The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Lord William Wilson elected Prime Minister

Lord William Wilson, Count of Oribrazos, has been elected the sixth Prime Minister of Austenasia. Precise figures are yet to be confirmed, but the preliminary count indicates that Lord Wilson has received 76.6% of the vote whereas his rival candidate, Lady Addison Dillon, received 23.4% of the vote. This translates to thirty six and eleven votes respectively from the forty seven Austenasian subjects who voted yesterday. With seventy three of Austenasia’s population eligible to vote, this was a 64.4% turnout. Lady Addison campaigned on a platform of electoral and governmental reform and environmentalism, whereas Lord Wilson campaigned to promote Austenasian culture and government activity and accessibility. The past several weeks saw Wilson’s campaign dominate the news. Although Lady Addison published a campaign website, Lord Wilson also released weekly campaign videos in which he explained his policies and positions. Lord Wilson is expected to release his first Prime Minister’s Broadcast later today. Wilson’s predecessor, Lord John Gordon, was thanked and congratulated in the House of Representatives yesterday by the Monarch and other Representatives for his time in office as the Empire’s head of government. Lord Wilson’s first involvement with Austenasia came in April 2019, when he was appointed the Empire’s diplomatic Consul to Texas. Wilson became an Austenasian national in January 2020 upon founding the Town of Nahona, which he represents to this day as Representative. He was further instrumental in arranging the annexation of the Town of North Nahona in June and the March of Campo de Jonatán and Territory of Jackson in August late that year. Appointed Deputy Prime Minister on 1 June last year, Lord Wilson also served as Home Secretary from August 2020 to February earlier this year, and has held the office of Chief Herald since 3 June 2020.

Lord Wilson and Lady Dillon confirmed as general election candidates

Emperor Jonathan I yesterday confirmed two candidates for next month’s general election. Lady Addison Dillon, Representative of Blue Ridge, will be running against Lord William Wilson, Representative of Nahona. Both candidates have recently founded political parties to organise their supporters: Lady Dillon the Alliance Party and Lord Wilson the Arete (Excellence) Party. The Alliance Party describes itself as “syncretic” and “endorses civil rights, equality before the law, Athenian direct democracy, and broad technological and social reform.” Lady Dillon has noted that it “focuses on social issues rather than ideological economic specifics.” Lord Wilson has stated that the aim of the Arete Party “is to bring about the best of cultural, economic, and political life in Austenasia through the application of the 11 moral virtues described in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.” The Arete Party held a party conference earlier today, in which incumbent Prime Minister Lord John Gordon was elected party secretary. Two other Representatives have also joined. The general election will take place on 17 September, and will elect the country’s sixth Prime Minister. The winner of the election will come into office the following day, 18 September, which this year as the third Saturday in September will also be Austenasian Independence Day. The incumbent Prime Minister, Lord John Gordon, has been in office since June last year, but is stepping down as head of government due to increasing demands on his time, as well as the fact that despite enjoying broad popular support he was not directly elected. Lady Addison Dillon became an Austenasian governor in July 2020 upon claiming the then Territory of Blue Ridge. This was expanded into a Town in December with the annexation of her adjoining residence, of which she was elected Representative in February. She currently serves as one of Austenasia’s three delegates to the Grand Unified Micronational. Lord William Wilson joined Austenasia with the creation of the Town of Nahona in January 2020. He currently holds office as Deputy Prime Minister and Chief Herald, and also served as Home Secretary from August 2020 to February 2021.

Imperium Park designated national monument

A charter was signed on Wednesday 28th July bestowing national monument status on Imperium Park in Nahona. The charter, signed by Emperor Jonathan I in his capacity as Minister for Culture and by Lord William Wilson, Representative of Nahona, provides for the maintenance and preservation of the park. Spanning just over 140 square feet, Imperium Park is a recreational area dedicated to Austenasian and Imperial history. It was unveiled on Independence Day 2020, with work having begun in May earlier that year. The most prominent feature of Imperium Park is the Imperium Monument, composed of the Columna Passus Imperatori and the Vallum Austenum. The former is a limestone column inscribed with the names of the incumbent Augusti and Caesari at the time of its construction, whereas the latter is a perimeter wall inscribed with heraldry. The park also contains a seating area and spaces for the display of temporary art exhibits. Work on the continued beautification and maintenance of the park is ongoing. Imperium Park is only the third site to be granted national monument status, giving it official recognition as a “site or structure within Austenasia of importance to the culture and/or history” of the Empire.

