The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Emperor Father Terry and Countess Victoria elected Mayors

Apologies for the delayed publication of this news due to technical difficulties. Local elections on Thursday 9th February in Wrythe and New Richmond saw HIH Emperor Father Terry and Victoria Hathaway, Countess of Sidney elected as the respective Mayor for each city. The local elections also saw – as expected – the incumbents Emperor Jonathan I and Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy re-elected as Representatives of Wrythe and of New Richmond respectively. An Act of Parliament passed last month created city status to be granted to various prominent towns. The Emperor called local elections in the two towns granted city status in order for them to elect a mayor. Mayors have the power to chair their city council, veto changes to the city arms, and unilaterally implement bye-laws in relation to local governance. Since his abdication as Emperor in February 2010 up until now, the now Emperor Father Terry has not been involved in politics, but enlisted in the Austenasian Army in August 2011 and served as a consul in 2013. Victoria Hathaway, Countess of Sidney is a resident of a new area of New Richmond annexed to the city in December 2016, and was appointed one of this year’s two consuls on New Year’s Day.

Consuls appointed for 2017

His Imperial Highness Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy as Prime Minister of Austenasia has declared 2017 to be the year of the consulship of Adam Rex and Victoria Hathawia Comitessa Sidneae. The two Consuls of Austenasia are the Empire’s highest judicial authorities, with the duty of passing sentence on convicted criminals. However, with Austenasia’s incredibly low crime rate, the office serves mostly as a ceremonial honour, with the two Consuls giving their names to the year in legislation and other various formal situations. Lord Admiral Kennedy has appointed as 2017’s consuls King Adam I of Überstadt, Governing Commissioner of Oregonia and long-standing friend of the Empire, and Victoria Hathaway, Countess of Sidney and the Lord Admiral’s romantic partner. Happy New Year from the Austenasian Times!