The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

MicroWorld Newsbites – April 2017

CAMPINIA On 4 April, the Principality of Campinia was officially dissolved by Prince Elias after discovering that the head of government, Shady Morsi, had been planning to depose him. Morsi, appointed head of government in August last year, had swiftly placed most state institutions under his own control. Morsi has not contested the dissolution of the nation, and Elias has joined the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis to work in heraldry. FLORENIA On 23 April, Florenia celebrated six years since its official date of foundation in 2011. KUMANO JIRITSU NATION On 13 April, Prime Minister Hatsu Ryuho conducted a Japanese-style ceremony marking the start of the Kumanoese agricultural season. MOLOSSIA On 10 April, the First Family’s pet Boston Terrier, Annie, passed away from heart failure at the age of eleven. She was buried with honours in the Molossia Cemetary, and Emperor Jonathan I sent his condolences to President Baugh. SABIA AND VERONA On 20 April, King Tarik of Sabia and Verona announced that he would soon promulgate a new constitution for the country, comprised of 104 articles concerning state institutions and the like, including relations between the kingdom’s human population and its famous plush toy “citizens”. SANDUS On 28 April, Sôgmô Gaius Soergel decreed the creation of a ceremonial Sandum nobility based loosely on that of the Russian Empire. USKOR On 11 April a referendum took place resulting in Chairwoman Charlotte Lindstrom extending her term of office for a year and announcing that the legislative People’s Assembly would no longer meet. No details were released of the referendum’s turnout or vote results.