The GUM’s Darkest Hour: Bullying, Mismanagement, and the Silencing of Allegations

On Sept. 18, 2024, at midnight, then Acting Prime Minister Andrew Creed withdrew the Empire of Austenasia from the Grand Unified Micronational (GUM), an organisation it had been part of for 15 years. The decision followed allegations of harassment and bullying, claims that GUM’s permanent Director General, Adam Belcher, called “unsubstantiated” in an article regarding Creed’s earlier dismissal of the Austenasian GUM delegates in the Adammic Express. However, a substantial body of corroborating evidence from the GUM Discord server has uncovered a deeply troubling history of harassment and bullying dating back to 2019. These actions escalated to the extent that several members were either pushed out or opted to leave, citing a loss of trust in the organisation. Meanwhile, recruitment has declined sharply, reaching a six-year low and further exacerbating concerns about the organisation’s future. Despite contacting Adam Belcher, who also serves as GUM delegate for Adammia, for clarification on his comments that the claims of harassment and abuse are “unsubstantiated” and “utterly unfounded”, no response was received by the time of publication. GUM Leadership Instructed Chair to Dismiss Concerns from Non-Members According to the leaks, senior officials within the Grand Unified Micronational instructed then-Chair Tyler Mullins to ignore any concerns or complaints raised by individuals outside the organisation. This directive raises serious implications for safeguarding and welfare within the broader micronational community. Critics argue that such a policy fosters a closed environment where potential safeguarding issues risk being dismissed simply because they come from non-members. The refusal to engage with external concerns may contribute to a lack of accountability, leaving individuals – especially younger or vulnerable participants – without a clear avenue to report misconduct or seek support. A Culture of Bullying and Falsehoods The evidence exposes a pattern of deliberate attacks on Austenasia’s reputation, and others, including individuals associated directly or indirectly. One target of bullying included a 60-year-old micronationalist, about whom a GUM delegate remarked they “felt sorry for […] but he’s probably a paedophile”. Several individuals were accused of having fascist sympathies, without any evidence. Additionally, a Japanese micronationalist seeking GUM membership was allegedly subjected to racist remarks, including mockery of their mistranslated English. Delegates were subjected to verbal abuse by members associated with the so-called ‘Würtige Bloc’, with insults such as “dipshit” and demands to “go fuck [themselves]” being directed at them. However, this only scratches the surface, as far more significant cases of targeted harassment and bullying have been discovered across various channels within the GUM Discord server. Exposing GUM Coordinated Attacks on Austenasia James Bornstein, the GUM delegate for New Virginia, was the source of rumours in 2022 that Lord Andrew Creed was suffering from ‘bone cancer,’ spreading them using a burner account within the MicroWiki@Discord server. While previously undisclosed, it has now been revealed that Creed suffers from MGUS (Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance), a rare condition that increases the risk of developing cancer. It requires constant monitoring through regular blood tests to detect early signs of progression into serious illnesses such as multiple myeloma. Bornstein continued to joke about this incident, sparking outrage and was issued a warning by then GUM Chair Tyler Mullins, which was later overturned by a Quorum vote. In response to this warning, former GUM Chair Henry Clémens published a 21-page dossier accusing the Austenasian Government of direct interference within the GUM, alleging that Lord Jonathan Austen, former Emperor of Austenasia, and Creed had conspired with GUM Chair Tyler Mullins and Vice Chair Jan Stastny to expel members of the so-called ‘Würtige Bloc’, of which the Commonwealth of New Virginia is a member. An Austenasian Cabinet member responded to the dossier, describing it as “an obsession,” noting that Clémens appeared “convinced” that Austenasia was scheming against him. The Cabinet member further remarked that the dossier resembled “the rantings of a schizophrenic“, citing that Clémens’ first example of Austenasia’s so-called ‘interference’ was Lord Jonathan correcting an article about Diplomabear – a stuffed teddy bear. GUM Chair Tyler Mullins resigned amidst calls for a no-confidence vote. The Times reached out to Mullins for comment, who responded to the accusations of conspiracy and manipulation, stating: “It’s all a bunch of nonsense. They accused me of leaking messages, which I didn’t, then cited the fact that I heard complaints from Austenasians as proof that I was a secret agent loyal to Austenasia and tasked with influencing the GUM. […] If I wanted to kick all of them out, I would’ve done it when I had the chance, especially given how they were bullying Austenasian Prime Minister Andrew Creed and participating in a joke that Adam had already outlawed with the threat of suspensions two years ago.” Newton von Uberquie, delegate for Würdigeland and Acting Vice Chair of the GUM, also persisted in making jokes at Creed’s expense, with no intervention from higher-ups. He referred to Creed as a “weak, jelly bones guy,” seemingly mocking the harassment. Another GUM official remarked that they were “really, really beyond caring about the crazy bones stuff,” underscoring the organisation’s indifference to the issue. This evidence lends significant weight to the allegations, revealing that Austenasia was not the first target of coordinated attacks by certain GUM delegates. These attacks aimed to tarnish the reputation, honour, and character of Austenasia, her people, and anyone associated with them. The findings vindicate the decisions made by the Austenasian Government and others to sever ties with the GUM and directly challenge the smear campaigns directed at those who recently left the organisation. Editor’s note: The article was amended for clarity and to remove any mention of specific instances of harassment or bullying to protect the individuals involved from potential reprisals. The Austenasian Times apologises for any distress caused.
