Lord Dux Joseph Kennedy elected Prime Minister
HIH Lord Dux Joseph Kennedy, Count of Greater Richmond, has been elected Prime Minister of Austenasia with 68.3% of the vote. Lord Dux Joseph had run as an independent against Countess Eritoshi of Memphis, who had sought to be re-elected on an environmentalist platform. The Countess received 21.95% of the vote, while 9.75% of voters chose to abstain. Forty one people voted out of an electorate of forty eight – an impressive 85.4% turnout. This was up from a 60% turnout in the previous general election, when Countess Eritoshi was elected in November 2013. “We congratulate Lord Dux Joseph on his election as Prime Minister, and offer our commiserations to Countess Eritoshi,” Emperor Jonathan I said after announcing the election results. “The Lord Dux worked hard on his campaign, and we look forward to what he will bring to government. We also wish to congratulate the Austenasian people on an impressive turnout – this was your opportunity to have your say in who will lead our government, and you certainly took it.” Lord Dux Joseph, speaking exclusively to the Austenasian Times, gave the following statement: “It is the greatest honour of my life to be chosen as Prime Minister of the Empire. I shall strive for the remainder of my term to serve the Austenasian people and HIM the Emperor in any way possible.” His official victory speech can be heard here.
New Richmond hit by blizzard
The Town of New Richmond has seen almost two feet of snow since it began to fall on Monday evening. New Richmond and the nearby area is currently experiencing the most snow it has seen in over a decade, and the surrounding U.S. Commonwealth of Kentucky has declared a state of emergency. Lord Dux Joseph Kennedy, Representative of New Richmond, has moved to Dominion House in North New Richmond after Town Hall in West Richmond lost running water due to the cold weather. The adverse conditions also caused Lord Joseph’s father’s vehicle to crash into a ditch, but no injuries were reported.
Countess Eritoshi and Lord Dux Joseph selected as General Election Candidates
Emperor Jonathan I has chosen the candidates for next month’s general election. Countess Eritoshi of Memphis, the incumbent Prime Minister, will be running for re-election against Lord Dux Joseph Kennedy. The general election will take place on 3 March, with campaigning now starting to get underway. Countess Eritoshi, Representative of Thanasia, is running on a left-wing platform and has announced a desire to found an Austenasian Green Party. Lord Dux Joseph, Representative of New Richmond, describes himself as a libertarian. Both candidates are leading figures in Austenasia’s legislative, executive and military spheres, and both hold the style of Imperial Highness, with Countess Eritoshi having been appointed an Augusta and Lord Dux Joseph a Caesar by the Emperor. Under the Austenasian Constitution of 2011, the Monarch selects applicant Representatives to run for Prime Minister three weeks after a general election is called, four weeks before voting takes place (general elections taking place seven weeks after being called). The announcement was made earlier this evening.
Pope of the Parva-Religions becomes Pontifex Maximus
Changes have been made to the Papacy of the Parva-Religions, with the Pope now being known as the Pontifex Maximus. Since June 2013, the Papacy of the Parva-Religions has been an institution designed to “defend” the religions of micronations. However, with no real opportunities being found to exercise this function, the Papacy – which was initially founded in 2004 to lead a cat-worshipping cult in a predecessor state of Wilcsland – yesterday underwent several reforms to increase its relevance and activity. The office held by the Pope – currently Lord Joseph Kennedy, who holds the papal name of Alexander IV – has been renamed to the Pontifex Maximus. The function of the Pontifex Maximus is now to produce works of theology and philosophy, to write commentaries on sacred texts, and to record oral traditions which may otherwise be lost, looking at a wide range of different beliefs and traditions. The Pontifex Maximus is to be appointed by the Emperor from the College of Pontiffs (formerly Cardinals), who are to be appointed by the Pontifex Maximus as advisors and prospective successors. As Austenasia is a secular state, the writings of the Pontifex Maximus will in no way shape or define official government views. However, the creation of the post of Pontifex Maximus will be a means of forming the first Austenasian works of theology and philosophy, a great boost to the cultural and intellectual life of the nation.
General election called for 3 March
Earlier today, His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I called for a general election to take place in seven weeks time, on 3 March. The most recent general election was held in November 2013, with Countess Eritoshi of Memphis being elected Prime Minister. Up to four years can pass from a general election before another must, under the Austenasian Constitution of 2011, be called. In an exclusive statement to the Austenasian Times, the Emperor explained his reason for calling one so much earlier than necessary: “Although Countess Eritoshi won the November 2013 election with two-thirds of the vote, Austenasia has expanded so much since then that those who voted for her now make up a mere 16% of the electorate. We have called this election not out of any displeasure with how she has been fulfilling her role as Prime Minister, but out of a wish to ensure that the holder of said office has a genuine democratic mandate.” It is expected that Countess Eritoshi will run to be re-elected Prime Minister. It is also expected that Lord Joseph Kennedy – and maybe others – will run against her. Candidates will be announced on 3 February after being formally approved by the Emperor.
