Huge expansion for the Empire
The land area of the Empire has increased by almost 83% with the annexation of the Principality of Sabovia and the foundation of a new territory in central Europe. Sabovia, a principality located near to the Austenasian Territory of Corinium Terentium, was founded in April 2013 by its leader Prince Andrew I. The principality has now dissolved, with the small inhabited areas returning to the United Kingdom and the large uninhabited areas joining Corinium Terentium, which is governed by the now Lord Andrew Creed. A further expansion has taken place in the Czech Republic, where a roughly 12,000 square foot area of uninhabited land through which a part of the Rokytka river flows has been annexed as the Territory of Aurora. Aurora is governed by its founder Lord Karl Friedrich, who has been granted non-residential subjectship of the Empire. These two annexations, which took place early on Saturday morning, have increased the land area of the Empire to over 104 acres in total. The Austenasian Times apologises that news of this expansion was not published earlier, due to technical difficulties with internet access.
Two new Crown Dependencies join the Empire
An Act of Parliament was passed yesterday morning which saw two new Crown Dependencies join Austenasia. The first, Imperia, consists of a residential property bordering India. Imperia’s five residents – one of whom, Ketan Uzagi, has been appointed its Governing Commissioner – have raised the Austenasian population to eighty six people. With the annexation of Imperia, Austenasia now has land on every continent of the world except for Antarctica. The second Crown Dependency to have joined the Empire yesterday was Esmondia, named after the former Emperor Esmond III. This new addition is bordered by Argentina, and administered by Tarek Kârjasary. In December last year, Kârjasary established the Crown Dependency of Achem, but in August moved from his former home to Argentina, making government of Achem impossible. Esmondia has therefore been founded to replace it, with Achem dissolved yesterday.
New Crown Dependency annexed in North America
The Empire has once more expanded, with the Crown Dependency of Dekker joining Austenasia. Dekker has a population of six and is bordered by the American state of Texas. It was annexed earlier today after a request was last week received from its residents to join the Empire. Dekker is comprised of two nearby but non-contiguous pieces of territory, one of which consists of a residential property and its grounds, and the other of which contains a small wooded area and the remains of an old natural gas well. The two pieces of land together measure just over 158,000 square feet, or 3.6 acres. As a Crown Dependency, Dekker is to be administered autonomously by a residing Governing Commissioner. Mr. Patrick-Dylan Knox has been appointed to the position.
New Richmond expands
New Richmond, home of Prime Minister Lord Admiral Joseph, has expanded with the acquisition of a new North American property. The Prime Minister and his immediate family have moved to a new house, which has been annexed to New Richmond under the name of New Saint Josephsburg. Despite their previous residence – a property which comprised half of West Richmond – being ceded back to the United States of America, the annexation of New Saint Josephsburg has resulted in a net increase of roughly 21,450 square feet to New Richmond. New Saint Josephsburg was formerly the site of a small mansion before it burnt down. The current three-bedroom house has a large concrete driveway, which the Prime Minister has stated will be useful for holding parades. With five properties spread over four non-contiguous areas of land, New Richmond is by far the largest Town of Austenasia.
New Town joins from Norway
The Empire has gained six residents, two residential properties, and a small island with the foundation of the Town of Harenfall. Harenfall, located on the Norwegian island of Bolga, was annexed to Austenasia yesterday evening by an Act of Parliament after its people contacted the government and requested to join the Empire. One of the properties part of Harenfall borders the coast, and contains the island’s post office and local store. Lord Sivert MacLean, a resident of Harenfall, has been appointed its Acting Representative until the next local election.
New Crown Dependency annexed in Africa
The Empire has once more expanded, with the Crown Dependency of Enfriqua joining Austenasia. Enfriqua has a population of four and is bordered by Algeria. It was annexed at a minute to midnight last night after a request was received from its residents to join the Empire. As a Crown Dependency, Enfriqua is to be administered autonomously by a Governing Commissioner. Mr. Akka Bey has been appointed to the position.