Lord Jonathan to Oversee Diplomatic Project
HSH Lord Jonathan, Duke of Sweetpea Valley – the former Emperor Jonathan I – has been appointed an Ambassador-at-Large by the Prime Minister, Lord Andrew Creed, with authorisation to oversee a new diplomatic project proposed in Cabinet. Historically, the Empire of Austenasia has focused much of its attention in terms of foreign affairs on the so-called MicroWiki community of small nations, centred on the Grand Unified Micronational (GUM) organisation. However, following a perceived decline in standards of professionalism and an increased tolerance of poor behaviour within the GUM, Austenasia withdrew its membership in September last year, having first joined almost fifteen years previously in October 2009. At this time, the idea was floated of founding a new organisation to replace the gap left in the Empire’s foreign affairs by its departure from the GUM. Concrete steps in this direction have now been taken with the creation of the new office of Ambassador-at-Large for a New Diplomatic Organisation. This position has been given to Lord Jonathan, whose personal connections with foreign heads of state following years of experience first as Prime Minister and then as Emperor have been considered invaluable for the diplomatic tasks ahead. The official remit of the new ambassadorial post is to “contact well-established and prominent small nations with whom Austenasia holds diplomatic relations to propose and arrange the establishment of a new international association”. A list of the nations to be invited to discuss such an association has not been confirmed, but it is understood that the focus will likely be on nations that operate primarily outside the MicroWiki sphere.
Prime Minister Creed Congratulates U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump

Just hours after the United States presidential election results were confirmed, Prime Minister Andrew Creed issued a statement congratulating Donald J. Trump on his victory over Democratic candidate and current Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump, now set to serve as the 47th President of the United States, reclaimed the White House following a closely watched and contentious election season. The Prime Minister released a statement on the official Austenasian Discord server, congratulating Donald Trump on his victory: On behalf of the Empire of Austenasia, I would like to extends heartfelt congratulations to President-elect Donald J. Trump on his successful election to the presidency of the United States. In a heated exchange on the official Austenasian Discord server, users sparred over the Prime Minister’s recent congratulatory message to Donald Trump, with some accusing him of supporting Trump’s political agenda. The controversy erupted shortly after the Prime Minister’s announcement, where he emphasised his diplomatic intentions and reassured critics that he “would have congratulated Kamala [Harris], had she won.” As the discussion continues online, many are left questioning how neutrality should be interpreted in an era of intense political divides, with calls for greater transparency in statements involving contentious international figures.
