The Pulse of the Empire, Delivered to You

Independence Day party held at Imperial Residence

A celebration attended by various dignitaries was held yesterday at the Imperial Residence in celebration of Austenasia’s tenth Independence Day. The party, hosted by Emperor Jonathan I and his parents, was attended by Princess Hannah of Wildflower Meadows, Adam I of Adammia, Lord John Gordon of Palasia, the two leaders of Lundenwic (a nation with which Austenasia does not currently have diplomatic relations but is in the process of negotiating), and Lord Michael and Dame Rosalind (uncle and aunt of the Emperor). For most of the guests, it was their first time meeting each other in person, and so plenty of friendly discussion was able to be had. Various parlour games were also played towards the end of the evening. Several of the guests took the opportunity to sign the Wrythe Convention, an international treaty condemning falsehoods, deception and sockpuppeting within the community of small nations. The very first physical Austenasian flag to be made was hung up in Parliament Hall, having been taken out of storage for the occasion. Each attendee received a complimentary commemorative coin, and several guests were also granted peerages and knighthoods by the Emperor.

Cannabis legalised in Terentia

A meeting of Terentia Town Council earlier today legalised the consumption of cannabis in the town. Since the passing of the Drugs Acts 2015, illegal drugs have been classified as either Class A or Class B. Local authorities are permitted to legalise Class B drugs, which otherwise by default are illegal. Cannabis, a Class B drug, has also been legalised in the towns of Palasia since September 2015 and New Richmond since April 2016. The meeting of Terentia Town Council discussed a minimum age limit, but eventually decided against the measure, legalising cannabis completely.

Local election results in

The results of yesterday’s local elections are now in. Elections for the office of Representative took place in the towns of Thanasia, Palasia, New Richmond and Harenfall. In Palasia and New Richmond, the incumbents – Lord John Gordon and Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, respectively – were re-elected. In Thanasia, Countess Eritoshi – who had served as the town’s Representative since its foundation in May 2013 – was replaced by her sister, Lady Imogen, who has chosen to assume the pseudonym of Lady Strawberry. In Harenfall, every voter voted to abstain. The incumbent, Lord Sivert MacLean, has remained as Acting Representative, and he will soon take part in discussions with the Emperor and Prime Minister in regards to the future of the town.

Countess Eritoshi not to run for local election as candidates confirmed

The candidates have been confirmed for the local elections being held on 28 May. Local elections for Representatives will take place in the towns of Thanasia, Palasia, New Richmond, and Harenfall. In Palasia, New Richmond, and Harenfall, the incumbents – Lord John Gordon, Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, and Lord Sivert MacLean, respectively – are standing unopposed for re-election. In Thanasia, however, the incumbent Representative, former Prime Minister HIH Countess Eritoshi, is not running for re-election. Her younger sister, Lady Imogen, is running instead. This decision marks a continuation of the Augusta’s decision to gradually withdraw from politics, having resigned as Chief Ambassador in March.

Emperor announces local elections as exile ends

As his final fortnight of exile comes to an end, His Imperial Majesty the Emperor has announced local elections for four of the Empire’s ten towns: Thanasia, Palasia, New Richmond and Harenfall. The local election will take place on 28 May next month. Those eligible, between the 7th and 14th of May, may stand to be elected their town’s Representative. Since 8 April, Emperor Jonathan I has been in exile from Austenasia, voluntarily serving out a recommended sentence given after the outcome of a trial he arranged after pledging to have the legality of actions he committed while still Crown Prince against Esmond III examined by a court. The Emperor was sentenced to three fortnights of exile, the timing of which would be at his discretion. This final fortnight of exile was served primarily at the Austenasian Embassy to the United Kingdom in Roehampton. In one of the amendments to the Constitution passed last year, local elections can now take place in one or some towns instead of all at once. This is the first time since then that such has taken place. Although the Emperor’s self-imposed exile is now at an end, he will spend six days with his unmarried partner Princess Consort Hannah at her university accomodation in the British city of Chester before travelling back to Wrythe. He will arrive back at Carshalton station on the evening of Thursday 28th.

