The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

New Town and Crown Dependency join the Empire

Monday 5th October saw the new Town of Procyon and the new Crown Dependency of Kaiomenia annexed by Austenasia. Procyon is a residential property claimed from the Texan city of Killeen by its two residents, Lord Michael Simpson and his wife, the former of whom has been appointed the new town’s Acting Representative. Lord Simpson already served as Governor of the Territory of Florencium Carolina, which is situated just over six miles to the south-west of Procyon. The second claim, Kaiomenia, has been ceded to Austenasia by Ovrestlia, a Greek nation ruled by Thomas Marios I. As part of negotiations to formalise diplomatic relations between Austenasia and Ovrestlia in September, it was agreed that the latter would cede an area of land to the Empire. This was finalised with the creation of the new Crown Dependency, which will be governed autonomously by Thomas Marios I. Kaiomenia is composed of an area of undeveloped land to the north-west of the Greek city of Agrinio.

Relations strengthened with Roman-inspired nations

In the past week, the Empire of Austenasia has signed formal treaties of friendship and recognition with two other nations which claim continuity with the Roman Empire, namely Ovrestlia and Rhomania, and come to agreements regarding their imperial status. Ovrestlia, which has a population of 42 and declared independence from Greece in 2019, signed a treaty with Austenasia on Thursday 10th. Rhomania, which before becoming independent in May this year was the Austenasian Crown Dependency of Mouzilo, signed a treaty with Austenasia yesterday, on Wednesday 16th. Rhomania especially has a culture based on that of the Eastern Roman Empire, with most of its land located within the former borders of such and its official name being the Basileia of the Romans. Emmanuel I & II of Rhomania – also known as Manolis Afentoulis – holds the title of Basileus; although this is translatable as “Emperor”, the treaty signed has agreed that he will be recognised as holding the rank of Caesar, with Austenasia pledging to support his efforts to attain full Augustan rank. The monarch of Ovrestlia – Thomas Marios I – likewise officially claims imperial rank, but under the terms of the treaty signed with Austenasia has agreed to use the title of Hegemon in dealings with the Empire. In return for diplomatic recognition, Ovrestlia has also pledged to cede an area of land to Austenasia, the details of which are currently being arranged. Although Rhomania overtly claims succession from the Roman Empire, Ovrestlia likewise claims a cultural continuity from the same. In both treaties, Austenasia and the other signatory have recognised each other as holding “equal political succession from the Roman Empire and function[ing] as polities of the indivisible and perpetual Roman Empire”, the arrangement which Austenasia also holds with the Holy Roman Empire, Imvrassia, and the Carshalton Nations. These two treaties have therefore expanded and consolidated the sphere of nations mutually recognising each other as claiming and holding the inheritance of Rome.