Successful expedition to Heischierland returns to Lichtenstein
An expedition to annex Heischierland to the Empire of Austenasia successfully completed its goal upon arrival on 17 July, and after enjoying a holiday there returned back to Lichtenstein earlier today. The expedition – which comprised of Lord Hengest Crannis, the other two residents of Lichtenstein, and the former’s grandmother – journeyed to Heischierland two weeks ago. Heischierland, which consists of a holiday home in the Canary Islands, was approved by Parliament at the end of last month to join the Empire as soon as it could be travelled to and physically claimed. The property has been annexed as a Crown Dependency, with Lord Hengest as its Governing Commissioner. His grandmother, M. Crannis, who owns the property, has been appointed to the office of Lord Lieutenant as his deputy. Heischierland, which has been estimated to cover roughly 952 square feet but consists of two storeys, is the first land of Austenasia to be situated in Africa; with this newest annexation, the Empire now spans every continent but Asia and Antarctica.
Annexations continue amidst warnings of over-expansion
Parliament yesterday evening passed an Act annexing a new Crown Dependency in North America and authorising the annexation of another in the Canary Islands in two weeks. Oregonia, an area of wooded parkland measuring roughly 650 square feet which borders the Kingdom of Überstadt, has joined the Empire as a new Crown Dependency, with King Adam I of Überstadt appointed its Governing Commissioner. The growth of various plants in the area, some of which can be used for dyeing textiles, has opened up an opportunity for Austenasian-Überstadti trade. The Act of Parliament also authorised Lord Hengest Crannis to annex a holiday home owned by his family in the Canary Islands when he visits there later in the month. This will make Africa the fifth continent to have an Austenasian presence, and the new Crown Dependency there – which will be known as Heischierland – will be somewhat of a tourism hub, with friends and family of Lord Hengest frequently staying there. However, concerns were raised in Parliament as to the rate at which the Empire is expanding. Lord John Gordon voiced his opinion that the Empire needs “to slow down”. Emperor Jonathan I replied agreeing that “some consolidation is indeed necessary”, and that Austenasia does not “need a new piece of land every month”. It is therefore thought that the Empire’s rate of expansion will significantly slow down, if not stop, for the next several months.
New town established as Porthbokon joins the Empire
For the seventh time this year the Empire has expanded, yesterday annexing a house and garden in Cornwall. Porthbokon, as the property is now known, is home to four people, three of whom (one being under sixteen) are now Austenasian subjects. Lady Evren Filgert has been appointed Porthbokon’s Acting Representative until the next local election. Measuring roughly 6980 square feet, Porthbokon is by far the largest Town of the Empire, over double the size of the second largest, Lichtenstein. The land was formerly claimed by a now defunct micronation named Bokonton, which was founded in October 2007 but entered into a terminal decline in late 2010.
Copanese embassy founded as Wrythe expands
Despite four separate pieces of land joining the Empire only yesterday, Austenasia has expanded once again this evening with the annexation of East Wrythe. This piece of land, comprised of a garden, has been annexed as an exclave of Wrythe, situated roughly a third of a mile from the main town, on a large island of the River Wandle which was named the Island of Wrythe on 10 January earlier this year. This is the first time that the territorial composition of Wrythe has changed since March 2011, when a small piece of land bordering Wrythe granted to the Slinky Empyre was re-annexed after the latter polity collapsed. East Wrythe is adjacent to the house of Queen Emma I of Copan, and has been granted extraterritoriality as an embassy of Copan. Although under Austenasian sovereignty, Copanese law will apply for as long as East Wrythe remains an embassy. This is the first embassy (not counting the symbolic Crepundia) to be founded in the Empire.
Four new annexations take place as the Empire further expands
Seven people and over 64,000 square feet of land have joined the Empire of Austenasia in four simultaneous annexations. In Canada, a new Crown Dependency known as Shineshore has been annexed. Situated on the shore of Lake Ontario, it is the first time that the Empire has had a coastline of any sort, and a prospective naval force is currently being discussed. Shineshore, with a population of five, is governed by Lord Alastair Cranston. Lord Alastair is also owner of a second addition to the Empire, the Territory of Beith Craobh Iostan on the Scottish isle of Coll. This land features a newly-built holiday house, uninhabited for most of the year. The third expansion made by the Empire has been to the already existing Territory of Emperorsland, which has annexed the adjacent house lived in by its governor, Lord Hengest Crannis (formerly known as Karanys Dómynus and Theledir the Wight). The annexation of this house has transitioned the Territory of Emperorsland into the Empire’s fifth Town, now known as Lichtenstein, of which Lord Hengest has been appointed Acting Representative. The fourth annexation made by Austenasia this evening – all of which were put into effect by an Act of Parliament – has been of the Territory of Glencoe, ten square feet of land also in Scotland and owned by Lord Hengest. Neither Glencoe or Beith Craobh Iostan have had governors appointed to them due to no known suitable candidates living near enough to them.
