New Richmond adopts constitution
The Dominion of New Richmond, an Austenasian Crown Dependency in North America, has adopted a constitution after confirmation by the Emperor and approval by the population of New Richmond. The constitution, which was written by the Crown Dependency’s Governing Commissioner, Dux Sir Joseph Kennedy, has established the Dominion Assembly, which will act as New Richmond’s legislature and judiciary. It held its first meeting earlier today. The constitution – which can be read here – came into effect yesterday, after receiving the assent of the population. While it has not transferred the source of authority – as a Crown Dependency, all power is held by the Emperor and exercised through his Governing Commissioner – it has made the government of New Richmond somewhat more representative and accountable. Dux Sir Joseph Kennedy is currently on a week-long visit to New Richmond, which has a population of two. In his absence, it is administered by his deputy Legate Barger, who holds the title Lord Lieutenant.
New South Scotland invaded as Zealandia condemned for aggression
Despite being roundly condemned by numerous national leaders for her aggression towards New South Scotland, Queen Astrid of Zealandia this morning sent Zealandian troops into the Austenasian crown dependency. Announcing that she had renamed the land “Nyaskane”, Queen Astrid – also known as Anna Lindstrom – claimed to have annexed it into Zealandia, a claim unrecognised by the international community. Claims that this has been done in accordance with the principle of self-determination have been ridiculed, with nobody living on the land and there being no citizens of New South Scotland registered with the Austenasian government. Much confusion has resulted from claims by Queen Astrid she had been “pressured unfairly into dismissing half our government”, asserting that Emperor Jonathan I had been pressuring her to sack her Prime Minister and two high-ranking military officers. The Emperor has clarified that upon her complaining to him that one of said military officers was actively trying to depose her, he suggested she consider dismissing him, but challenged her to produce any evidence that he had ever done anything more, and said that the Zealandian Prime Minister had “never even [been] mentioned”. After Queen Astrid suspended the treaty allowing ZDF personnel to be present in New South Scotland, the Emperor gave 24 hours for them to leave the area before he would consider their presence a violation of sovereignty. Astrid has been ridiculed by some for comparing this action to the British colonisation of Australia (that is, not her troops occupying the land, but them being given time to leave). The actions of Zealandia have been condemned by the international community of small nations: Emperor Jonathan I has given the following statement: It is with great sadness that Our Imperial Majesty has seen the betrayal of our former friend play out before us. Astrid has lied to us, to the Zealandian government, and to those who have tried to help the situation through mediation. Her lies about us cannot be tolerated – nowhere did we pressure her to dismiss the members of her government that she claimed, and we challenge her to prove otherwise. While we advised she dismiss an officer attempting to depose her, this was advice given in a spirit of friendship after she informed us and our Privy Council that she was at risk of losing her throne. We cannot now help but think that this was a ruse to cause us to say something of the sort which she could present to her government as proof of “imperialism” – even she does not seem unstable enough to promote an officer if he had genuinely attempted to overthrow her mere days ago. It is clear that, far from having been forced by her government to invade New South Scotland, she has manipulated them into doing so by feeding them lies about Austenasia. The occupation of New South Scotland is illegal under international law. It is sovereign Austenasian land, and never has been Zealandian. The principle of self-determination has no relevance, there being no New South Scotlander population; Astrid’s claims to herself be a citizen of New South Scotland started only yesterday, after the crisis had begun, having never before claimed this status (which, if she held, would anyway make her guilty of treason for encouraging foreign invasion). Her claims of Austenasia being imperialist and aggressive are so laughable and hypocritical that we would debase ourselves to dignify them with a response. Furthermore, we dishonourably revoke Astrid’s honour in the Austenasian Order, and relinquish our own knighthood from her deceptive nation. In conclusion, the occupation of New South Scotland is an affront to the majesty of the Empire and the customs of civilised nations. However, it is not that which pains us, but the lies, deceit, and betrayal from somebody who for so long has claimed to be our friend. If that friendship was a ruse, a mere trick to be able to occupy some land, then we must condemn Queen Astrid and her actions as truly despicable. ICJA Wrythe, 3 June 2014
Subjectship granted to foreign members of the government
The status of Austenasian subjects has been bestowed upon some members of the Austenasian government who did not already hold it, increasing the population to 36. Subjectship was given to Dux Sir Joseph Kennedy, Governing Commissioner of New Richmond; Tribune Jacob Lewis, Governing Commissioner of Terentia; and Prince Andrew I, Governor of Corinium Terentium. These three individuals have governed Austenasian land for several months now, but remained citizens of foreign countries (the USA and Ashukovo, the USA and Juclandia, and the UK and Sabovia respectively). Having been given the option to become Austenasian nationals, these officials accepted and were granted the status by Parliament earlier today. Austenasia has laws forbidding dual citizenship with any country other than the UK in most cases, but Parliament has the power to make exceptions to these rules. The other three Governing Commissioners of the Empire have been given until 1 July to accept the offer of Austenasian subjectship, until which they can be granted the status by a mere public declaration of the Monarch. Members of the population can be either subjects or residents, or hold both statuses simultaneously. Residents are those who live in the Empire (currently 30 people) whereas subjects are those who have the right to vote in a general election. While most subjects also live in the Empire, not all do – as well as the three people granted subjectship today, the status is also held by former emperor Esmond III and by two military veterans, all non-residents.