Austenasia to Withdraw from GUM
Acting Prime Minister, Lord Andrew Creed, announced this evening via Discord that Austenasia would be withdrawing from the Grand Unified Micronational, effective 12:00 AM BST. Lord Creed made the announcement with the following statement: “Hello, everyone. After a lengthy discussion with the Emperor, and with consultation of the Regent, Austenasia will be withdrawing from the Grand Unified Micronational, effective midnight tonight (British Summer Time). This decision has not been made lightly. After careful thought and reflection, it is clear that the circumstances have become too concerning to ignore. The events that have unfolded, particularly the conduct of the Chair and Vice-Chair, have highlighted deeply troubling issues that can no longer be overlooked. Rather than engaging in a fair and respectful contest of ideas, these leaders have resorted to attacking their opposition candidate, Pio, with false and malicious accusations. The baseless claim that Pio is a fascist is nothing more than a deliberate attempt to assassinate his character—an unacceptable tactic used to discredit him for political gain. Such behaviour undermines the core principles of fairness and integrity that the organisation should stand for. As someone who has long voiced concerns about the direction of the GUM, I cannot remain silent any longer. Under the leadership of Henry Clemens, I have no confidence that these issues will be properly addressed. Clemens’ handling of this election campaign has revealed a troubling disregard for the serious concerns of bullying and harassment. His own conduct throughout this period casts doubt on whether the values of decency and respect are still being upheld within the organisation. By ignoring or enabling such behaviour, Clemens and his leadership are fostering a toxic environment where those in power can act without accountability. It is also deeply disheartening to see how far the organisation has strayed from its original mission. It no longer resembles the body that Jonathan fought so hard to build. Until meaningful change occurs, I cannot in good conscience continue to support an organisation that has allowed such behaviour to persist unchecked.” Austenasia has been a member of the GUM since October 2009. His Imperial Majesty, Jonathan I, was the brainchild of Austenasia’s involvement with the organization. In light of recent events which have been previously reported by the Times, Austenasia simply cannot come to terms with the GUM as an organization. The Times hopes that the GUM will resolves its issues in Austenasia’s absence, so that the two parties may establish a working relationship in the future; but for now it will not be possible. Austenasia Notes
GUM Delegate Appointed
Following last week’s GUM Delegate Dismissal by Lord Andrew Creed, he announced last evening the appointment of former Austenasian Prime Minister, Lord John Gordon, as Austenasian Delegate to the Grand Unified Micronational. Creed made the announcement with the following statement: “As the deadline is running out, I have decided to name a new GUM delegate to serve until after the election, if I win it, of course. Please welcome Lord John Gordon as Austenasia’s Official Delegate.” He continued, stating he agreed with criticisers on the route Austenasia should have been taking in regards to the situation. “Whilst it is my full intention to withdraw from the GUM once the election has been won by myself, I do agree with some of my criticisers that this should not be done without a democratic mandate, which I believe I will be given post-election. Whilst I had good talks with the Acting Chairman, we came to an impasse that I do not believe, under the GUM’s current model, will be resolved. That is no fault of the Acting Chair, but rather the fault of the organisation he represents.” Creed continued, criticizing the GUM as an organization. “Unless the GUM reforms, and reforms quickly, it’s my firm belief it will die. I believe the GUM should reform it’s expulsion practises, for numerous reasons. It was my intention to withdraw our GUM delegates until after the election, as I do not believe that during an election, a time of uncertainty, that our nation should have any delegates that could vote against the interests of the upcoming premiership, and this is something that I intend to implement into law eventually – whether we remain in the GUM or not. Additionally, there are several bad faith individuals who are apart of the GUM, and are responsible for numerous harrassment campaigns against both minors, and adults, and should have been expelled long ago, who are still active participants in the organisation. The Acting Chair has assured me that the current matter will be addressed, and I hope the decision will be a no-nonsense approach to harrassment of any kind.” Lord Creed’s allegations against the GUM has taken a very serious and dark tone. It would come as no surprise now why Lord Creed has been so adamant that Austenasia sever ties to the organization. But the allegations have been brought to the attention of the former Chairman and current acting Chairman, Anthony Burauskis. Hopefully now, in light of the recent events, things will change within the organization for the benefit of all member states. Austenasia Notes Michael Simpson, KtC Lord of the Manor of Nether, Alias Lower Hardres In the Parish of Lower Hardres In the County of Kent
