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Austenasian Times

Online news for the people of the Empire

MicroWorld Newsbites – June 2017

ASHUKOVO On 25 June, Jacob Huff was inaugurated the new President of Ashukovo, having beaten Conservative rival Manolis Afentoulis in an election the previous week with 60% of the vote. Previous President Edward Jacobs is now Vice-President, having run on the same ticket as Huff. The election saw a 91% turnout. DELVERA On 1 June, the Delveran Armed Services released from service all combat personnel, reverting to their previous militia system so as to save funds in peacetime. Soldiers employed in intelligence roles were kept on. HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE On 18 June, the Khanate of Nedland become a member state of the Holy Roman Empire, boosting the Empire’s population by almost three hundred and giving it scattered territories across Europe, North America, central Asia and west Africa. IMVRASSIA On 16 June, the previously advisory body of the Privy Council – comprised entirely of members of the Royal Family – was made the legislature of the kingdom by royal decree. WILDFLOWER MEADOWS On 13 June, the State Crown of Wildflower Meadows was repaired after one of the decorative flowers was accidentally detached. The friend of Princess Hannah’s who repaired the crown was knighted shortly afterwards.