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The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Constitutional Crisis! PM Resigns

The new era of the Empire of Austenasia is off to a rocky start since the regency of Emperor Jonathon I in May of this year. Since then Chief Ambassador, Lord Hunter Prater, and Prime Minister, Lord John Gordon have both resigned from their positions, leaving the Government in a mad scramble to regain control of a turbulent situation. On July 22, Lord John Gordon announced via Discord that he was resigning from his position as Prime Minister, which he was elected to in February of this year. Following his announcement, Gordon appointed Lady Addison O’Halloran, Representative of Blue Ridge, as Acting Prime Minister, on the understanding that Lord Andrew had also resigned. After a week of radio silence, the situation was brought to the attention of Deputy Prime Minister, Lord Andrew of Corinium Terentium. Lord Andrew, who at the time, sat as speaker of Parliament , stated that according the Austenasian Constitution, he was lawfully Acting Prime Minister upon the resignation of Lord Gordon, and that Gordon’s appointment of O’Halloran was unconstitutional. Lord Andrew made the following statement via Discord: “The appointment of Addison as Acting Prime Minister is unlawful, and any ‘official acts’ done during her ‘Premiership’ are null and void.  The succession of the Prime Minister is a settled fact, and cannot be altered by royal degree alone. As Deputy Prime Minister, I am the lawful acting Prime Minister, and was immediately upon the Prime Minister’s resignation.  Addison is not to be considered “Prime Minister”, acting or otherwise, until they have won the general election.” Lady O’Halloran immediately followed up stating she had not had any knowledge of the appointment until that moment. Shortly after, it was confirmed by the Prince Regent, Aggelos I, that Lord Andrew was indeed Acting Prime Minister. Lord Andrew made it known that he intends to call for an election as early as possible, citing that Parliament requires a replacement speaker before that can happen. He also announced that he will be running for Prime Minister in the upcoming election. Palasian Independence Following Lord John Gordon’s resignation as Prime Minister, on July 25, Gordon announced that the Austenasian town of Palasia and its march, Caldari, would be separating from Austenasia as they declare their independence. Gordon made the following speech: “Palasians, Austenasians, Peoples of the world, I make this speech in both sad and jubilant circumstances, sadness because the chapter of being part of Austenasia has come to an end but jubilant because we can finally forge ahead and make our own history and decisions. I do, with the permission and acceptance of the Palasian people declare independence from the Empire of Austenasia and announce the creation of the Palasian Transitional Council to oversee Palasia during the time of a fully independent nation called the Republic of Palasia. The Palasian Transitional Council’s job shall be to oversee the day to day running of a Transitional Government and the creation of a constitution and functioning government system. The first meeting of the PTC which shall set out the form of governance Palasia shall take, its Administrative structure and national symbols shall commence on the 1st August 2024. We shall endeavour to publish our declaration of independence after the first meeting thus beginning a new age in Palasia. We thank Austenasia for being our home for the last 14 years and we hope close relations with the Empire will commence in a timely fashion. Thank you John Gordon President of the Palasian Transitional Council” Palasia and Caldari have been a part of Austenasia since 2013 and 2014 respectively, making them some of the longest standing settlements in Austenasia history. Austenasia and the Times would like to wish Lord Gordon and Palasia all the best in the future. Austenasia Notes

