The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Fifteen years of independence celebrated

The Empire of Austenasia yesterday celebrated Independence Day, marking fifteen years since the Declaration of Independence was sent in September 2008. Independence Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday in September. An special commemorative Act of Parliament passed yesterday – the two hundredth of the current reign – extended the public holiday to Wednesday 20th, the actual anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. To mark the occasion, a broadcast has been published by Lord William Wilson, the Prime Minister, reflecting on ideas of identity and legacy, praising the Empire’s governmental system, and encouraging Austenasians to play a role in the civic and cultural life of the nation. Lord Wilson used the broadcast to reveal that he will not be running in next year’s general election. In the capital city, Wrythe, Emperor Jonathan I hosted the Reylan emperor Taeglan I and King Calum I of the Grove for a semi-formal diplomatic reception. Both monarchs hold the rank of Caesar. Wrythe Public Park also saw a time capsule buried to commemorate the occasion. This replaced an earlier capsule buried in 2012, which was unearthed and opened, with its contents to be studied by the Imperial Geographical Society. Celebrations will continue until Wednesday 20th, when an honours list will be released by the Throne.

Emperors to rescind recognition of Reylan imperium

As of 1 October 2019, Emperor Taeglan I Nihilus of the Reylan Imperial Triumvirate will be recognised as holding the rank of Caesar rather than of Augustus, in a major change to rank and precedence on the imperial stage. Following discussions of Emperor Jonathan I with Taeglan I Nihilus and with the government of the Holy Roman Empire, it was decided that the Treaty of Wrythe – by which Austenasia granted recognition to the Reylan claim to imperial rank – would be revoked. The Treaty of Wrythe was signed between Jonathan I and Taeglan I Nihilus at the coronation of the former in February 2013. By the terms of the treaty, the Austenasian and Reylan thrones were both recognised to be of equal Augustan imperial rank. A subsequent agreement in September 2016 between Austenasia and Wyvern, made with the consent of Reyla, legitimated the claim of King Quentin I of Wyvern to restore the Holy Roman Empire. From then onwards, the three emperors reigned in a state of mutual recognition of each other’s claim to imperium. However, the decreased prominence of Reyla on the international stage in recent years – coupled with a decline in its internal activity – led Taeglan I to respond sympathetically to an Austenasian request for a review of its status as an Empire (in the Austenasian/Holy Roman understanding of the term). Specifically, permission was given to revoke the Treaty of Wrythe. The other two Emperors therefore co-authored a declaration on Friday 27th September, in which it was declared that as of 1 October, Taeglan I and his successors as Reylan sovereigns will no longer be recognised as emperors “in the full sense of an imperium-holding monarch of Augustan rank.” From henceforth the Reylan head of state will be recognised as instead holding the rank of Caesar, equivalent to Tsar, but may be referred to as “emperor” out of diplomatic courtesy with the understanding that the actual rank has been downgraded. Similar negotiations among emperors regarding the rearranging and downgrading of ranks took place during the Tetrarchy period of the classical Roman Empire, in the early fourth century. The Austenasian government has been keen to stress that the diplomatic relationship between Austenasia and Reyla remains strong and friendly, despite this change in rank. Indeed, just last week, Taeglan I was given a title of nobility in the annual Independence Day honours list. From 1 October, then, there will be three recognised Emperors: Jonathan I of Austenasia, Quentin I of the Holy Roman Empire, and Naruhito of Japan.

Austenasia celebrates its eleventh anniversary

Yesterday saw Independence Day in the Empire of Austenasia, the yearly celebration of the Austenasian Declaration of Independence in September 2008. Independence Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of September, although the actual anniversary of the Declaration of Independence is the 20th, which this year fell on a Friday. As expected, celebrations were somewhat muted compared to last year, when Austenasia’s tenth anniversary was celebrated with a party at the Imperial Residence and the minting of commemorative coins. However, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor did release an honours list, a custom which has been performed on every Independence Day apart from 2009 and 2011. Recipients of honours included the foreign national leaders Emperor Taeglan I Nihilus of Reyla and King Eran and Prince Nathan of Florenia, who were all made Counts, as well as several Austenasian governmental and noble figures being given titles in the Austenasian Order. Independence Day also saw the Fatherland Party hold its first conference, which took place over Discord. The conference lasted just under an hour, but resulted in agreement being reached over the party’s policies.

Holy Roman Empire restored!

The Holy Roman Empire, an imperial polity which existed between 800 and 1806, has been re-established by King Quentin I of Wyvern. Emperor Jonathan I yesterday signed a treaty with Quentin I in which the latter was granted recognition of his claim to imperial rank, thus finally legitimising his restored Holy Roman Empire (HRE), a project by Wyvern which has been ongoing since 2014. Taeglan I Nihilus, the Reylan Emperor, gave his consent for Quentin I to be recognised as an Emperor. With Jonathan I, Taeglan I, and Quentin I all now recognised as holding the rank of Emperor, this marks the first time since 1867 that there have been three Emperors of three different imperial states in the West. The original Holy Roman Empire was effectively established in 800, before dissolving during the Napoleonic Wars. Quentin I based his claim to have re-established the HRE on the grounds that Wyvern is situated on land formerly belonging to the Empire, and that he himself is descended from various Holy Roman Emperors. The re-established HRE is structured very similarly to the way in which the original was in the latter part of its existence, as an imperial confederation of sovereign states over which the Holy Roman Emperor holds imperium. The member states of the new Holy Roman Empire are the Kingdom of Wyvern, the Kingdom of Natal, the Principality of Montania, and the Free City of Hoogland, the latter three of which are exclaves of the United States of America.