Expansion in North America as Tricornia is dissolved

An Act of Parliament passed yesterday enacted territorial changes which saw the creation of a new Town, the expansion of another, and the dissolution of a third. Tricornia, a town annexed only in April, has been dissolved after its founder, Nikola Jovanovic, revealed that he had supplied incorrect information to the government while claiming the land and forged the signatures of its alleged residents. When claiming new areas of land, the government must strike a fine line between respecting the privacy of applicants while also being able to verify their claims. It is not believed that any changes to the current system are planned, but this incident has shown that it is not impossible for it to be abused. Tricornia now holds the unfortunate record of being the land claim with the shortest duration as a part of Austenasia. However, alongside the departure of Tricornia, a new Town has joined the Empire. The new Town of North Nahona has been founded with the annexation of two properties from Texas. A third property has been annexed to the already existing Town of Nahona, which the new town is named after. Each property is inhabited by two people, with a total of six people thereby joining Austenasia. This offsets the loss of the (alleged) same number from the dissolution of Tricornia. Both Nahona and North Nahona now consist of two properties, each inhabited by two people, and form a roughly eighteen mile long line stretching approximately north-west to south-east, with the southern two properties in the older town and the northern two in the new one. In other news, the Pontifex Maximus, Pope Queranus I – better known as Sebastian Linden – has been granted non-residential subjectship by Parliament. Linden has served as Governor of Iostan na Beithe and of Glencoe since January 2018, and briefly reigned as German Emperor in mid-2011.

IGS Expedition undertaken to Centennial Park

At the end of last month, Lord William Wilson led an expedition of the Imperial Geographical Society (IGS) to Centennial Park in Nashville, Tennessee. The visit to the park itself took place on 30 May, although the expedition began two days earlier, on the 28th, making it the only IGS expedition to date to have spanned more than one day. Lord Wilson and his mother Lady Nicole, who serve as Representative and Baroness of Nahona respectively, set off from Nahona on 28 May, crossing the Mississippi River and visiting the village of Whites Creek. While in Whites Creek, the expedition visited a grocery building where a member of the outlaw Jesse James’ gang was captured in 1881. On 30 May, the expedition arrived at Centennial Park and viewed the Tennessee Women’s Suffrage Monument before heading to the main feature in the park, a lifesized replica of the Athenian Parthenon. Once there, Lord Wilson explored the various art exhibits displayed within the Parthenon, including a large statue of Athena. The expedition ended after walking around Lake Watauga, the reservoir in the park, and naming the northern island Insula Viatorem. A video of the expedition’s exploration of Centennial Park can be seen here.

Imperium Day sees Emperor relinquish emergency powers

Emperor Jonathan I has relinquished his emergency powers nine days early in response to the end of the political strife that beset the nation during the last week of May. In an Imperial Edict issued for 4 June, Imperium Day, the Emperor has officially restored the full authority of the Constitution, noting that it was to be overridden only for the shortest time necessary. The emergency powers he assumed on 25 May were originally to be held until 13 June. In the same Imperial Edict, the referendum scheduled for this month in which proposed constitutional amendments were to be voted on has been postponed indefinitely, until consensus in government is reached about the purpose and scope of any future constitutional reform. Imperium Day is a public holiday annually celebrated each 4 June, celebrating the Roman heritage of Austenasia and its monarchy. It has also been marked today with a donation to the Imperial Numismatic Museum from the Emperor, and Lord William Wilson has announced that a monument is under construction in Nahona.