Lord John Gordon elected Prime Minister

Lord John Gordon, Viscount of Thetford, has been elected the seventh Prime Minister of the Empire of Austenasia, with 60.6% of the vote. His rival candidate, Lord Andrew Creed, received 36.1% of the vote, whereas an option to Abstain – which, if it gained a majority, would have forced fresh elections – received 3.3% of the vote. This translates to thirty seven and twenty two votes respectively from the sixty one Austenasian subjects who voted yesterday. With one hundred and eight of Austenasia’s population eligible to vote, this was a 56.5% turnout. Lord Andrew Creed has been appointed Deputy Prime Minister by Lord Gordon. Both Lord Gordon and Lord Creed have a long history in Austenasia. Lord Gordon is the longest continually serving Representative, having represented Palasia in Parliament since July 2013, whereas Lord Creed is the longest serving Governor, having administered Corinium Terentium since December 2013. Lord John Gordon is the first former Prime Minister to resume the office, having also served from June 2020 to September 2021. This was a term feted for its political and cultural prosperity, the memory of which no doubt helped in his election. Lord Gordon – who held office as Speaker during the previous government – is also known for his sense of humour, leading the effort to have baked beans declared Austenasia’s national dish in reference to an in-joke on the national Discord server, and adopting as his campaign portrait a photo with a highly edited hairstyle. Lord Gordon’s campaign promised organising projects for Austenasians to work on to promote engagement with national life, an active approach to foreign affairs, promotion of Austenasia’s Roman heritage, and exploring initiatives to involve Austenasia with UN-related international bodies as some other small nations have done.

Imperial visit to Palasia

Emperor Jonathan I today visited the Austenasian Town of Palasia in belated celebration of its tenth anniversary. The Emperor was met by Lord John Gordon, Representative of Palasia, at Thetford railway station, the closest to Palasia. After lunch, the two then travelled the short distance to the Austenasian Town. Palasia consists of Lord Gordon’s family home, and so Jonathan I also met Lord Gordon’s parents and pet dogs. In a tour of Palasia, His Imperial Majesty viewed the Town’s sites of interest, including Joyce Memorial Garden and Palasia Pet Cemetery. In a special honour for the visiting Emperor, he was presented with the household’s most prized drinking glass to use for refreshments. This was the first time that Jonathan I has visited an Austenasian claim outside of Greater Wrythe, and coincided with his Decennalia Year, with Palasia the only inhabited claim of the Empire annexed during the Emperor’s first year on the Throne to remain in Austenasia to this day. Palasia was founded on 12 July 2013, but the imperial visit to mark the anniversary was postponed to today, partially due to train strikes in the United Kingdom in addition to various other time constraints. Lord Gordon is Austenasia’s longest continually-serving Representative, and held office as Prime Minister between June 2020 and September 2021. Jonathan I and Lord Gordon took the opportunity of the visit to discuss matters relating to Austenasian politics and foreign affairs, both past and present. Lord Gordon has also announced that he plans to stand in the general election to be held in February 2024.

Dominel granted protected state status

A new sovereign state, the Kingdom of Dominel, was recently founded by its now monarch, Queen Alexandra I. The new kingdom claims a small area of land bordered by the British county of Norfolk, and is situated nearby to the Austenasian town of Palasia. After diplomatic efforts led by Austenasian prime minister Lord John Gordon – who serves as Representative of Palasia – a treaty was yesterday signed between Alexandra I and Emperor Jonathan I establishing mutual recognition and friendly diplomatic relations between Austenasia and Dominel, as well as making Dominel a protected state of the Empire. Protected states of Austenasia hold a favoured position geopolitically in that Austenasia has pledged to defend them militarily upon their request, but they are not required to provide anything in return. Neither does the Empire assume any control over their foreign affairs or military, as it did with its protectorates (a status held by some states between 2010 and 2012). The Kingdom of the Grove, the Kingdom of Copan, and the Principality of Wildflower Meadows are also protected states of Austenasia.

Palasia Pet Cemetery designated national monument

On November 10th, a charter was signed which gave Palasia Pet Cemetery official national monument status. Palasia Pet Cemetery is located in Joyce Memorial Garden in Palasia. The status of national monument, created by the Monuments and Heritage Act 2017, is for sites or structures within Austenasia which are of cultural or historical significance to the nation. Palasia Pet Cemetery is the second site to be granted the status. The first national monument was another pet cemetery, that of Wrythe, and the Ministry for Culture is also exploring the option of granting the status to a monument recently erected in Nahona. Palasia Pet Cemetery was officially opened on 21 July earlier this year after the burial of Pickles, the family dog of Lord John Gordon. It is also the final resting place of a rabbit, Sasha. Its status as a national monument now enshrines within law the commitment of the Representative of Palasia to make provision for the maintenance of the cemetery, and increases the legal penalty for damaging the site.