Taeglan I Nihilus elected GUM Chair

Emperor Taeglan I Nihilus of the Reylan Imperial Triumvirate has been elected the twenty first Chairman of the Grand Unified Micronational (GUM).   Taeglan I served as the organisation’s Supreme Judge during the previous term, and has been working towards a revision of the GUM Charter. Meanwhile, Emperor Jonathan I has been elected Secretary for Security and Community Affairs, with eight votes against his opponent’s one vote. The GUM, founded in January 2009, is the main diplomatic organisation in the “MicroWiki community” of small nations, with Austenasia having been a member state since October 2009. Jonathan I served as the ninth and eleventh Chairman from December 2011 to March 2012 and from June to September 2012 respectively, while still Crown Prince.

Meeting in Putney

His Imperial Majesty the Emperor, Countess Eritoshi, and Lady Evren Filgert met in Putney this afternoon for lunch, later joined by the Reylan Emperor Taeglan I, although by this point the Countess had had to leave. Emperor Jonathan I and Prime Minister Countess Eritoshi met Evren Filgert of Porthbokon at a Putney tube station before walking to a nearby restaurant for lunch in celebration of the Emperor’s birthday, which took place yesterday. After eating, the Countess had to depart, and the Emperor and Lady Evren explored the town before meeting Taeglan I Nihilus, Reylan Emperor. This was the first time that the two western Emperors have met since the coronation of Jonathan I. Along with Lady Evren, they went to a coffee shop to buy drinks, and the three spent time talking about various matters. All four individuals who met today study in Greater London, and the idea of future similar informal meetings met with approval.

Privy Council founded

Parliament has passed an Act founding a Privy Council as an advisory body to the Emperor. The Council contains Countess Eritoshi, Emperor Mother Margaret, Emperor Father Terry, Taeglan I, Lord Marshal William, and several other politicians and friendly foreign leaders. Appointment to the Council will be at the absolute discretion of the Emperor. The Privy Council has no power to issue legally binding advice, but can give suggestions to the Emperor which he will consider.

Coronation of Emperor Jonathan I

Several dignitaries visited the Imperial Residence today to attend the coronation of His Imperial Majesty Jonathan I as Emperor of Austenasia. Jonathan I, who ascended to the Throne after the abdication of Declan I last month, crowned himself in his capacity as Founder of Austenasia with the Imperial Diadem on the spot from which he sent the Declaration of Independence via e-mail in September 2008. The guests present were Emperor Taeglan I Nihilus of Reyla, Premier James Puchowski of Landashir, Countess Eritoshi of Memphis, and Air Chief Marshal Sir Micheal Mitchell the head of the Imperial Air Force. Declan I had been invited but was unable to attend due to illness. Acting Prime Minister Lord Marshal William was also unable to attend due to having made prior commitments. A photographer from local newspaper the Sutton Guardian took photographs and video of the guests and the preparations for the coronation and recorded the ceremony, which began at roughly 11:45. The coronation ceremony was based on the guidelines laid out in the 2011 Constitution and the precedent set by the 2009 coronation of Emperor Terry I (now Emperor Father), with influences from the coronations of the British and Russian monarchs. The ceremony began with Jonathan I – wearing the Imperial Robes and Imperial Chain – being seated on a chair on the exact spot where Terry I was crowned and from where the Declaration of Independence was sent. He swore an oath to rule fairly and wisely, defend Austenasia and its people, and to uphold and abide by the law. He was then annointed with holy oil before being handed the Imperial Sceptre by Countess Eritoshi, who helped to officiate as Leader of Ceremonies. With the words “as Founder I crown myself, Imperator Caesar Jonathan Augustus, Emperor of Austenasia”, Jonathan I then placed the Imperial Diadem on his head to shouts of “Vivat Imperator” as those present bowed and saluted before the Austenasian national anthem was played. After the ceremony, Jonathan I and Taeglan I signed the Treaty of Wrythe, in which both emperors formally gave recognition of each other’s full imperial rank while agreeing that either of them addressing another as “Emperor” would not constitute recognition of imperial rank under the Carshaltonian political doctrine of Imperium without the consent of the other, and reaffirmed an earlier treaty of friendship between the two states. The ceremony over, Emperor Father Terry took photographs of the Emperor and his guests before joining them at the Racehorse, a pub in Carshalton, for lunch. There followed a quick visit to the (very) nearby Wessaxon constituent country of Orly and a brief (and unplanned) meeting with Lord Marshal William’s father before Taeglan I and Premier Puchowski departed. The Emperor, his father, the Countess and Air Chief Marshal returned to the Imperial Residence, with the Air Chief Marshal and then the Countess also departing after a few hours of socialising with the Emperor and his sister Crown Princess Caroline. The Sutton Guardian will most likely be publishing an article on the coronation on Thursday 28th February, once more bringing Austenasia to the attention of thousands of local Britons. This will be the third time the Empire has been featured in said paper, which ran articles on Austenasia in January 2009 and September 2011. An album of photographs taken at the coronation can be seen by following this link.