Partisan politics forbidden in unity drive
An Act of Parliament was passed yesterday evening which abolished the system of partisan politics that has grown up over the past two years. Representatives voted in favour of no longer being formally grouped into political parties, which will no longer be registered or officially recognised. The division of Representatives into “Government” and “Opposition” groupings, a concept introduced in Austenasia only in June last year in imitation of the United Kingdom, has also been abolished. The Fatherland Party and Peoples Party have both announced their dissolution, whereas the Whig Party will continue to exist as a private organisation. This Act was proposed by Emperor Jonathan I just a day after having assumed emergency powers to combat deep divisions which have emerged in Parliament. Returning Austenasia back to a non-partisan system is seen as the first step towards healing the said divisions, which primarily ran along party lines.
Dionisiy I and Lord John Gordon confirmed as general election candidates
Emperor Jonathan I yesterday confirmed two candidates for next month’s general election. Prince Dionisiy I of the Fatherland Party will be standing against Lord John Gordon of the Whig Party. Lord Gordon is Representative of Palasia, and Prince Dionisiy is Representative of Theodosiopolis. The Whig Party espouses classical liberalism, but Lord Gordon is on the left-wing of his party, and will be running on a platform of socially liberal ideas. The Fatherland Party’s candidate, Prince Dionisiy, is running on a platform of social conservatism and the promotion of Roman and Christian culture. The general election will take place on 12 February, and will elect the country’s fourth Prime Minister. The incumbent Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, has been in office since March 2015 but is stepping down due to the secession of New Virginia. Lord Gordon previously ran for Prime Minister in 2013 as a Marxist, but lost to Countess Eritoshi with one third of the vote. He then served as her Deputy Prime Minister until her own electoral loss to Lord Admiral Kennedy in 2015. Lord Gordon has held positions in Cabinet, serving as Home Secretary from November 2013 to May 2014 and as Minister of Defence from February to July 2018. He also serves as President of the Iceni Democratic Republic, an independent state located near to Palasia. Prince Dionisiy, who also reigns as sovereign of Montescano, joined Austenasia upon the annexation of Theodosiopolis in March last year. He has since been instrumental in the expansion of Austenasia in the old Roman East, personally claiming Laranda, Seleucia ad Cilicia, Chalcedon, and Trebizond for Austenasia.
Emperor announces changes for 2020 in Christmas broadcast
His Imperial Majesty the Emperor used his annual Christmas broadcast to announce that February 2020 will see a general election and the secession of New Richmond and Terentia from Austenasia. He has also revealed exclusively to the Austenasian Times that the Town of Augusta will be joining them, and was not mentioned in his broadcast due to a mistake. The three towns will create a new Commonwealth of New Virginia, to be recognised as an independent state. New Richmond is the most populated single town of the Empire, with 15 inhabitants, and is home to the current Prime Minister, Lord Admiral Kennedy. Augusta – which was part of New Richmond before becoming its own town in June this year – has three inhabitants, and Terentia has six. New Richmond and Terentia both originally joined Austenasia in 2013. It is understood that their desire to leave Austenasia and create their own country is primarily due to the growth of their own local identity and culture during this time. With the impending departure of the incumbent Prime Minister’s hometown, a general election has been called for 12 February 2020. At the time of writing, the Whig Party is expected to put forward Lord John Gordon and the Fatherland Party Lord Dionisiy Tezdzhan-Smahin as candidates. Applications for candidacy will be confirmed by the Emperor by 15 January. The Christmas broadcast was published this morning on YouTube, and can be heard here. Jonathan I has broadcast a Christmas message every year since his ascension to the Throne in 2013. Other than the publication of the Emperor’s Christmas broadcast, the Imperial Family celebrated Christmas Day by attending a morning church service at Carshalton Methodist Church and later opening presents and enjoying a Christmas meal at the Imperial Residence. The Imperial Family was joined at the church service by members of the extended Imperial Family as well as the former residents of Zephyria. Although most of the Imperial Family is Methodist, Emperor Jonathan I joined the Orthodox Church in 2011. He attended a service at his own church yesterday for Christmas Eve, but often attends the morning Christmas Day service at the Methodist church with his priest’s blessing in order to spend time with his family at Christmas. During this year’s service, Jonathan I and Crown Princess Caroline were invited to light all five of the Advent candles to mark the beginning of the service. Christmas wishes have been sent to and received from numerous foreign national leaders by cards and e-mails.
National Liberal Alliance renamed to Whig Party
Thursday 24th October saw the National Liberal Alliance (NLA), one of Austenasia’s three political parties, renamed to the Whig Party. The change was announced by Duke Bradley of Dullahan, Minister of Defence, who serves as the party’s Secretary. In comments made for the Austenasian Times, Duke Bradley explained that the change in name to the Whig Party was made in part to avoid the negative connotations often associated in today’s political climate with the term “liberal,” as well as to underscore similarities with the historical British party of the same name. The Duke of Dullahan stated that the Whig Party will stand “for the rights of the individual, for freedom and prosperity. Our stance is clear: the Throne is the anointed protector of the liberties given to all individuals, and we will strive to protect them.” Since its creation in May earlier this year, the Whig Party (then NLA) has been in government, serving in coalition with the centre-left Imperial Party. The two governing parties have one and three Representatives respectively. The only other currently registered Austenasian political party is the socially conservative Fatherland Party, with three Representatives.