Shiro named as new Heir
A new Line of Succession was today confirmed by the Senate, with Shiro Mephistopheles installed as the new Heir. The now Crown Prince Shiro – one of this year’s Consuls – has led the Senate since April, and previously served both in Parliament and in Cabinet. Upon the ascension of Emperor Aggelos I this Sunday, His Imperial Majesty’s first Imperial Decree called on the Senate to confirm a new Line of Succession. Prior to this confirmation, Lord Michael Simpson was technically Heir for several days, having been second in line before the new Emperor’s ascension. However, he had previously made it clear that he would not wish to accept the Throne unless entirely necessarily. Another reason to form a new Line of Succession comes from discussion in the top levels of government regarding prospective constitutional amendments. One of these amendments, which will likely be proposed before the end of the year, would remove the requirement for the Monarch to be a practicing Christian, replacing it with a requirement for the Monarch to respect the national religion rather than to necessarily adhere to it. Assuming that this amendment passes, the eligibility criteria for Monarch will significantly widen, and so some dignitaries previously not included have been considered by the Senate. The new Line of Succession now stands thus: The Senate has been empowered to make changes to the Line of Succession – with the Monarch’s approval – since 2020. This function was previously exercised by Parliament itself.
Emperor assumes emergency powers to heal deepening divisions in Parliament
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I this evening made an unprecedented announcement, assuming emergency powers in accordance with the Constitution’s provisions for an “existential threat to the state” with the support of the Senate, the Prime Minister, and the Leader of the Opposition. It is understood that in the space of the past 48 hours, disagreements primarily related to recently proposed constitutional amendments have spiraled out of control, splitting the House of Representatives deeply along party lines. A vote of no confidence in the Prime Minister was tabled by opposition Representatives but failed, there are rumors that a coup was considered, and some Representatives suggested secession as a response to the ongoing arguments. The announcement by the Emperor is reproduced in its entirety as follows: In accordance with Article II, Section E of the Austenasian Constitution of 2011, with the support of the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, and a majority of the Senate, we hereby temporarily enact the following provisions and accordingly override the Constitution where necessary in order to enable their enactment and exercise: 1) The House of Representatives shall not meet or convene without a prior summons from the Monarch. 2) All titles, offices and positions shall be held at and by the sole will and permission of the Monarch. 3) The position of Proconsul is hereby created, to be held by two individuals each of whom will hold the powers and authority of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister shall not be divested of his powers and authority, but the three shall work together under the direction of the Monarch to aid in the re-establishing of civil order and constitutional government. Lord Edward Gunderson, Count of New Grémmia and HG Bradley, Duke of Dullahan shall serve as the first two Proconsuls. These three provisions will remain in place until 13 June 2020, when they will be reviewed to ascertain the necessity of expanding, extending or revoking them. Threats of coups and secession, civil strife, and the inability of incumbent Representatives to productively work together has resulted in what can accurately be called “a time of great crisis and existential threat to the state”, as required by the Constitution for these emergency measures. Furthermore, we hereby decree that the referendum scheduled for 30 June 2020 to vote on the proposed Third Constitutional Amendment is brought forward to 12 June 2020. Decreed at Wrythe this twenty fifth day of May during the eighth year of our reign, in the year of the consulship of Hannah Augusta and Brenda Bargerii Nova Richmondiae Domina, anno mundi 7528. * It brings us no pleasure to make this announcement. Many of you may not even have been aware of the deep divisions within Austenasian government. However, such divisions exist and have been getting worse. With the support of our Prime Minister and newly appointed Proconsuls, we shall work together at healing these divisions moving the country forward into a new age. All around the world, societies are falling prey to division, hatred and strife due to political differences. Austenasia shall prove to the world that in this respect, as in many others, there is a different and better way. This way is what we shall find and follow, towards the goal of a brighter future for our beloved country. God bless you all, and God save the Empire!
Change made to Imperial style
The official style of the Austenasian Monarch has been altered by Emperor Jonathan I. Three of the titles in his official full style (which can be seen here, and is used only for formal ceremonial or diplomatic occasions) – “Emperor of Austenasia”, “Romanorum Imperator”, and “Basileus kai Autokrator Rhomaion” – have been merged into one: “Austenasian Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans”. The idea that the Emperor of Austenasia is in some sense an heir or successor to the Roman Emperors was first officially taken up by Emperor Esmond III in March 2010, since which the Empire has adopted more and more Roman attributes (e.g. the names of military officers and units, a system of consuls, etc.). However, Austenasia first began to explicitly emulate Rome as early as November 2009, when the Imperial Diadem was modified to include pendilia (dangling chains emblematic of medieval Roman crowns). A prefix, “by the Grace of Christ our God faithful”, has also been added to the Emperor’s style, adopted from the imperial style used by the late Eastern Roman Emperors. Jonathan I stated that this change was made to reflect his personal faith, with the changes to his style being made five years to the day that he joined the Orthodox Church. The (ordinary) style of the Emperor now, then, is His Imperial Majesty Imperator Caesar Jonathan Augustus, by the Grace of Christ our God faithful Austenasian Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans. The use of “our” in this style indicates the Emperor personally speaking (albeit in the majestic plural), not the implication that Christianity is in any way an official national religion of the Empire.
