New Richmond expands
New Richmond, home of Prime Minister Lord Admiral Joseph, has expanded with the acquisition of a new North American property. The Prime Minister and his immediate family have moved to a new house, which has been annexed to New Richmond under the name of New Saint Josephsburg. Despite their previous residence – a property which comprised half of West Richmond – being ceded back to the United States of America, the annexation of New Saint Josephsburg has resulted in a net increase of roughly 21,450 square feet to New Richmond. New Saint Josephsburg was formerly the site of a small mansion before it burnt down. The current three-bedroom house has a large concrete driveway, which the Prime Minister has stated will be useful for holding parades. With five properties spread over four non-contiguous areas of land, New Richmond is by far the largest Town of Austenasia.
New Richmond hit by blizzard
The Town of New Richmond has seen almost two feet of snow since it began to fall on Monday evening. New Richmond and the nearby area is currently experiencing the most snow it has seen in over a decade, and the surrounding U.S. Commonwealth of Kentucky has declared a state of emergency. Lord Dux Joseph Kennedy, Representative of New Richmond, has moved to Dominion House in North New Richmond after Town Hall in West Richmond lost running water due to the cold weather. The adverse conditions also caused Lord Joseph’s father’s vehicle to crash into a ditch, but no injuries were reported.
Further expansion for New Richmond
After expanding to become Austenasia’s largest Town only a few weeks ago, New Richmond has once again grown with the addition of two new houses. Joseph Nobilissimus Caesar and his immediate family have moved from their former home in Saint Josephsburg to a new house several miles away. The former has been ceded back to the United States of America, whereas the latter has now joined the Empire and New Richmond as the district of West Richmond, along with the neighbouring house. The house next to the Caesar’s new home belongs to relatives of his, who agreed to leaving the United States and joining West Richmond. This simultaneous cession and annexation of land – formalised by an Act of Parliament and a transfer of sovereignty ceremony earlier this evening – has increased the Empire’s population to 54. The cession of the Caesar’s old house in Saint Josephsburg is the first time that Austenasia has relinquished sovereignty over territory since January 2010, when a small area of land was given to the Slinky Empyre. The rest of Saint Josephsburg has remained Austenasian. More information, as well as photographs, will be published when available.