The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

IGS revisits Sheepleas despite heavy rain

The Imperial Geographical Society (IGS) today conducted an expedition to Sheepleas, attempting to retrace a route last taken in 2010. In a sign of his continued involvement in some non-governmental institutions following the recent implementation of a regency, the expedition was led by Emperor Jonathan I, the Society’s Director-General. The 2010 IGS expedition had first explored Sheepleas, a nature reserve in Surrey, before walking through woods and farmland in West Horsely, forming a figure-of-eight route centred on the 11th century St Mary’s Church. However, today’s expedition was unable to follow the whole of 2010’s route due to torrential rain significantly impeding their progress. The expedition reached the church in double the time it had expected to take, and so had lunch there in the shelter of its porch before deciding to cancel the northern circuit of the route and head back via another path through the nature reserve. Sheepleas is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, notable for the diversity of its plants and wildlife as well as being of geological interest. Ten people were on today’s expedition. The IGS has conducted an expedition to areas of countryside in Surrey on the first Monday of May every year since 2009, with the exceptions of 2018, 2020 and 2021. The Emperor and his parents were joined by Emperor Mother Margaret’s brother Lord Michael and his wife Lady Rosalind, as well as five members of Carshalton Methodist Church. The heavy rain made it difficult for recording equipment to be used, but a short video of the expedition composed of what was able to be filmed will be uploaded in the coming days.

Imperial Family celebrates Christmas

The past few days have seen Christmas celebrated by the Imperial Family, with the Emperor’s annual broadcast including some important news for next year. Christmas Day, Monday 25th, saw Emperor Jonathan I join his parents and his sister the Crown Princess as they attended the morning service at Carshalton Methodist Church, where both Crown Princess Caroline and Emperor Mother Margaret gave readings from the Bible. Afterwards joined by Empress Hannah, the Imperial Family travelled to the Boxall residence, home of the Emperor’s maternal relatives, where they were hosted for Christmas dinner by Lord Michael, Duke of Merton and his wife Lady Boxall. On Boxing Day, Tuesday 26th, the Boxalls were hosted at the Imperial Residence while Jonathan I and the Empress visited Empress Hannah’s parents. Christmas Day saw the publication on YouTube of the Emperor’s annual Christmas broadcast. In the broadcast, His Imperial Majesty reflected on the need to bring peace through love to others, and looked back on a year which has seen Austenasia’s fifteenth anniversary, his Decennalia, and the expansion of parliamentary representation to non-residentials. The Emperor also used the broadcast to give formal notice of a general election to take place on February 12th next year. The incumbent Prime Minister, Lord William Wilson, has already stated he will not be running, whereas his predecessor Lord John Gordon has stated that he will. His Imperial Majesty furthermore announced that the general election will take place alongside a referendum to amend the constitution, both to entrench parliamentary representation for non-residentials but also to make various other changes, the details of which will be announced in due course. Candidates for the 2024 general election will be confirmed by January 15th. Christmas decorations in the Imperial Residence will remain up until January 5th, Twelfth Night, the traditional date on which they are to be taken down.

Independence Day party held at Imperial Residence

A celebration attended by various dignitaries was held yesterday at the Imperial Residence in celebration of Austenasia’s tenth Independence Day. The party, hosted by Emperor Jonathan I and his parents, was attended by Princess Hannah of Wildflower Meadows, Adam I of Adammia, Lord John Gordon of Palasia, the two leaders of Lundenwic (a nation with which Austenasia does not currently have diplomatic relations but is in the process of negotiating), and Lord Michael and Dame Rosalind (uncle and aunt of the Emperor). For most of the guests, it was their first time meeting each other in person, and so plenty of friendly discussion was able to be had. Various parlour games were also played towards the end of the evening. Several of the guests took the opportunity to sign the Wrythe Convention, an international treaty condemning falsehoods, deception and sockpuppeting within the community of small nations. The very first physical Austenasian flag to be made was hung up in Parliament Hall, having been taken out of storage for the occasion. Each attendee received a complimentary commemorative coin, and several guests were also granted peerages and knighthoods by the Emperor.

First IGS Expedition held under new rules

The extended Imperial Family yesterday embarked on their annual New Year’s walk on Wimbledon Common, classified as an Imperial Geographical Society expedition under new rules for the organisation. In an Imperial Edict, Emperor Jonathan I laid out rules for the Imperial Geographical Society (IGS) in regards to its structure and the launching of expeditions. Any excursion in which two or more IGS members are partaking may be made an official IGS expedition after obtaining authorisation from the Director of the IGS. Yesterday’s walk, led by Lord Michael, was designated an IGS expedition with four of the eight taking part being members of the society. It is traditional for the immediate Imperial Family to have a walk on Wimbledon Common with the Boxalls (the family of Emperor Mother Margaret) on New Year’s Day, with the walk moved to 2nd January should the 1st be a Sunday. The expedition first explored woodland north of the famous Wimbledon Common Windmill, passing by the Queensmere and Kingsmere ponds, and then traversed the golf course and woodland south of the windmill. In the Imperial Edict, Jonathan I also directed that IGS expeditions “must do everything that is reasonably possible to refrain from damaging the natural environment”. The Imperial Geographical Society was founded in 2009. Yesterday’s expedition was the fifteenth since its foundation, and the third to Wimbledon Common.

