MicroWorld Newsbites – August 2017
JUCLANDIA On 23 August, constitutional amendments were implemented in Juclandia. The official name of the country was changed from the “Kingdom of Juclandia” to simply “Juclandia”, and the monarchy has become elected, with the King from henceforth to be elected every eight years. MOLOSSIA On 13 August, President Kevin Baugh officially dedicated the Molossian Friendship Gateway, a monument dedicated to inclusiveness and openness which has been under construction since January, funded by volunteers purchasing bricks with which to build it. SEBORGA On 20 August, Prince Marcello I was formally invested as Prince after being re-elected in April. The ceremony followed a religious procession, and the day finished with food and dancing. USKOR On 26 August, the Uskorian legislature voted to grant President Charlotte Lindstrom the title High Queen of Uskor. It is understood that this most recent incarnation of the Uskorian monarchy – Lindstrom having previously been a monarch under several different titles and regnal names – will be primarily a ceremonial and cultural institution.
MicroWorld Newsbites – May 2017
ASHUKOVO On 19 May, President Edward Jacobs announced an election to be held on 18 June, with the victor to take office the following week. One week later, a poll showed 56% of those polled supporting the Conservative Party candidate Manolis Afentoulis, who is running against Orthodox Party candidate Jacob Huff. On 22 May, Akebar – an enclave of Yorkshire with a population of 16 – was annexed by the Ashukov Federation. Akebar had previously been a part of Ashukovo before the collapse of the first incarnation of the Federation in 2015. FLANDRENSIS On 22 May, Flandrensis updated its Constitution for the ninth time since the Grand Duchy’s foundation in 2008. Two major changes concern the country’s monarchy: from now on the Grand Duke will be elected rather than inherit the throne, and the new position of Chief Magistrate replaces the monarch as head of the judiciary. The Flandrensian constitution was last replaced in July last year. GRAND UNIFIED MICRONATIONAL From 6-7 May, the GUM held its second 24 Hour Quorum, a charity event during which a conversation between at least five people was sustained for twenty four hours over Skype. Thirty three people took part, and roughly £158 ($203 USD) was raised for various charities via participants being sponsored. The first 24 Hour Quorum, on which this event was based, took place in August 2012. MERCIA On 23 May, an Act was signed granting autonomy to the Mercian territory of Uberquiesenberg, which is politically left-wing in comparison to the other areas of the country. MOLOSSIA On 26 May, Molossia celebrated its 40th anniversary; the following day, a celebration attended by over 50 people – including Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica – was held in the Republic’s Red Square with a tour, barbecue, and speech by President Baugh. A commemmorative coin and stamp have been released. SANDUS On 22 May, Sôgmô Gaius Soergel decreed that the academic robes worn at his recent university graduation will be henceforth used as his official regalia, which had previously been plain blue robes. USKOR On 23 May, Uskor implemented a policy whereby all plastic bags must be collected and recycled as part of an effort to make the country more environmentally friendly. WESTARCTICA On 24 May, Duke Wolf Tulier of Waesche stepped down as Prime Minister, a position he has held since 2010, to become Minister of Defence. Grand Duke Travis credited Tulier with “quite literally saving Westarctica from destruction”, referring to his role in combatting the instability that plagued the nation at the turn of the decade. WILDFLOWER MEADOWS On 12 May, Wildflower Meadows celebrated a year since its foundation. Princess Hannah and her fiancé Emperor Jonathan I celebrated with a meal out in Deva Victrix the previous evening, and visited Chester Meadows – the site of the principality’s foundation – on the anniversary itself.
MicroWorld Newsbites – April 2017
CAMPINIA On 4 April, the Principality of Campinia was officially dissolved by Prince Elias after discovering that the head of government, Shady Morsi, had been planning to depose him. Morsi, appointed head of government in August last year, had swiftly placed most state institutions under his own control. Morsi has not contested the dissolution of the nation, and Elias has joined the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis to work in heraldry. FLORENIA On 23 April, Florenia celebrated six years since its official date of foundation in 2011. KUMANO JIRITSU NATION On 13 April, Prime Minister Hatsu Ryuho conducted a Japanese-style ceremony marking the start of the Kumanoese agricultural season. MOLOSSIA On 10 April, the First Family’s pet Boston Terrier, Annie, passed away from heart failure at the age of eleven. She was buried with honours in the Molossia Cemetary, and Emperor Jonathan I sent his condolences to President Baugh. SABIA AND VERONA On 20 April, King Tarik of Sabia and Verona announced that he would soon promulgate a new constitution for the country, comprised of 104 articles concerning state institutions and the like, including relations between the kingdom’s human population and its famous plush toy “citizens”. SANDUS On 28 April, Sôgmô Gaius Soergel decreed the creation of a ceremonial Sandum nobility based loosely on that of the Russian Empire. USKOR On 11 April a referendum took place resulting in Chairwoman Charlotte Lindstrom extending her term of office for a year and announcing that the legislative People’s Assembly would no longer meet. No details were released of the referendum’s turnout or vote results.
MicroWorld Newsbites – February 2017
FLORENIA On 9 February, Florenia expanded for the first time in its nearly six-year history. King Eran I annexed his personal residence – which until now had been in the United States of America – as the Dominion of Lexington. Afula, which prior to this was Florenia’s only land claim, remains the nation’s capital. LANDASHIR On 10 February, James von Puchow as Chief Minister of Landashir released a declaration ceding Landashir’s final land claim – a residential property now in the UK – and having it assume the status of a non-territorial nation as opposed to a nation-state. From now on, Landashir’s government “shall operate as a general council of all registered Landashir’n nationals.” MOLOSSIA On 12 February, the Molossian Navy conducted a weapons test, successfully launching two rockets from a newly acquired RC1 Rocket Cannon. WILDFLOWER MEADOWS Princess Hannah celebrated her 21st birthday on 27 February with a meal and drinks out with her fiancé Emperor Jonathan I and several friends from the University of Chester. ZEALANDIA/USKOR Zealandia, while well-known for its frequent changes of governmental system, has always retained its actual name; that is, until now. The country has changed its name to Uskor after the results of a referendum were announced on 24 February. Charlotte Lindstrom, founder of the nation and its paramount leader throughout its history, was sworn in as Chairwoman of Uskor on 27 February.