Coronavirus scare in Palasia

A local lockdown has been announced by Palasia Town Council after one of the Town’s four residents developed symptoms of Covid-19. The resident displaying symptoms is en-route to a testing facility in the United Kingdom. A suspected case reported in Palasia in March resulted in a previous local lockdown, but the symptoms experienced by the individual soon abated. The local lockdown will restrict travel for Palasians over the UK-Austenasia border to essential journeys only. This also applies to Prime Minister Lord John Gordon, Representative of Palasia, who announced the news earlier this afternoon. No suspected cases among Austenasian subjects, residents or officials have to date tested positive.

Coronavirus measures implemented as pandemic continues

On 16 March, three cases of suspected coronavirus infection were reported by the Austenasian Times. All three individuals have by now either tested negative for the coronavirus or stopped displaying symptoms. Despite this good news, the ongoing pandemic and the reactions of governments around the world continue to affect life for all Austenasians, both residential and non-residential. Palasia and Bregusland restricted travel last month, a fact reported by Lonely Planet in a recent article about the reactions of various “micronations” to the pandemic. However, these are not the only towns of Austenasia to have implemented a response to the disease. The Austenasian capital Wrythe, the towns of Theodosiopolis and Dragovina, and the Harlemum March are all under lockdown. Theodosiopolis and Harlemum, which are both represented by Dionisiy I, have furthermore stocked up on protective masks and anti-viral medicine. Kingeston, which consists of uninhabited parkland bordered by Canada, has declared a state of emergency, and is encouraging visitors to observe social distancing and wash their hands. Peach Ponds meanwhile, which likewise consists of parkland (albeit bordered by the USA) has taken a stricter approach, enforcing a stay-at-home and not accepting visitors. In Mouzilo, the sole resident – Manolis Afentoulis, Duke of Thessalia – has implemented strict social distancing and remained within the borders of the crown dependency for over three weeks, working on various cultural projects. With lockdowns and social distancing being enforced in the United Kingdom, United States, and other countries around the world, many activities which Austenasians would usually join outside the borders of Austenasia itself have also been cancelled. Last weekend saw Western Easter unable to be celebrated by the Imperial Family by attending church with other Austenasians, as is customary. Likewise, Emperor Jonathan I and the other Orthodox Christians of Austenasia will be unable to observe Orthodox Easter this upcoming Sunday 19th with church attendance. The Emperor will instead be listening to a livestreamed service from the safety of the Imperial Residence. Likewise, the Imperial Geographical Society conducts an expedition on the first Monday of May, but will not be doing so this year. As long as the pandemic continues, similar measures and precautions will unfortunately have to be taken in order to ensure public health.

Emperor releases coronavirus statement as Austenasian officials and resident self-isolate

Three possible cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infections have been reported amongst Austenasia’s government and population. On 13 March, Pope Queranus I – Pontifex Maximus and Governor of Iostan na Beithe and Glencoe, better known as Sebastian Linden – announced that he would be self-isolating due to “symptoms matching coronavirus”. The same announcement was made on behalf of a resident of Palasia by Lord John Gordon, the town’s Representative, the following day. Earlier today, Sir Hugh McFarlane – Governing Commissioner of New South Scotland – also made the same announcement. In response to the suspected case in Palasia – the only suspected case reported so far on Austenasian territory – the Border Enforcement Agency has restricted travel over Palasia’s border with the United Kingdom to “essential” journeys. Furthermore, Bregusland – which expanded from a Territory into a Crown Dependency last month with the annexation of a bordering house and its three residents – has also been placed on lockdown, with the border closed to all non-residents. Emperor Jonathan I has made the following statement in response to the ongoing pandemic: Our prayers and best wishes are with all those infected or otherwise adversely affected by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Despite the rapid spread of this disease, panic and overreactions will not help but if anything hinder attempts to deal with it. We therefore call for individuals to react calmly, sensibly, proportionately and responsibly. Unless you will be entering into self-isolation with nobody to buy goods on your behalf, there is no need to stockpile food, toiletries and cleaning products. A lack of goods in shops simply means that others will go without or have to make extra journeys; think about the needs of others, and be compassionate. Be sensible, also; self-isolate if you are displaying symptoms, and minimise unnecessary travel or gatherings in order to avoid exposing yourself to the virus. Finally, and most importantly and obviously, be hygienic; wash your hands regularly (see this webpage for further information), disinfect desks, tables and door handles, and keep tissues on your person so as to cough or sneeze into them rather than your hands. Follow the advice of whatever authorities are most familiar with the situation in your local area, and accept disruption and discomfort in order to protect the health of others. By the grace of God this disease does not seem to pose a great risk to Austenasia; let us not let it spread any further by our own stupidity or laziness. We are confident that in time the pandemic will come to an end, as have all pandemics in human history; let us pray that its end will come quickly, for the recovery of those infected, for the protection of those at risk, and for the strengthening of those working to combat the disease. May God bless and save you all. ICJAChester, 16 March 2020 UPDATE 18 MARCH 12:05 – Sir Hugh McFarlane has announced that he and his immediate family have tested negative for the coronavirus.

