On August 18, immediately after Lord Griffin, Austenasia’s Delegate to the Grand Unified Micronational, excused himself from the Quorum Chamber, he was dismissed by the Acting Prime Minister, Lord Andrew Creed.

Lord Creed made the announcement in the following statement:
“Within my power as Acting Prime Minister, I have recalled and dismissed all of the Austenasian delegates to the GUM. There will be no further appointments to the role until after the election, although my views on the GUM are quite clear, and will be a major part of my campaign, so that take as you will.”
The news was then immediately relayed by Lord Creed to the Chair, Vice Chair, and Supreme Justice of the GUM. It was then confirmed by Acting Deputy Prime Minister, Shiro Mephistopheles, and Lord Griffin. Lord Griffin then declared the dismissal in the Quorum Chamber.
Austenasia has been a member of the Grand Unified Micronational since June 4, 2016. Austenasia will now face a motion of expulsion from the GUM if they are without a Delegate for 14 days.
It is Lord Creed’s intention to have Austenasia removed from the GUM altogether, if elected into office in the upcoming election.
An altercation then took place in the GUM lobby between GUM members and Lord Creed. It resulted with Austenasia essentially burning it’s bridge with the GUM.
Lord Creed then made the following statement to the nation:
“As Acting Prime Minister, I have made the decision to dismiss all of Austenasia’s delegates, and based on the reaction in the lobby room, it is ultimately the right decision for our nation going forward. The organisation is not fit for purpose, and is rampant with bullying and harassment from several of it’s members.
Austenasia does not wish to associate with any organisation that does not take harassment and bullying seriously, as I have been personally been made of several accounts from other members of how rampant this toxic culture within the organisation is, and witnessed it first-hand upon my announcement to them about our intentions.
I will not be appointing any further delegates to the organisation, whether that means Austenasia is expelled or not.”
Lord Creed was also removed from the GUM Discord Server.
Despite this development, it should be noted that it was the wish of His Imperial Majesty, Jonathan I, for Austenasia to remain active within the GUM.
Austenasia Notes
- On August 13, Austenasian Crown Dependency, New South Scotland, entered into foreign relations with the recently independent Republic of Palasia, as announced by Governing Commissioner, Sir Hugh McFarlane.
- The Times would like to congratulate Lord Michael Simpson, Count of Occibrazos, on being granted the title of “Baron of Tonge” which is a feudal Barony in the Parish of Sittingbourne, in the the County of Kent.