New Austenasian March founded
Thursday 5th saw Harlemum founded as a March of Theodosiopolis. Lord Dionisiy Tezdzhan-Smahin, the Representative of Theodosiopolis, moved from said town to a new home earlier this year with his wife Lady Mariia. Their new residence has therefore been annexed as the Harlemum March. Harlemum is an enclave of the Dutch city of Haarlem, and is located just over thirteen miles west of Theodosiopolis. A March is a territory which is attached to a Town for the purposes of parliamentary representation but is governed autonomously from its Town Council. Before Thursday there had only been one March, Caldari, for which the status was created in 2014. Prior to this move, Theodosiopolis had five residents, the other three of whom remain living there.
New Town established at Chalcedon
A new Austenasian Town was yesterday founded as an enclave of Kadikoy, Turkey, the modern-day site of the ancient town of Chalcedon. The new Town consists of a section of an apartment building and is home to six people. One of its residents, İsmetcan Saraç – who initiated the process of having the properties join Austenasia – has been granted the title Count of Bithynia and appointed Acting Representative of the new Town. Said new Town has taken its name, Chalcedon, from the settlement which has occupied the site since prehistoric times and is most famous as having been the venue of the Fourth Ecumenical Council in 451. Chalcedon was only renamed to Kadikoy in the sixteenth century, and is now a suburb of the Anatolian part of Constantinople (Istanbul). The Austenasian Town’s resurrection of the prestigious Greco-Roman name of the location can be seen as a further emphasis of the Empire’s Roman and Christian heritage, although all six residents of Austenasian Chalcedon are Muslim. Lord Saraç has become the fourth Representative to join the Fatherland Party, giving the Opposition an equal number of seats in Parliament as the governmental coalition. Furthermore, this most recent expansion has increased Austenasia’s population to 97, the highest so far in its history.
Solar farm to be established on new Territory
An Act of Parliament passed yesterday evening has annexed a new Territory to Austenasia from Turkey, joining that of Laranda, which joined Austenasia in May. The new Territory is situated near Silifke, a town which was known as Seleucia in antiquity. It has therefore been named Seleucia ad Cilicia in reference to its past. Seleucia ad Cilicia consists of a plot of uninhabited land owned by Lord Dionisiy Tezdhzan-Smahin, who – as with Laranda earlier this year – claimed the land for Austenasia. Lord Tezdzhan-Smahin, who was appointed Governor of the new territory by Parliament, has announced his intention to install solar panels in Seleucia ad Cilicia. These solar panels will produce renewable electricity which will be sold to the neighbouring country of Turkey, making Seleucia ad Cilicia one of the only areas of Austenasia to produce an export in this way.
Oberfalcer annexed as new Territory
Austenasia expanded yet again on Friday 23rd with the annexation of Oberfalcer, a group of fields in south-eastern France. The founder of the territory, Pierre-Henri Paccard, has been named Governor of Oberfalcer and given the title Duke of Viennensis. This marks the first time that Austenasia has annexed land from France. Oberfalcer, together with Theodosiopolis, have together been placed in the new Region of Gallia for administrative purposes. Oberfalcer measures roughly 588,400 square feet.
New Californian territory annexed
The Empire continued to expand on Thursday 27th with the annexation of Costa Del Sol, its newest Territory. Costa Del Sol is comprised of the garden of a residential property. It was claimed for and ceded to Austenasia by one of the residents of said property, the now Lady Sophia Albina, who had contacted the imperial government with a request for the Empire to annex the land. Lady Albina has been appointed Governor of Costa Del Sol, and will administer it on behalf of the government. The new Territory is an enclave of California, and measures roughly 2,563 square feet.
Second town in one week joins Austenasia
Only five days after Augusta was founded, a new annexation has taken the title of Austenasia’s youngest Town. The Town of Gebirgspark is bordered by the Slovakian capital Bratislava, and consists of a residential property along with its garden. It has a population of three, all of whom are Roman Catholic. Gebirgspark is currently represented by its founder, Lord Krištof Fondrk, who has been appointed its Acting Representative by Parliament. In an era of increasingly partisan politics, both the government and opposition are waiting to see which party – if any – Lord Fondrk aligns himself with. This most recent annexation has increased Austenasia’s population to 88.