Jonathan I becomes Austenasia’s longest reigning Emperor
At 18:38 GMT this evening, HIM Emperor Jonathan I broke the record of his predecessor to become the Empire’s longest reigning Monarch. Jonathan I ascended to the Throne on 20 January 2013 after the abdication of Declan I. The precise record to beat was 763 days, 1 hour, 11 minutes and 30 seconds. Each of Austenasia’s four Monarchs (except, of course, founding Emperor Terry I) have had a longer reign than their predecessor: Jonathan I: 20 January 2013 – present; 763 days and counting. Declan I: 19 December 2010 – 20 January 2013; 763 days Esmond III: 16 February 2010 – 20 September 2011; 580 days Terry I: 20 September 2008 – 16 February 2010; 414 days
Paper Jubilee of the Emperor celebrated
Emperor Jonathan I has today celebrated his Paper Jubilee – two years – as Austenasia’s Monarch. It was two years ago today that Jonathan I ascended to the Throne after his predecessor Declan I abdicated. As with last year’s jubilee, the Emperor marked the occasion with Prime Minister Countess Eritoshi, the two of them having lunch together at Roehampton. Several military units have held ceremonies in honour of the occasion. Jonathan I is set to become the longest reigning Emperor of Austenasia on 22 February later this year.
Imperial Ascension Day celebrated
A year since the ascension to the Throne of Emperor Jonathan I was yesterday celebrated throughout the Empire of Austenasia. Yesterday marked one year since Jonathan I became Emperor after the abdication of his predecessor – his “Cotton Jubilee”. The Emperor marked the occasion with lunch out at a restaurant with the Prime Minister, Countess Eritoshi. The day was celebrated across the Empire. The two units of Legio I Virginia in the Austenasian Army held parades in New Richmond and in Terentia, and a public holiday was announced in New South Scotland.
Coronation of Emperor Jonathan I
Several dignitaries visited the Imperial Residence today to attend the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Jonathan I as Emperor of Austenasia. Jonathan I, who ascended to the Throne after the abdication of Declan I last month, crowned himself in his capacity as Founder of Austenasia with the Imperial Diadem on the spot from which he sent the Declaration of Independence via e-mail in September 2008. The guests present were Emperor Taeglan I Nihilus of Reyla, Premier James Puchowski of Landashir, Countess Eritoshi of Memphis, and Air Chief Marshal Sir Micheal Mitchell the head of the Imperial Air Force. Declan I had been invited but was unable to attend due to illness. Acting Prime Minister Lord Marshal William was also unable to attend due to having made prior commitments. A photographer from local newspaper the Sutton Guardian took photographs and video of the guests and the preparations for the coronation and recorded the ceremony, which began at roughly 11:45. The coronation ceremony was based on the guidelines laid out in the 2011 Constitution and the precedent set by the 2009 coronation of Emperor Terry I (now Emperor Father), with influences from the coronations of the British and Russian monarchs. The ceremony began with Jonathan I – wearing the Imperial Robes and Imperial Chain – being seated on a chair on the exact spot where Terry I was crowned and from where the Declaration of Independence was sent. He swore an oath to rule fairly and wisely, defend Austenasia and its people, and to uphold and abide by the law. He was then annointed with holy oil before being handed the Imperial Sceptre by Countess Eritoshi, who helped to officiate as Leader of Ceremonies. With the words “as Founder I crown myself, Imperator Caesar Jonathan Augustus, Emperor of Austenasia”, Jonathan I then placed the Imperial Diadem on his head to shouts of “Vivat Imperator” as those present bowed and saluted before the Austenasian national anthem was played. After the ceremony, Jonathan I and Taeglan I signed the Treaty of Wrythe, in which both emperors formally gave recognition of each other’s full imperial rank while agreeing that either of them addressing another as “Emperor” would not constitute recognition of imperial rank under the Carshaltonian political doctrine of Imperium without the consent of the other, and reaffirmed an earlier treaty of friendship between the two states. The ceremony over, Emperor Father Terry took photographs of the Emperor and his guests before joining them at the Racehorse, a pub in Carshalton, for lunch. There followed a quick visit to the (very) nearby Wessaxon constituent country of Orly and a brief (and unplanned) meeting with Lord Marshal William’s father before Taeglan I and Premier Puchowski departed. The Emperor, his father, the Countess and Air Chief Marshal returned to the Imperial Residence, with the Air Chief Marshal and then the Countess also departing after a few hours of socialising with the Emperor and his sister Crown Princess Caroline. The Sutton Guardian will most likely be publishing an article on the coronation on Thursday 28th February, once more bringing Austenasia to the attention of thousands of local Britons. This will be the third time the Empire has been featured in said paper, which ran articles on Austenasia in January 2009 and September 2011. An album of photographs taken at the coronation can be seen by following this link.