GUM Dismissal Fallout
A lot has transpired in the last 24 hours since Acting Prime Minister, Lord Andrew Creed, dismissed all of Austenasia’s Delegates to the Grand Unified Micronational. As reported by the Quadrangle Gazette, Lord Creed has stood fast by his decision to not re-appoint any Delegates to the GUM, jeopardizing Austenasia’s position within the organization, as per the GUM’s 14 day expulsion rule regarding member state’s delegates. Link to the Quadrangle Gazette article: Lord Creed claimed he was not aware of this rule and had intended to simply pull all delegates until after the upcoming General Election, where it essentially would be decided by a vote wether or not Austenasia would remain a member of the GUM. With that being said, despite being made aware of the rule and it’s subsequent consequences, Lord Creed has insisted that he will not re-appoint any delegates until the GUM has taken his concerns on GUM-wide bullying and harassment seriously. GUM Chair, Newton von Uberquie, made it clear that he takes all cases of bullying and harassment seriously. The Wrythe Public House erupted this afternoon with arguments, rude comments, fights, and an overall lack of decorum. It started out with various people voicing their concerns with Lord Creed’s dismissal of delegates, most notably was Sir Hugh McFarlane, Governing Commissioner of New South Scotland. This eventually lead to an argument between Lord Creed and von Uberquie. The two later conducted a conversation in private which apparently has lead to a possible solution to Creed’s outstanding problems with the GUM. Lord Sander Koff was present and heavily sided with Lord Creed and his arguments. Former Austenasian Prime Minister, Vera Hewitt was also present at the time and weighed in on the subject. This eventually lead to a war of words between Koff and Hewitt, which was to say the least, distasteful on both parts. To prevent it from going any further, both were silenced in the Discord server. Through the madness and the chaos, it was suggested that the Prince Regent should intervene and get the situation back under control; to which Lord Creed responded with the following: “I have advised the Crown to not act in this matter, as doing so would undermine the people that I represent. Me and the Chair are in discussions, but no action should be taken until then. If the Crown is to act, and overrule my decision, I will resign as Prime Minister.” Sir Hugh McFarlane, who was adamant that the matter be settled democratically, provided the Times with the following statement regarding Lord Creed’s statement. “For the Acting Prime Minister to act in potential violation of the law and then threaten to collapse the government if that decision is reviewed by the Crown is the height of absurdity.” McFarlane suggested that the dismissal of all GUM delegates was in fact against the law. Lord Creed and Acting Deputy Prime Minister, Shiro Mephistopheles, both said that Creed was well within his right to dismiss the delegates. To the Times knowledge, this political disaster has so far already spanned three Discord servers and countless private conversations. Some folks have already attempted to give the event a name, such as “Black” or “Red” August. Former Austenasian Prime Minister, Lord John Gordon, eventually broke his silence after conversing with Lord Creed. He announced that he will be ceding Caldari back to Austenasia and return to front line Austenasian politics. With that, he will be standing with Lord Creed as his running mate. The Acting Deputy Prime Minister announced that potential election candidates have until September 1st to announce their intention to run. He also encouraged any eligible and willing Representatives to please do so. As it stands, there are still only two candidates for the election, Lord Andrew Creed, and Lady Addison O’Halloran. At the time of writing this article, Lord Andrew Creed made the following statement: “A new delegate to the GUM has been decided upon, and they will take their place amongst other GUM delegates to represent Austenasia’s interests once I have received that agreed upon written statement from the Chairman of the GUM, and am happy with the conclusion they have reached in said statement.” Lord Creed declined to comment any further on the subject as the situation has not yet been totally resolved.