Imperial Geographical Society’s May Expedition goes ahead to Navasota River

Friday 1st May saw a small expedition of the Imperial Geographical Expedition (IGS) undertaken to the Navasota River in Texas. The expedition consisted of two people, namely King William I of Gradonia and his father. William I, who in Austenasia serves as Representative of Nahona, put forward the idea after it was noted that the traditional IGS expedition annually undertaken at the start of each May would be unable to take place due to restrictions on movement enacted in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Every May since 2009 (not including 2018, when the Emperor was in Spain) has seen the IGS launch an expedition to an area of countryside in Surrey. This year, however, the traditional expedition was cancelled due to a lockdown being in force in the United Kingdom to combat the transmission of the coronavirus. William I and his father were, however, able under American regulations to travel to an isolated spot by the Navasota River. While there, they went fishing, and King William made a catch – a 6.1 pound bass – at an area which the expedition named Peter’s Promontory in honour of the fish-related miracle related in Matthew 17:24-27. Some pieces of citrine quartz were also found in the area. King William also led a small IGS expedition of two members on 9 February earlier this year, which explored the city of San Antonio and its Alamo Mission and river walk.

Town on site of Roman fort annexed

Tricornia, a collection of land claims several of which are situated over the site of a Roman military camp of the same name, was annexed as an Austenasian Town earlier today. The new Town consists of ten separate land claims spread around near the Serbian town of Ritopek. One of these claims houses the Tricornia’s population of six. The other nine are uninhabited areas of farmland owned by the newly appointed Lord Nikola Jovanović, Acting Representative of the new town, who has also served as Austenasian Ambassador to Serbia since 2017. In total Tricornia covers 10.8 acres, making it the second-largest Austenasian Town, just over half the size of Nahona. This new acquisition has raised Austenasia’s population to 89.

Prince Dionisiy elected Prime Minister

HSH Dionisiy I, Prince of Montescano and Duke of Lycaonia, has been elected the fourth Prime Minister of Austenasia with 52.27% of the vote in a closely-fought election. His rival candidate, Lord John Gordon, received 40.91% of the vote, whereas an option to Abstain – which, if it gained a majority, would have forced fresh elections – received 6.82% of the vote. This translates to twenty-three, eighteen, and three votes respectively from the forty-four Austenasian subjects who voted yesterday. With fifty-nine of Austenasia’s population eligible to vote, this was a 74.58% turnout. Lord Gordon campaigned on a platform of social democracy and progressivism, but also pledged to nationalise private businesses. Dionisiy’s campaign promises focused on promoting the Romano-Christian culture of the Empire, as well as implementing internet-based referenda on important legislative issues. Despite criticism from some quarters for referring to “climate change hysterica”, the Prince has also pledged to minimise Austenasia’s carbon footprint, and is currently overseeing the construction of a solar farm in Seleucia ad Cilicia. Prince Dionisiy is expected to release a Prime Minister’s Broadcast tonight detailing his plans for the rest of the year. As well as the general election, local elections for Representative took place in the towns of Palasia, Gebirgspark, Chalcedon and Nahona. Palasia saw its incumbent, Dionisiy’s rival Lord Gordon, re-elected, whereas the other three towns had the Acting Representatives appointed upon their annexations (Lord Kristof Fondrk, Lord Ismetcan Sarac, and King William I, respectively) elected to the position proper.

Population passes 100 with the annexation of new Town

The population of the Empire of Austenasia has passed 100 for the first time in its history, now standing at 102. This comes as a result of a new town, Nahona, yesterday being annexed alongside the registration of three residents for the hitherto uninhabited crown dependency of Trebizond. Nahona consists of a 21.2 acre property which has been declared independent from the U.S. state of Texas. It is home to King William I of Gradonia and his mother. Despite being home to William I, the property has never been claimed by the Kingdom of Gradonia, a state with which Austenasia entered into mutual recognition in June last year. William I has been appointed Acting Representative of the new Town, the annexation of which has increased the number of Representatives in Parliament to ten. There were previously ten Representatives between January 2015 and September 2016; this remains the record highest number. Unfortunately both of these records are unlikely to last for long due to the upcoming secession of New Virginia on February 11th.