New Richmond expands
New Richmond, one of the two North American Crown Dependencies of Austenasia, has gained two residents and thousands of square feet of land. The Crown Dependency, officially titled the Dominion of New Richmond, yesterday grew by over 120% by annexing an adjacent piece of land. This land is lived on by the Lord Lieutenant of New Richmond, who administers the Crown Dependency on a day-to-day basis on behalf of the Governing Commissioner Joseph Kennedy (who in turn represents the Emperor), and his wife, giving New Richmond a population of two. While precise measurements are very difficult, this territorial acquisition by New Richmond – first annexed by Austenasia on 16 August 2013 – is thought to have increased the size of the Empire to over one and a half million square feet for the first time. There are also plans for the newly acquired population of New Richmond to be given powers to propose legislation for the Governing Commissioner to consider.
New annexation of North American land
Austenasia has expanded for the eighth time this year with the annexation of Terentia, a garden in North America. The land, which has been annexed as a Crown Dependency, is owned by the family of Jacob Lewis, who has been appointed Governing Commissioner of Terentia. The new Crown Dependency has been named in honour of Emperor Father Terry and measures just over 5000 square feet. Terentia is the second annexation that the Empire has made in North America, following that of New Richmond three months ago. As a Crown Dependency, Terentia is under Austenasian sovereignty but is highly autonomous, ruled by the Governing Commissioner in the name of the Throne.
North American territory annexed
The Empire of Austenasia has expanded into North America for the first time with the annexation of New Richmond. New Richmond, which has been annexed as a Crown Dependency, makes North America the fourth continent alongside Europe, Australasia and South America to be home to Austenasian land. The land was annexed by the Empire yesterday evening by an Imperial Decree. Joseph Kennedy MAO has been appointed the Governing Commissioner of the new Crown Dependency, and exercises absolute authority over it in the name of the Throne. Although the land is uninhabited, it adds over 28,000 square feet to Austenasia. The annexation of New Richmond is the seventh territorial acquisition of the Empire so far this year.
Former Doshevikan land annexed as Austenasian Territory
Land formerly under the sovereignty of Doshevika and the Kingdom of Domanglia was yesterday annexed by the Empire as the Territory of Emperorsland. Karanys Dómynus, formerly known as Urokah Doshevik, presented his garden to the Empire after the Doshevikan state dissolved earlier this year. The garden has been annexed as the Territory of Emperorsland upon the passing of the Emperorsland Act 2013 yesterday morning. Dómynus has been appointed its governor and Duke of Grantabridge, a duchy set up to incorporate Emperorsland within the Austenasian hierarchy of administrative divisions. Emperorsland measures roughly 1715 square feet and is an enclave of the British village of Over in Cambridgeshire. This marks the fifth expansion of Austenasia since the start of the year.
The Empire continues to expand
The recent exponential territorial expansion of Austenasia under Emperor Jonathan I has continued with part of the house of Countess Eritoshi of Memphis being annexed as the Town of Thanasia. The new Town was annexed by an Imperial Decree earlier this afternoon after discussions about Countess Eritoshi’s home joining Austenasia began on Friday 10th. The Countess, who is a close friend of the Emperor, has been appointed Acting Representative of Thanasia until a Local Election is held, and her sister has been made Baroness of the new Town. Only part of the Countess’ house has been annexed – specifically, the territory directly underneath her room, which means that her sister’s room and part of the kitchen are also now part of the Empire, while the rest of the house has remained part of the United Kingdom. Due to the relatively lax border controls between Austenasia and the UK, this should not result in too many problems. This annexation, while not of a large territory, has continued the explosion of new territories seen so far under the reign of Jonathan I, being the fourth new acquisition of Austenasia – after New South Scotland, Axvalley, and Corinium Terentium – since he ascended the Throne less than four months ago. Thanasia is the third Austenasian Town alongside Wrythe and Zephyria (Glencrannog having been transitioned to a Territory earlier this month), and adds two new subjects to the Empire.