Pigeon shot by air rifle falls into Wrythe

A pigeon fell out of the air onto the patio at the back of the Imperial Residence this afternoon after having been shot with an air rifle. The shot had been fired from 316 Green Wrythe Lane, a house close to the Imperial Residence. A person living there is thought to have been visited by police officers only a few weeks ago due to him using the air rifle in their garden, having been heard to loudly complain about the incident on a mobile phone. The pigeon landed on the patio and frantically shuffled into Wrythe Public Park, where the Emperor himself contained it under a large basket to prevent it from spreading blood over the park or injuring itself further. After telephoning the RSPCA (a British animal welfare charity) to ask for the bird to be taken to be treated for its injury, the Emperor was asked by them to contact the British police to inform them of the incident, as both injuring a wild bird and shooting something outside of one’s own private property (as the pigeon almost certainly was) are illegal in the United Kingdom. Two police officers soon arrived and were invited into the Imperial Residence by the Emperor, where he informed them of the situation. Despite the near-certainty that the bird had been shot – it had fallen out of the air after a loud “crack”, with the people at the nearby house having been heard mere minutes ago talking about “shoot[ing] it” after having been seen using the air rifle in their garden – the lack of an actual eyewitness meant that the police could take no action against them without the case being brought to court. The Emperor declined to press charges, only expressing concern for the welfare of the pigeon. The police officers waited for several minutes for the RSPCA officers to arrive, but then had to depart, leaving a note with contact details should the RSPCA wish to press charges against the shooters. After some time, an RSPCA officer telephoned the Imperial Residence stating that they were over an hour away and that it would be better for the bird to be taken to a nearby vet. However, there was nobody in the Imperial Residence who was allowed to drive on British roads, with the Emperor Mother and Emperor Father being at work and visiting friends respectively. Lord Michael – uncle of the Emperor and twelfth in line to the Throne – kindly came to Wrythe and drove the Emperor and the pigeon to a nearby veterinary clinic, where the pigeon was given treatment and will soon be transferred to an animal sanctuary. Lord Michael has received official thanks both from the Emperor and from Lord Hengest Crannis, Minister for the Environment, for transporting the pigeon to the vets.      

Imperial Family celebrates confirmation and birthday

Not only did the Imperial Family today celebrate the 58th birthday of Emperor Mother Margaret, but also the confirmation of Crown Princess Caroline into the Methodist Church of Great Britain. The day started with both individuals opening some presents in the Imperial Residence. The Imperial Family then attended the confirmation service at Carshalton Methodist Church, joined by the Boxalls (the family of the Emperor Mother). Emperor Jonathan I – who finishes his first term at university at the end of the week – also attended, having come home for the weekend. During the service, Crown Princess Caroline and several other younger people (including Sir Joseph, former Prince of Copan) were confirmed into membership of the Methodist Church of Great Britain. The Imperial Family and Boxalls then had lunch at a nearby gastropub, before the group travelled to the Imperial Residence. At the Imperial Residence, more presents were opened and cake and coffee were served. A list of those present at the celebration in the Imperial Residence is as follows: Emperor Jonathan I, Crown Princess Caroline, Emperor Mother Margaret, Emperor Father Terry, Emperor Grandmother Joyce, Lord Michael (brother of the Emperor Mother), Dame Rosalind (wife of Lord Michael), and their children Lord Timothy and Ladies Catherine and Jennifer.

Five years of independence celebrated

The fifth anniversary of the Austenasian Declaration of Independence is being celebrated across the Empire with a three-day-long public holiday. The actual anniversary of Austenasia’s founding was Friday 20th, but Independence Day is celebrated today (21st) on the third Saturday of September. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor announced last weekend that a public holiday would be held over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 22nd in celebration of this milestone. Emperor Jonathan I returned home to Wrythe from Roehampton University yesterday on the 20th, having spent the afternoon at Thanasia with Countess Eritoshi of Memphis on the way back. The Emperor appointed her to the ceremonial rank of Augusta by an Imperial Edict, granting her the style of Imperial Highness and making her second only to himself in the order of precedence in the Empire. This morning, Independence Day was marked in New South Scotland with a parade by its Constabulary, an organisation founded by Governing Commissioner Haakon Lindström to enforce law in the Crown Dependency. The celebration was concluded with Mr. Lindström having drinks with the members of the Constabulary. Celebrations continued as Jonathan I this evening accompanied Crown Princess Caroline, Emperor Father Terry and Emperor Mother Margaret to a quiz night at Carshalton Methodist Church with a fish and chips supper, joined by Lord Marshal William and the population of Zephyria and by Lord Michael, Dame Rosalind and Lady Catherine of the Boxall family (the family of the Emperor Mother). Tomorrow, the final day of the independence anniversary holiday, looks set to be a more relaxed day, with no major celebrations planned.

Lady Margaret Austen celebrates birthday

Lady Margaret Austen, Baroness of Glencrannog today celebrated her 57th birthday. Lady Margaret, 12th in Line to the Throne, was born in 1955 and married the future Emperor Terry I in 1989. She was Empress consort of Austenasia during the reign of Terry I (2008 – 2010) and is mother to Crown Prince Jonathan and Princess Caroline. Her mother Dame Joyce, brother Lord Michael (13th in Line to the Throne) and his wife Dame Rosalind visited Lady Margaret and her two children at the Imperial Residence this morning for coffee and cake, and this evening the Imperial Family ate out at an Italian restuarant in celebration of her birthday.