Incumbents stand for local elections

Yesterday saw the end of the week-long period during which those wishing to stand for election as Representative at the end of the month could announce that they would be doing so. In each of the ten Towns of Austenasia, the incumbent Representative or Acting Representative was the only person who announced that they would be standing. This scenario was not unexpected. On Twitter, Emperor Jonathan I wrote that the nation-wide lack of competition for the office of Representative showed “local elections every five years makes far more sense than every two years”, referring to one of the constitutional amendments that will also be voted on at the end of the month. As only a single candidate is standing in each Town, voters will have the option to cast an Abstain vote under the terms of an Imperial Edict passed in 2013. Should there be more votes to abstain than for the candidate in any Town, a new vote will be called for that Town in which more people will be encouraged to stand. The candidates for each Town are as follows: Wrythe: HIM Emperor Jonathan I Zephyria: Lord Marshal William K., Baron of Zephyria Thanasia: HIH Eritoshi, Countess of Memphis Palasia: Lord John Gordon, Baron of Zephyria Lichtenstein: Lord Charles Clarke, Duke of Grantabridge Porthbokon: Lady Evren Filgert, Duchess of Dumnonia New Richmond: HIH Lord Admiral Joseph Kennedy, Count of Greater Richmond Shineshore: Lord Rear Admiral Alastair Cranston, Duke of New Virginia Terentia: Lord Vice Admiral Eren (formerly Jacob) Lewis, Baron of Terentia Harenfall: Lord Sivert MacLean, Duke of Redcaster

Palasian Left Unity founded

Lord John Gordon has founded Palasian Left Unity as a political party. The party supports an absolute monarchy, the legalisation of marijuana, national service, and a halt on expansion. Palasian Left Unity currently has two members, who have been appointed constables by Palasia’s Police Inspector Airan Bloomfield after strong arguments taking place in the town between supporters of the two candidates for next month’s general election. Palasian Left Unity is the second Austenasian political party, joining the Conservative Party, which was founded in October last year by Lord Charles (then known as Hengest) Crannis.

Local Election candidates confirmed

Those standing for Representative in next month’s local election have been confirmed. All incumbents are standing for election, with some at present only being Acting Representatives due to their Towns having joined the Empire after the most recent local elections in November last year. In no Town is there an opposing candidate standing for election, but this does not mean that there will be only one choice on the ballot paper. All subjects will have an option to abstain – should the option to abstain gain more votes than the candidate, the respective Town Council may take power for itself or appoint a new Acting Representative. Those standing for election to the office of Representative are: In Wrythe: HIM Emperor Jonathan I In Zephyria: Lord Marshal William, Baron of Zephyria In Thanasia: HIH Eritoshi, Countess of Memphis In Palasia: Lord John Gordon, Baron of Palasia In Lichtenstein: Lord Hengest Crannis, Duke of Grantabridge In Porthbokon: Lady Evren Filgert, Duchess of Dumnonia In New Richmond: HIH Joseph Nobilissimus Caesar In Shineshore: Lord Alastair Cranston, Duke of New Virginia

Palasia gains new resident

Austenasia’s population has increased by one, with a friend of Lord John Gordon taking up permanent residence in Palasia. Airan Bloomfield, who has been appointed head of Palasia Police Force, moved to Palasia late last month. This has brought the total population of the Empire up to 42, and also made Palasia the most populated Town in Austenasia, with five residents.

Winter begins as Palasia threatened with storm evacuation

His Imperial Majesty the Emperor has announced the official start of winter 2013-4 in the Austenasian calendar, as a storm forces thousands from their homes in the United Kingdom. In the UK, two people have died and tens of thousands of homes are without electricity due to the storm, with winds over 100 mph having been recorded in some locations. Thousands have been evacuated from their homes in preparation for a storm surge along the east coast of England. Deputy Prime Minister Lord John Gordon informed government officials over Skype earlier today that his town of Palasia has been put under a state of emergency, being situated close to the areas in which the British government has issued flood warnings. He also noted that flooding of Palasia was “anticipated” and evacuation was “possible”. Other areas of mainland Austenasia are not thought to be so much at risk, although all have been experiencing above-average wind speeds throughout the day, with heavy rain falling in Greater Wrythe this afternoon. Glencrannog is forecasted to have sleet and strong winds tonight, but that is unlikely to affect its non-existent population. The Emperor has sent a message of support to Palasia and advised all residents to stay indoors should they be worried about the weather. UPDATE 6 DECEMBER 11:00 – Lord John Gordon has informed the Emperor that the residents of Palasia “are all fine”, and that despite it being “very windy with a bit of flooding” there was “nothing serious”. The state of emergency within Palasia, under which Lord John had been given emergency powers, has also been lifted.