Austenasia grows with huge Turkish annexation
The size of Austenasia’s territorial claims more than doubled yesterday after the annexation of the new Territory of Laranda. Laranda consists of 165 acres of farmland. Now an enclave of southern Turkey, it is the private property of Lord Dionisiy Tedzhan-Smahin, who inherited the land from an ancestor who was a local landowner. Laranda is so large that it now makes up 59.7% of Austenasia’s total land area. Lord Tedzhan-Smahin, who also serves as Representative of Theodosiopolis, has been appointed Governor of Laranda, but as he no longer lives nearby the day-to-day administration of the land will be undertaken by his cousin, the Deputy Governor. The name Laranda is derived from the former name of Karaman, a nearby Turkish city.
Dragovina annexed as a new Austenasian Town
A new Town – Dragovina – was yesterday annexed to the Empire of Austenasia, increasing the number of Representatives in Parliament to seven. Dragovina has a population of three, all of whom are Roman Catholic, and is bordered by the U.S. District of Columbia. It is currently represented in Parliament by its founder, Lord Edward Gunderson, who although not a resident of the town itself lives within the requisite twenty five mile radius. Dragovina consists of a residential property, along with its front and back gardens. This most recent annexation – coming only a month after the next most recent Town to be claimed – has increased the Empire’s population to 87.
March sees territorial changes for Austenasia
Austenasia has both annexed and ceded land and residents so far this month. A new town, Theodosiopolis, and two new territories, Bregusland and Green Gate, have both been annexed to Austenasia, and the city of New Richmond has expanded with a new property being claimed. Meanwhile, the crown dependency of Jovanovo was ceded to Montenegro on Thursday 21st. Jovanovo had previously been a town, but was made a crown dependency a year ago in order to prevent its founder, Daniel Dankovsky, from influencing the central government after having made various racist statements. Dankovsky was stripped of Austenasian nationality in July last year, and since then Jovanovo had been governed completely autonomously by its own residents. With Jovanovo having no contact with the government, the decision was made to cede all claims to the land. The two new territories of the Empire, Bregusland and Green Gate, are enclaves of Arizona and Greater London respectively. Green Gate is a relatively short distance from the capital, Wrythe, and there are plans for its governor, Lord Zarel Smith, to visit in the near future. Theodosiopolis, the newest Austenasian Town, is an enclave of Amsterdam. Founded by Lord Dionisiy Tedzhan-Smahin – who helped to design last year’s commemorative coins – the town is comprised of two properties and has a population of four people. Finally, Saturday 2nd saw New Richmond expand with the annexation of a sixth non-contiguous property, named Alexandria and currently used as the residence of the Prime Minister. Although the cession of Jovanovo has on paper resulted in a drop in the number of Austenasians (with the population now standing at 83), the new annexations have for all practical purposes greatly increased the population in terms of those who will take an active interest in the government and in their Austenasian identity.
Mouzilo joins the Empire as Ionathanopolis dissolves
Thursday 14th saw former Ashukov district Mouzilo become an Austenasian Crown Dependency, while the Town of Ionathanopolis was ceded back to the USA. Mouzilo, an enclave of central Greece, had been a constituent district of the now-defunct Ashukov Federation. With Ashukovo having collapsed, Mouzilo’s leader and sole resident, Manolis Afentoulis, arranged for his land to be annexed by the Empire of Austenasia. However, Thursday also saw a loss to the Empire as the Town of Ionathanopolis was dissolved. The Representative of the Town had last contacted the government in August 2017, and numerous attempts to get in contact with him since had yielded no reply. The decision was therefore made to dissolve the Town. Ionathanopolis had a population of five, which with the simultaneous annexation of Mouzilo resulted in a net loss of four people from the Austenasian population. However, this has been offset to a loss of two, with two non-residential subjectships having been granted by the Monarch on the same day under legislation passed last year. The legislation which annexed Mouzilo and dissolved Ionathanopolis was also used to formally recognise the collapse of Ashukovo. In other news, Jonathan I announced the formal start of spring 2019 in the Austenasian calendar on 13 February.