Emperor Jonathan I celebrates ten years on the Throne
It was ten years ago today – 20 January 2013 – that His Imperial Majesty Emperor Jonathan I ascended to the Austenasian Throne. To mark this momentous occasion, today’s Imperial Ascension Day – an annual public holiday – has been declared the start of a Decennalia year, during which various celebratory events will take place to observe the tenth anniversary of the Emperor’s first year on the Throne. Emperor Jonathan I has published an Imperial Edict thanking those who have supported him in his reign and recommitting himself to the promises made at his coronation. The Edict also contains a small honours list. The Emperor’s cousin Lord Timothy has been made Archduke of Gallia, and three other imperial rulers – Quentin I and the deputy monarchs of Imvrassia – have been given Austenasian dukedoms. To further mark today’s jubilee, His Imperial Majesty also donated coins of historical emperors to the Imperial Numismatic Museum. The first major Decennalia event is an online chess tournament which will take place tomorrow, in which twenty people are expected to take part. Jonathan I is the fourth Emperor of Austenasia, and the only one to have reached this milestone of ten years on the Throne. He became Emperor upon the abdication of his immediate predecessor Declan I, having been Heir to the Throne as son of Austenasia’s founding Monarch, Terry I. His Imperial Majesty will address the Senate on this momentous occasion later today.
Aggelos acclaimed joint Emperor of Imvrassia to replace Stamatios
Aggelos I, founder of Imvrassia, has been appointed joint Emperor of Imvrassia by his daughter, Empress Aikaterini, replacing her grandfather Stamatios I. Stamatios I had reigned as joint Emperor of Imvrassia in a primarily ceremonial capacity since November last year, but on Christmas Eve his granddaughter honorably revoked his position as reigning co-monarch and downgraded him to the title of Symbasileus, a “junior co-emperor” roughly equivalent to the Austenasian position of Caesar. On Christmas Day, Empress Aikaterini raised her father, Aggelos I, to the throne as joint ruling co-Emperor. He had previously been appointed Symbasileus himself on 21 December. Aggelos has served as Imvrassian head of state before, most recently from March to November 2016 as king. Prior to being appointed joint Emperor, he had held the rank of Despotes and managed Imvrassian foreign relations, being instrumental in securing recognition of Imvrassian imperium in October this year. Jonathan I has sent congratulations to his new colleague in the consortium imperii.
Augustan rank of Imvrassian monarchs recognised
By a joint decision of the Austenasian, Holy Roman, and Adammic thrones, yesterday evening saw the claim of Imvrassia to imperium fully recognised. On 1 January earlier this year, the Kingdom of Imvrassia declared itself an Empire, and its monarchs Aikaterini I and Stamatios I assumed the titles of Empress and Emperor respectively. The already existing emperors refused to recognise a unilateral claim to imperium, but on 1 May an agreement was reached with Imvrassia whereby its monarchs would be recognised as holding the subordinate rank of Caesar rather than that of Augustus. Yesterday saw Emperor Jonathan I of Austenasia, Emperor Adam I of Adammia, and Imperial Regent Joseph III of the Holy Roman Empire sign a treaty with the Imvrassian government whereby its monarchs are now recognised as holding full Augustan rank, equal to the other emperors. Empress Aikaterini I has held the Imvrassian throne since August 2016, albeit with a three-month temporary abdication in late 2018. She rules alongside her grandfather Stamatios I, who reigns in a more ceremonial capacity and has held the throne since November last year. Imvrassia is a Romano-Hellenic nation with 23 citizens, with land claims located primarily in the eastern Mediterranean. Austenasia has held close and friendly relations with Imvrassia since a treaty was signed between the two states in April 2017.