The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Riverside land claimed in territorial changes

Wednesday 11th August saw territorial changes taking place for Austenasia, with a new territory being claimed from the U.S. state of Maine while most of New Pontunia was ceded back to Louisiana. The new Territory of Cenomannica overlooks a waterfall in the Machias River, Maine, and was claimed for Austenasia by the now Lord Archie Birch. Cenomannica spans 660 square feet and is part of a public park boasting scenic riverside views. Meanwhile, the autonomous crown dependency of New Pontunia has been downsized to a single house, the family home of its leader Duke Andrew I. New Pontunia joined Austenasia in October last year as an already existing nation of twenty three people claiming thirteen residential properties and two public parks. The dependency was significantly downsized in February with the cession of the two parks and four of its houses. The decision to further “streamline” the dependency down to the Duke’s house alone was made due to most of its residents – friends who had initially joined prior to it joining the Empire – having fallen out of contact with Andrew I or no longer being interested in living independently from the United States.