Naval unit established after meeting of military leaders
Centuria II Ondiara, a naval unit of the Austenasian Army, has been established at the Crown Dependency of Shineshore after a meeting of military leaders on Skype yesterday evening. The meeting saw Emperor Jonathan I, defence minister Lord Marshal William, North American commander Dux Sir Joseph Kennedy, and air force head Sir Ash (formerly Micheal) Mitchell discuss several matters relating to the Austenasian Armed Forces. The first matter of discussion was the merger of the air forces as directed by the Armed Forces Act passed last year. The Imperial Air Force (IAF) was founded in October 2009 and disestablished five months later before being re-established in January 2012. In December 2010, though, Zephyria founded its own militia air force with permission from Parliament, which had remained independent from the IAF. It was decided that the Zephyrian Air Force would be disbanded and its members join the IAF, with Lord Marshal William keeping his rank of Marshal. The next topic on the agenda was a small fleet of four vessels offered to the Austenasian Armed Forces by Shineshore, a crown dependency of Austenasia that had joined the Empire earlier in the month. It was decided that instead of refounding the Imperial Navy (a short-lived branch of the armed forces which existed in name only between October 2009 and March 2010), the vessels would become a naval unit of the Austenasian Army, with their unit being officially founded earlier today as Centuria II Ondiara. Centuria II Ondiara is comprised of three soldiers, with two kayaks and two stand-up paddle-boards. It is the first proper naval force ever controlled by Austenasia, and gives the Empire a naval presence on Lake Ontario.
New countries recognised by the Empire
Parliament yesterday passed a Foreign Affairs Act granting recognition to Ashukovo, Wyvern, Sabovia, Leylandiistan, and Volfa. Ashukovo, officially the Ashukov Federation, was founded in May last year, and has a population of 48 with land in North America and Europe. Joseph Kennedy, who is Governing Commissioner of the Austenasian Crown Dependency of New Richmond, is Prince of the Ashukov state of Montania and a leading political figure within Ashukovo. The Kingdom of Wyvern, well-known for controversial behaviour of its leaders in the past, was founded in October 2009 when it became independent from the Netherlands. Despite being a prominent member of the MicroWiki community for some years now, Wyvern has only now been granted recognition by the Empire, the two having often held differing diplomatic views in the past. Recent discussions between the Austenasian and Wyvernian governments have led to efforts for there to be friendlier relations between the two states, and a formal treaty with Wyvern is expected to be signed within the next few weeks. The Principality of Sabovia was founded in April 2013 (although has its origins in an entity founded in May 2012) and is located near to the Austenasian Territory of Corinium Terentium, with its governor ruling Sabovia as HM Prince Andrew I. Sabovia has been accepted as a protected state of Austenasia, meaning that the Empire will protect it from any attackers. The Democratic Republic of Leylandiistan became independent from Ireland in November 2012. It has a population of 18 and is led by its president, Fionnbarra Ó Cathail. The four countries already listed have been recognised as sovereign states. However, Volfa, based in Malta, has been recognised as a sovereign nation and not a sovereign state, as, while a group of people with their own culture, it is neither tied to nor controls land claims. It is led by two Sultans, one of whom is the Austenasian ambassador to Malta.
Joseph Kennedy becomes Pope
Joseph Kennedy yesterday assumed the role of Pope of the Parva-Religions. The Pope leads the Divine Church of the Parva-Religions, an institution designed to promote the culture (specifically religious aspects) of small nations. Kennedy, who is Governing Commissioner of the Austenasian Crown Dependency of New Richmond, has taken the papal name of Alexander IV. He is the eleventh individual to hold the office, which derives its origins from a cat-worshipping cult founded in 2004 in a predecessor state of New Wessex. Kennedy’s predecessor, Pope Ezekiel I (better known as Richard Cunningham), founded the Church of the Parva-Religions together with Bradley of Dullahan last June. Formerly, the Pope was a spiritual advisor to Declan I, King of New Wessex, chosen by him from the members of the Orlian College of Cardinals, a body which was theoretically meant to advise him on the culture of Orly but only ever contained foreign leaders who he had appointed to the group as an honour. After the liberation of Orly from his rule last year, an argument between Declan and the cardinals resulted in them breaking away from his control under the leadership of Bradley of Dullahan, who together with the then pope founded the Divine Church by merging the Papacy with the College of Cardinals to create a single and independent institution. Currently, the Divine Church is in somewhat of a state of disarray. The responsibilities and functions of the former cardinals within the new system are not thought to be precisely delineated, and Kennedy was not elected to the position but was simply nominated by two former popes after the office had been left vacant for over two weeks after the resignation of his predecessor. Kennedy has stated that he wishes to reform the governing body of the church, and to make its “presence in the [MicroWiki] community more known”.
New Richmond expands
New Richmond, one of the two North American Crown Dependencies of Austenasia, has gained two residents and thousands of square feet of land. The Crown Dependency, officially titled the Dominion of New Richmond, yesterday grew by over 120% by annexing an adjacent piece of land. This land is lived on by the Lord Lieutenant of New Richmond, who administers the Crown Dependency on a day-to-day basis on behalf of the Governing Commissioner Joseph Kennedy (who in turn represents the Emperor), and his wife, giving New Richmond a population of two. While precise measurements are very difficult, this territorial acquisition by New Richmond – first annexed by Austenasia on 16 August 2013 – is thought to have increased the size of the Empire to over one and a half million square feet for the first time. There are also plans for the newly acquired population of New Richmond to be given powers to propose legislation for the Governing Commissioner to consider.
North American territory annexed
The Empire of Austenasia has expanded into North America for the first time with the annexation of New Richmond. New Richmond, which has been annexed as a Crown Dependency, makes North America the fourth continent alongside Europe, Australasia and South America to be home to Austenasian land. The land was annexed by the Empire yesterday evening by an Imperial Decree. Joseph Kennedy MAO has been appointed the Governing Commissioner of the new Crown Dependency, and exercises absolute authority over it in the name of the Throne. Although the land is uninhabited, it adds over 28,000 square feet to Austenasia. The annexation of New Richmond is the seventh territorial acquisition of the Empire so far this year.