Coronation date announced
His Imperial Majesty the Emperor has announced the date of his coronation. The new Monarch, Jonathan I, has announced that the crowning ceremony will take pace in the Imperial Residence on Saturday 23 February, just over a month after he ascended to the Throne. This is much sooner than the previous two coronations – that of Terry I took place eight months after he became Monarch, and that of Esmond III took place just over seven months after he ascended the Throne. The Emperor’s predecessor, Declan I, did not have a coronation, as he was the only Austenasian Monarch to have never set foot in the Empire. Planned visits of Declan I to Wrythe in February and April 2012, for which the possibility of a coronation was discussed, never took place. The Emperor will be crowned with the Imperial Diadem while wearing the other Imperial Regalia (the Chain, Sceptre, and Robes) and sitting in the same spot in which the Declaration of Independence was sent in 2008. Foreign heads of state and nobility have been invited to attend the ceremony.
Declan I abdicates – Jonathan I ascends to the Throne
Declan I has abdicated from the Throne of Austenasia, with the until today Crown Prince becoming Monarch as His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I. At 17:18:07 this afternoon, Declan I made a Declaration of Abdication, announcing his “intention to renounce the Throne of Austenasia and the title and office of Monarch.” At 17:26:30, Emperor Jonathan I – known since the founding of the Empire in September 2008 as Crown Prince Jonathan – signed the Ascension Act 2013, ascending to the Throne. Said Act had been hurriedly written up by the now Emperor as soon as he learnt of his predecessor’s wish to abdicate, and was passed through the House of Representatives in a matter of minutes. The Act was given consent by the Representative of Wrythe, and the now Emperor gave his deciding vote as then Prime Minister to pass it through the House, losing that position by signing it and thus becoming Emperor. As the Emperor cannot be the Prime Minister, Lord Marshal William has becoming Acting Prime Minister until the next General Election, which will take place in or before December 2015. The aforementioned Representative of Wrythe, Princess Caroline, has now become Crown Princess as Heir to the Throne upon her brother’s ascension. Declan I stated that his abdication was for “personal reasons”, and that his life had been “going in a different direction for some time”. HIM Emperor Jonathan I ascends to the Throne as the fourth Emperor of Austenasia, also becoming the fifth King of Rushymia, the sixth Midget Master, and the seventh Theocrat of Atkantia, titles in union with the Austenasian Throne.
Declan I celebrates two years on the Throne
Two years ago today, HIM Emperor Declan I was made joint Monarch of Austenasia by an Act of Parliament. Act 138 (Dual Monarchy) brought an end to the ongoing War of the Orlian Reunification and shared the Throne between the then Emperor Esmond III and the victor of the war, Declan I. As revealed by HIH Crown Prince Jonathan last year, this was a plan to limit the powers of Esmond III, who was plotting to overthrow the Empire’s constitutional government and replace it with a military dictatorship. Esmond III and Declan I ruled together until 31 March 2011 when Parliament voted to remove the powers of Esmond III after the Austenasian Army pledged not to rebel to restore him to the Throne should he be removed from power. The plan to avoid Esmond’s plot complete, Declan I remained the only effectively ruling Austenasian Monarch – Esmond III remained titular joint Emperor until September last year, when the implementation of the new Constitution deprived him of this rank. The Austenasian Star is flying from the Prime Minister’s Office in celebration of this Cotton Jubilee of Declan I, the first Austenasian Monarch to celebrate two years on the Throne. His predecessors, Terry I and Esmond III, reigned for only seventeen and nineteen months respectively. The reign of Declan I has so far seen a long period of peace for Austenasia, which has been involved in no conflicts as of yet – in contrast, skirmishes were fought in Beddington Park and in the Imperial Residence itself during the reign of Terry I, and Esmond III reigned during both the Austenasian Civil War and the aforementioned war over Orly. The Empire has furthermore made great advances in diplomacy and culture over the past two years, and implemented an improved Constitution last year.