Administrative changes coincide with more territorial expansion
The Empire expanded yet again yesterday evening with the annexation of a house in Bury St Edmunds and a patch of land in South America. Meanwhile, the Crown Dependency of Terentia (situated in North America) has been transitioned into a Town, with the now Lord Legate Jacob Lewis as its Acting Representative. A house in Bury St Edmunds has been annexed as a March, a new form of administrative division. Marches have been created as inhabited territories associated with a Town for electoral but not administrative purposes; effectively autonomous parts of a Town, voting for and represented in Parliament by the Representative of the associated Town, but not officially part of it and administered independently by a Margrave and/or Margravine living in the March. The house, annexed as the March of Caldari, has been associated with Palasia. It is inhabited and administered by John and Maria Alexis, the grandparents of Lord John of Palasia, who have been appointed its Margrave and Margravine. This has raised the Austenasia population to 61. Furthermore, a 35,000 square foot area of land in South America has joined the Empire as the Crown Dependency of Achem. Bordered by the Venezuelan city of Mérida, Achem is administered by Tarek Kârjasary, who has been appointed its Governing Commissioner. In other news, the Emperor announced the start of Winter 2014/15 in the Austenasian calendar on 1 December.
Adjoining house joins Terentia
The Crown Dependency of Terentia has expanded to include the house the garden of which it had previously consisted of. Terentia, founded on 16 November 2013, is bordered by the U.S. state of Massachusetts, and is governed by its founder Legate Sir Jacob Lewis, KCA. Terentia had previously been comprised of Lewis’ garden, but by request of his family their house was yesterday annexed to the Crown Dependency by an Act of Parliament. This new expansion has added five people and roughly 16,300 square feet to Austenasia’s population and territory, as well as making Lewis himself – who since May has been a non-residential subject of the Empire – an Austenasian resident.
Further expansion for New Richmond
After expanding to become Austenasia’s largest Town only a few weeks ago, New Richmond has once again grown with the addition of two new houses. Joseph Nobilissimus Caesar and his immediate family have moved from their former home in Saint Josephsburg to a new house several miles away. The former has been ceded back to the United States of America, whereas the latter has now joined the Empire and New Richmond as the district of West Richmond, along with the neighbouring house. The house next to the Caesar’s new home belongs to relatives of his, who agreed to leaving the United States and joining West Richmond. This simultaneous cession and annexation of land – formalised by an Act of Parliament and a transfer of sovereignty ceremony earlier this evening – has increased the Empire’s population to 54. The cession of the Caesar’s old house in Saint Josephsburg is the first time that Austenasia has relinquished sovereignty over territory since January 2010, when a small area of land was given to the Slinky Empyre. The rest of Saint Josephsburg has remained Austenasian. More information, as well as photographs, will be published when available.
New Richmond and Shineshore become Towns as former expands
The Crown Dependencies of New Richmond and Shineshore have become Towns, a day after New Richmond was ceded land from Ashukovo. New Richmond and Shineshore are the first Towns of the Empire to be established outside of Great Britain, the former an enclave of the United States and the latter an enclave of Canada. The transition took place earlier today through an Act of Parliament. All Austenasian land outside of Great Britain has until now joined the Empire as Crown Dependencies, but requests were made by Shineshore and New Richmond to become Towns. This gives them representation in Parliament, but also places them under the authority of the central government. Lord Centurion Alastair and the now Lord Dux Joseph, the former Governing Commissioners of Shineshore and of New Richmond respectively, have become the Acting Representatives of the two new Towns. This comes only a day after New Richmond expanded after annexing Saint Josephsburg from the Ashukov Federation. Saint Josephsburg, which has eight residents including Lord Dux Joseph Kennedy and is estimated to span roughly 15400 square feet, was yesterday ceded with the consent of its population by Ashukovo to New Richmond. Separated by just over 14 miles, Saint Josephsburg and the original New Richmond – the latter now known as North New Richmond – now comprise the most populated territorial division in Austenasia, with ten residents. With the annexation of Saint Josephsburg, New Richmond now contains a shop which sells home appliances to the citizens of the neighbouring United States, whereas in Shineshore, plans for a space agency have recently been discussed. Arrangements for local government are currently being put into place in the two new Towns.