Prince Dionisiy elected Prime Minister

HSH Dionisiy I, Prince of Montescano and Duke of Lycaonia, has been elected the fourth Prime Minister of Austenasia with 52.27% of the vote in a closely-fought election. His rival candidate, Lord John Gordon, received 40.91% of the vote, whereas an option to Abstain – which, if it gained a majority, would have forced fresh elections – received 6.82% of the vote. This translates to twenty-three, eighteen, and three votes respectively from the forty-four Austenasian subjects who voted yesterday. With fifty-nine of Austenasia’s population eligible to vote, this was a 74.58% turnout. Lord Gordon campaigned on a platform of social democracy and progressivism, but also pledged to nationalise private businesses. Dionisiy’s campaign promises focused on promoting the Romano-Christian culture of the Empire, as well as implementing internet-based referenda on important legislative issues. Despite criticism from some quarters for referring to “climate change hysterica”, the Prince has also pledged to minimise Austenasia’s carbon footprint, and is currently overseeing the construction of a solar farm in Seleucia ad Cilicia. Prince Dionisiy is expected to release a Prime Minister’s Broadcast tonight detailing his plans for the rest of the year. As well as the general election, local elections for Representative took place in the towns of Palasia, Gebirgspark, Chalcedon and Nahona. Palasia saw its incumbent, Dionisiy’s rival Lord Gordon, re-elected, whereas the other three towns had the Acting Representatives appointed upon their annexations (Lord Kristof Fondrk, Lord Ismetcan Sarac, and King William I, respectively) elected to the position proper.

Dionisiy I and Lord John Gordon confirmed as general election candidates

Emperor Jonathan I yesterday confirmed two candidates for next month’s general election. Prince Dionisiy I of the Fatherland Party will be standing against Lord John Gordon of the Whig Party. Lord Gordon is Representative of Palasia, and Prince Dionisiy is Representative of Theodosiopolis. The Whig Party espouses classical liberalism, but Lord Gordon is on the left-wing of his party, and will be running on a platform of socially liberal ideas. The Fatherland Party’s candidate, Prince Dionisiy, is running on a platform of social conservatism and the promotion of Roman and Christian culture. The general election will take place on 12 February, and will elect the country’s fourth Prime Minister. The incumbent Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, has been in office since March 2015 but is stepping down due to the secession of New Virginia. Lord Gordon previously ran for Prime Minister in 2013 as a Marxist, but lost to Countess Eritoshi with one third of the vote. He then served as her Deputy Prime Minister until her own electoral loss to Lord Admiral Kennedy in 2015. Lord Gordon has held positions in Cabinet, serving as Home Secretary from November 2013 to May 2014 and as Minister of Defence from February to July 2018. He also serves as President of the Iceni Democratic Republic, an independent state located near to Palasia. Prince Dionisiy, who also reigns as sovereign of Montescano, joined Austenasia upon the annexation of Theodosiopolis in March last year. He has since been instrumental in the expansion of Austenasia in the old Roman East, personally claiming Laranda, Seleucia ad Cilicia, Chalcedon, and Trebizond for Austenasia.