in regards to the future of the town.