The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

New Mascot of the Order of the Bullmastiff appointed

After a vacancy lasting the better part of five years, a new Mascot has been named for the Order of the Bullmastiff. Penny, a bullmastiff born in April 2020 who is owned by a family friend of the Imperial Family, was named to the position by Emperor Jonathan I earlier today. The Order of the Bullmastiff is an Austenasian order of chivalry, and the only one to have a Mascot. The bullmastiff is the national animal of Austenasia, and as such the Mascot serves almost as the ceremonial embodiment of such. When the Order was founded by Emperor Terry I in January 2009, the Imperial Family had a pet bullmastiff, Rose, who was named Mascot of the Order. After Rose’s death in 2014, she was succeeded as Mascot by the Imperial Family’s other pet bullmastiff, Edd, and after his death in 2017, the position was taken by Rose’s daughter Lily (who did not live with the Imperial Family). However, upon Lily’s death the following year, the position fell vacant. Provision had been made for this, with a dog of another breed able to be appointed Honorary Mascot to fill the vacancy. The first Honorary Mascot was Cleo, family pet of the Emperor’s fiancee Princess Hannah. After Cleo’s death last year, a second Honorary Mascot was named as Ralph, family pet of former Prime Minister Lord John Gordon. Now that a new Mascot has been found in Penny, the two shall serve concurrently. Ralph shall continue to hold the position of Honorary Mascot for the rest of his life, but no replacement will be appointed while a Mascot proper remains in office. Although born in Cheshire, Penny was exported over to in Spain, where her owners currently live. She comes from a prestigious showing pedigree, with her father having won Best in Breed at Crufts in 2018. Penny also has familial connections to each of the Imperial Family’s two pet bullmastiffs, being the great-x3 niece both of Rose and of Edd.

Austenasia celebrates 12th anniversary

The Empire of Austenasia today celebrates Independence Day, marking twelve years since the Declaration of Independence was sent in September 2008. To mark the occasion, a broadcast has been released by Lord William Wilson, the Deputy Prime Minister. Another broadcast by the Prime Minister himself, Lord John Gordon, is expected later today. Celebrations will be taking place across the Empire. Emperor Jonathan I and his fiancée Princess Hannah the Augusta will this evening host dinner at a restaurant in Deva Victrix to be attended by local non-residential Austenasian subjects. The Emperor has also released the customary Honours List, the recipients on which are listed below: Independence Day 2020 Honours List Glorious Order of St. John: Lord John Gordon, Viscount of Thetford (Knight of Honour) HG Bradley, Duke of Dullahan (Knight of Honour) Lord William Wilson, Count of Oribrazos (Knight of Virtue) Order of the Bullmastiff: Lord Charles Ross, Duke of Occidentia (Knight) Brayden “Lee” Eaves (Knight) Austenasian Order: HFM Basileus Emmanuel I & II (Knight Commander) HH Despotes Aggelos (Knight Commander) HSH Edward I (Knight Commander) HM King Eran (Commander) HRH The Prince Nathan (Commander) Lord Remus Peroni, Duke of Viennensis (Commander) Lord Michael Simpson, Count of Occibrazos (Commander) Lord Austin Jaax, Baron of Kingeston (Commander) Thomas Marios I of Ovrestlia (Officer) HM King Cameron I (Officer) HG Aidan McGrath, Duke of Limiport (Officer) Lord Ismetcan Siraç, Count of Bithynia (Officer) Lord Casper von Naveria, Count of Cowyetton (Officer) Newton von Uberquie (Officer) Baron Archie Birch (Member) Thomas Bainbridge (Member) James Reginald Frisch (Member)

Honorary Mascot appointed

Cleo, pet dog of the family of Princess Hannah, has been appointed the Order of the Bullmastiff’s first Honorary Mascot. The announcement was made by Emperor Jonathan I earlier today. Cleo has mixed Border Collie/Alsatian ancestry, and lives with the family of Princess Hannah, the Emperor’s fiancée. Since 2009, the Order of the Bullmastiff – an Austenasian order of chivalry named after the Empire’s national animal – has had a bullmastiff as its Mascot. However, after the death of Lily last month, the position fell vacant. With no bullmastiff having been found for the position with suitable ties to the Imperial Family or to the Empire as a whole, the decision was made by the Emperor to appoint an Honorary Mascot, a dog which does not need to be a bullmastiff. The position of Mascot is entirely ceremonial, and the reason for Cleo’s title including the word “Honorary” is simply to reflect the fact that she is not of the dog breed that the Order is named after. Even if a bullmastiff should go on to be appointed as Mascot proper during Cleo’s lifetime, she will retain the title of Honorary Mascot.

Lily dies aged 7

Lily, Mascot of the Order of the Bullmastiff, has died aged 7. Lily was born in 2010 to Rose, a pet bullmastiff of the Imperial Family who also served as Mascot. She was sold to a family living in the British county of Surrey, and was visited by members of the Imperial Family in 2010 and 2011. Upon the death of Edd in April last year, Lily was appointed the Order of the Bullmastiff’s new Mascot. Lily’s death was announced earlier this evening by her owners. She had been experiencing health issues since late last year. Lily was the last surviving member of the Carothan kennel of bullmastiffs, and her death has left the position of Mascot vacant for the first time since its creation by Terry I in January 2009. If no bullmastiff can be found, there is provision for a dog of another breed to be appointed Honorary Mascot. Jonathan I has sent a message of condolence to Lily’s owners, expressing sympathy at her death and thanking them for giving her a loving home.

Edd dies aged 8

Edd, beloved pet bullmastiff of the Imperial Family, has died aged 8 years old. Edd passed away yesterday in the Imperial Residence after having a stroke. Born in December 2008 and bought as a pet by the then Emperor Terry I in March 2009, Edd lived in the Imperial Residence with his distant relative Rose, whom he succeeded as Mascot of the Order of the Bullmastiff – practically the ceremonial embodiment of Austenasia’s national animal – upon her death in April 2014. With a superb showing pedigree, Edd was shown at ten dog shows between 2009 and 2012, and qualified to be shown at Crufts in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Edd has been succeeded as Mascot of the Order of the Bullmastiff by Lily, Rose’s daughter who lives with a family in Surrey. Edd will be cremated, and his ashes buried in Wrythe Pet Cemetery in the coming weeks.

Emperor and Princess Consort announce engagement upon return from Seville

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I and his consort Princess Hannah of Wildflower Meadows arrived back in the country yesterday after a week-long holiday in the Spanish city of Seville. Whilst there, on Monday 5th the couple became engaged to be married whilst in Maria Luisa Park. The date of the wedding has yet to be announced, but will not be until after mid-2019, when the Princess completes her university course. The Princess Consort was crowned Princess of Wildflower Meadows by the Emperor on 12 May earlier this year upon the creation of a principality for her. On 11 November 2011, Hannah met the then Crown Prince Jonathan at a charity shop while lost in Carshalton. The two did not maintain contact, but met again on 10 September 2015. After several weeks of close friendship they announced the start of a romantic relationship on 5 November. Jonathan I and Princess Hannah spent eight days in Seville, during which they toured major sites of the city such as the Cathedral and royal palace. Whilst there, the imperial couple also met Sir Dominic Connolly, the Austenasian Ambassador to Spain, whom the Emperor knighted into the Order of the Bullmastiff in recognition of Connolly’s diplomatic service and in celebration of the imperial engagement.