MicroWorld Newsbites – August 2017
JUCLANDIA On 23 August, constitutional amendments were implemented in Juclandia. The official name of the country was changed from the “Kingdom of Juclandia” to simply “Juclandia”, and the monarchy has become elected, with the King from henceforth to be elected every eight years. MOLOSSIA On 13 August, President Kevin Baugh officially dedicated the Molossian Friendship Gateway, a monument dedicated to inclusiveness and openness which has been under construction since January, funded by volunteers purchasing bricks with which to build it. SEBORGA On 20 August, Prince Marcello I was formally invested as Prince after being re-elected in April. The ceremony followed a religious procession, and the day finished with food and dancing. USKOR On 26 August, the Uskorian legislature voted to grant President Charlotte Lindstrom the title High Queen of Uskor. It is understood that this most recent incarnation of the Uskorian monarchy – Lindstrom having previously been a monarch under several different titles and regnal names – will be primarily a ceremonial and cultural institution.