Thanksgiving celebrated in Austenasia for the first time
The holiday of Thanksgiving was yesterday celebrated in Austenasia for the first time. The North American holiday is a day of giving thanks for the harvest and for the preceding year. This Thanksgiving – which in the USA falls on the fourth Thursday of November – is the first during which the Empire has had populated areas of land in North America, namely New Richmond, Shineshore, and Terentia. A celebratory meal was held in New Richmond Town Hall, attended by New Richmond’s Representative, Lord Joseph Kennedy, and members of his family. Similar dinners took place in the other houses in New Richmond, the Empire’s largest Town.
Further expansion for New Richmond
After expanding to become Austenasia’s largest Town only a few weeks ago, New Richmond has once again grown with the addition of two new houses. Joseph Nobilissimus Caesar and his immediate family have moved from their former home in Saint Josephsburg to a new house several miles away. The former has been ceded back to the United States of America, whereas the latter has now joined the Empire and New Richmond as the district of West Richmond, along with the neighbouring house. The house next to the Caesar’s new home belongs to relatives of his, who agreed to leaving the United States and joining West Richmond. This simultaneous cession and annexation of land – formalised by an Act of Parliament and a transfer of sovereignty ceremony earlier this evening – has increased the Empire’s population to 54. The cession of the Caesar’s old house in Saint Josephsburg is the first time that Austenasia has relinquished sovereignty over territory since January 2010, when a small area of land was given to the Slinky Empyre. The rest of Saint Josephsburg has remained Austenasian. More information, as well as photographs, will be published when available.
Local Election candidates confirmed
Those standing for Representative in next month’s local election have been confirmed. All incumbents are standing for election, with some at present only being Acting Representatives due to their Towns having joined the Empire after the most recent local elections in November last year. In no Town is there an opposing candidate standing for election, but this does not mean that there will be only one choice on the ballot paper. All subjects will have an option to abstain – should the option to abstain gain more votes than the candidate, the respective Town Council may take power for itself or appoint a new Acting Representative. Those standing for election to the office of Representative are: In Wrythe: HIM Emperor Jonathan I In Zephyria: Lord Marshal William, Baron of Zephyria In Thanasia: HIH Eritoshi, Countess of Memphis In Palasia: Lord John Gordon, Baron of Palasia In Lichtenstein: Lord Hengest Crannis, Duke of Grantabridge In Porthbokon: Lady Evren Filgert, Duchess of Dumnonia In New Richmond: HIH Joseph Nobilissimus Caesar In Shineshore: Lord Alastair Cranston, Duke of New Virginia
Six years of independence celebrated
The sixth anniversary of the Austenasian Declaration of Independence has been celebrated across the Empire, while local elections have been called for next month. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor and his parents celebrated Independence Day with a meal out this evening at a local restaurant. Crown Princess Caroline was unable to accompany them due to schoolwork. The occasion was also marked across the Empire – a parade took place in New Richmond, a ceremony was held in Oregonia, and a museum has been opened in Lichtenstein. Furthermore, the customary Independence Day honours list was released by Emperor Jonathan I. Amongst those granted honours was Lord Dux Joseph Kennedy, who has been appointed Caesar. Now known as HIH Joseph Nobilissimus Caesar, the founder of New Richmond has been appointed the Emperor’s deputy over the two Crown Dependencies in North America, Shineshore and Oregonia. Furthermore, the Governing Commissioner of the latter of these two, King Adam I of Überstadt, has been granted subjectship of the Empire, raising Austenasia’s population to fifty people. In an Imperial Edict given yesterday, the Emperor also announced that local elections will take place on 11 October. The last local elections took place in November last year, but since then several new Towns have joined the Empire, meaning that a large proportion of those in the House of Representatives are serving as Acting Representatives, without a democratic mandate. Subjects have one week in which to announce their intention to stand for Representative.
New Richmond and Shineshore become Towns as former expands
The Crown Dependencies of New Richmond and Shineshore have become Towns, a day after New Richmond was ceded land from Ashukovo. New Richmond and Shineshore are the first Towns of the Empire to be established outside of Great Britain, the former an enclave of the United States and the latter an enclave of Canada. The transition took place earlier today through an Act of Parliament. All Austenasian land outside of Great Britain has until now joined the Empire as Crown Dependencies, but requests were made by Shineshore and New Richmond to become Towns. This gives them representation in Parliament, but also places them under the authority of the central government. Lord Centurion Alastair and the now Lord Dux Joseph, the former Governing Commissioners of Shineshore and of New Richmond respectively, have become the Acting Representatives of the two new Towns. This comes only a day after New Richmond expanded after annexing Saint Josephsburg from the Ashukov Federation. Saint Josephsburg, which has eight residents including Lord Dux Joseph Kennedy and is estimated to span roughly 15400 square feet, was yesterday ceded with the consent of its population by Ashukovo to New Richmond. Separated by just over 14 miles, Saint Josephsburg and the original New Richmond – the latter now known as North New Richmond – now comprise the most populated territorial division in Austenasia, with ten residents. With the annexation of Saint Josephsburg, New Richmond now contains a shop which sells home appliances to the citizens of the neighbouring United States, whereas in Shineshore, plans for a space agency have recently been discussed. Arrangements for local government are currently being put into place in the two new Towns.