GUM Delegates Dismissed
On August 18, immediately after Lord Griffin, Austenasia’s Delegate to the Grand Unified Micronational, excused himself from the Quorum Chamber, he was dismissed by the Acting Prime Minister, Lord Andrew Creed. Lord Creed made the announcement in the following statement: “Within my power as Acting Prime Minister, I have recalled and dismissed all of the Austenasian delegates to the GUM. There will be no further appointments to the role until after the election, although my views on the GUM are quite clear, and will be a major part of my campaign, so that take as you will.” The news was then immediately relayed by Lord Creed to the Chair, Vice Chair, and Supreme Justice of the GUM. It was then confirmed by Acting Deputy Prime Minister, Shiro Mephistopheles, and Lord Griffin. Lord Griffin then declared the dismissal in the Quorum Chamber. Austenasia has been a member of the Grand Unified Micronational since June 4, 2016. Austenasia will now face a motion of expulsion from the GUM if they are without a Delegate for 14 days. It is Lord Creed’s intention to have Austenasia removed from the GUM altogether, if elected into office in the upcoming election. An altercation then took place in the GUM lobby between GUM members and Lord Creed. It resulted with Austenasia essentially burning it’s bridge with the GUM. Lord Creed then made the following statement to the nation: “As Acting Prime Minister, I have made the decision to dismiss all of Austenasia’s delegates, and based on the reaction in the lobby room, it is ultimately the right decision for our nation going forward. The organisation is not fit for purpose, and is rampant with bullying and harassment from several of it’s members. Austenasia does not wish to associate with any organisation that does not take harassment and bullying seriously, as I have been personally been made of several accounts from other members of how rampant this toxic culture within the organisation is, and witnessed it first-hand upon my announcement to them about our intentions. I will not be appointing any further delegates to the organisation, whether that means Austenasia is expelled or not.” Lord Creed was also removed from the GUM Discord Server. Despite this development, it should be noted that it was the wish of His Imperial Majesty, Jonathan I, for Austenasia to remain active within the GUM. Austenasia Notes
New territory claimed from Romania
Friday 1st December saw a new Austenasian land claim founded roughly 26 miles north of Bucharest. The new territory, Prahova, consists of just over 61 acres of forested land, together with part of a river which adjoins it to the south. The land was claimed for Austenasia by Štefan Snagoveanu, Marshal of Snagov. Snagov entered into diplomatic relations with the Empire in August earlier this year, following several months of informal co-operation. The legislation which annexed Prahova has appointed Marshal Snagoveanu as its Governor, as well as granting him Austenasian national status. This new annexation has been made in part with a view to fostering closer ties and friendly relations between Austenasia and Snagov. The land is uninhabited, but isolated, with Marshal Snagoveanu easily able to exercise jurisdiction there on behalf of the Empire.
Austenasian state visit to Adammia
Wednesday 4th October saw Emperor Jonathan I and Empress Hannah represent Austenasia in a state visit to the Empire of Adammia, where they were hosted in the Adammic capital. The imperial couple were met by Emperor Adam I of Adammia in the British city of Wakefield, from where they were driven to the Adammic capital of Imperial City. Adam I was accompanied by his mother Emperor Mother Jayne and grandfather Lord Reginald Hall. Jonathan I and Empress Hannah were given a guided tour of Imperial City’s sites of historical and cultural interest before sharing a meal with the Adammians. Emperor Adam I gifted the Austenasian delegation with a signed copy of a history of Adammia, which will be placed in the Imperial Library of Austenasia. In return, Adam I was gifted handmade soaps patterned with the Adammic flag. The two Emperors used the meeting as an opportunity to sign the Charter of the Association of British Micronations (ABM), an organisation which will plan and promote diplomatic summits for small nations of British origin. The ABM will be governed by a board of trustee nations, which will have Austenasia and Adammia as permanent members alongside Lundenwic, as per agreement reached at a trilateral meeting in 2021. Wednesday’s state visit also saw Empress Hannah sign a treaty of mutual recognition with Adammia on behalf of her independent Principality of Wildflower Meadows. This makes Adammia the third nation – alongside Austenasia and the Grove – to have official diplomatic ties with the Principality.
Foreign Office opens window for diplomacy requests
The Foreign Office has announced that up until the end of August, requests for diplomatic relations will be considered. Since 2014, the Foreign Office has maintained a policy of refusing to consider requests for diplomacy due to the sheer volume usually received, instead reaching out on its own initiative to request formal ties with nations in which it is interested. This policy was temporarily lifted for two weeks last July at the proposal of Lord William Wilson, the Prime Minister, as part of a wider “summer of diplomacy” in 2022 that also saw a state visit and various treaty signings. As a direct result of last year’s application window, the Empire entered into mutual recognition with Avalonia, the Gymnasium State, New Athens, Revalia, Salanda, and Snagov. A formal treaty has since been signed with Revalia, and discussions opened regarding treaties with the Gymnasium State and Snagov. A form has been published for the use of foreign governments interested in applying for diplomatic relations with Austenasia.